Bachelor's and Master's Theses, Guided Research Projects, ...
Guidelines and Template
The following document contains extensive information about Student Theses at our chair:
Guidelines for Student Theses
Templates will be provided by your advisor.
Hover over the abbreviations to see the long type descriptions.
Open theses
Title | Type | Advisors | Year | Links |
Benchmarking Blockchain-Based Applications | IDP, BA | Fabian Stiehle, Filip Rezabek | 2025 |
Quantum-Secure Communication Protocols in Time-Sensitive Networks | IDP, BA, MA | Filip Rezabek, Dominik Marchsreiter | 2025 |
Optimization of IPv6 Aliased Prefix Detection | BA, MA | Lion Steger, Johannes Zirngibl | 2025 |
Design and Implementation of a TGA Evaluation Platform | BA, IDP | Lion Steger, Johannes Zirngibl | 2025 |
Assessment of Post-Quantum Threshold Signing Systems | MA | Filip Rezabek, Holger Kinkelin, Dominik Marchsreitner | 2025 |
Implementing a Monitoring System for Internet Scans | IDP | Tim Betzer, Christian Dietze | 2025 |
Tutor for iLabX | Hiwi | Kilian Holzinger, Johannes Späth, Tim Betzer | 2024 | |
Generating Experiment Documentation Websites for RO-Crate | IDP | Eric Hauser | 2024 |
Data Modeling for Hardware Component Information in Testbeds | IDP | Eric Hauser | 2024 |
iLabX Course Content Maintenance | Hiwi | Kilian Holzinger, Johannes Späth, Tim Betzer | 2024 | |
Forward Erasure Correction Coding in QUIC | IDP, MA | Kilian Holzinger, Stefan Lachnit | 2023 |
Emulation of a Robust Two-Wheeled Inverted Pendulum | IDP, MA | Stephan M. Günther, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2022 |
Running theses
Student | Title | Type | Advisors | Year | Links |
Krishna Mavani | Leveraging Self-Custody Models for Promoting Financial Inclusion | MA | Filip Rezabek, Suzana Moreno | 2025 |
tba | Leveraging RO-Crates with Internet Scan Data | BA | Christian Dietze, Tim Betzer | 2025 |
Thomas Dietrich | Secure and Verifiable Provenance of Testbed Results | BA | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Stefan Genchev, Nina Schwanke | 2025 | |
Eduard Rupp | Improving Efficiency of IPv6 Measurements | IDP | Lion Steger, Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl | 2024 | |
Dan Lionis | Design of Tests for Peer-to-Peer Systems | IDP | Lion Steger, Kilian Glas | 2024 |
Aleksandar Vasilev | Assessment of Transactions Ordering of First-Come-First-Serve Blockchains in the Wild | MA | Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Burak Öz | 2024 |
Eddie Groh | Evaluation of Data Availability Sampling Schemes | IDP | Kilian Glas, Filip Rezabek | 2024 | |
Nikolas Gauder | Accelerating QUIC with XDP | IDP | Marcel Kempf, Johannes Späth, Benedikt Jaeger | 2024 |
Luis Kleinheinz | Blockchain-Support for Scientific Testbed Management | BA | Holger Kinkelin, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Kilian Glas | 2024 |
Alexander Stephan | Matching Ingress Traffic to Processes Using Linux eBPF | IDP | Lars Wüstrich, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2024 | |
Lorenz Lehle | Traffic Correlation Graphs | MA | Kilian Holzinger, Lars Wüstrich | 2024 | |
Fabian Heinrich | Asynchronous Traffic Shaping with UBS/LRQ | BA | Florian Wiedner, Max Helm | 2024 |
Maximilian Seilmaier | Performance and Security Assessment of Virtualization Technologies for Secure User-Space Networking | IDP | Florian Wiedner, Filip Rezabek | 2024 | |
Ulug Varnali | Data Processing, Visualization, and Root Cause Analysis of Dynamic Routing Algorithms | BA | Florian Wiedner, Johannes Späth | 2024 | |
Isabella Rödl | Implementation of a Practical Lab Assignment for Software Defined Networking | IDP | Manuel Simon | 2024 | |
Konstantin Wiencke | Performance Analysis of a SmartNIC running DPDK | IDP | Manuel Simon, Stefan Lachnit | 2024 | |
Simon Karan Guayana | Extending the pos Framework for Complex Topologies of Virtual Testbeds | IDP | Marcel Kempf, Eric Hauser, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2024 | |
Angelo Kleinert | Assessing the Energy Consumption of QUIC | IDP | Kilian Holzinger, Johannes Späth | 2024 | |
Rayen Manai | Evaluation of Methods for Enhancing Web Applications Integrity | BA | Stefan Genchev, Kilian Glas | 2024 | |
Thomas Senftl | High-Performance Network Emulation | IDP | Stefan Lachnit, Kilian Holzinger, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2024 | |
Désirée Rentz | Deployment of a 5G Network on the SLICES-TUM Research Infrastructure for Reproducible Experiments | IDP | Manuel Simon, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2024 | |
Nicolas Haunschild | Evaluating the Performance of the P4 Kernel Software Target P4TC | BA | Manuel Simon | 2024 | |
Michael Haden | Testbed Improvements | Hiwi | Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe, Marcel Kempf, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2024 | |
Michael Haden | Increasing Path Diversity of QUIC using MASQUE and Multipath | MA | Kilian Holzinger, Johannes Späth, Marcel Kempf | 2024 | |
Sebastian Haug | Optimizing Threshold Signing with Time Sensitive Networking | BA, MA | Filip Rezabek, Holger Kinkelin | 2024 |
Alexander Daichendt | Analysis and Modeling of Effects of Hardware Architecture on Network Performance | MA | Florian Wiedner, Stefan Lachnit | 2024 | |
Florian Klein | Realistic Synthetic Benchmarks for QUIC & HTTP/3 | BA | Kilian Holzinger, Stefan Lachnit, Daniel Petri | 2024 | |
Moritz Buhl | Quantitative Comparison of QUIC Deployment Options | MA | Kilian Holzinger, Marcel Kempf, Sebastian Rust | 2024 | |
Max Reimann | Identifying Trends in Aftermarket Domain Sales | MA | Christian Dietze, Patrick Sattler | 2024 | |
Ben Asam | Evaluating Methods for Increasing AS Coverage of IPv6 Hitlists | BA | Lion Steger, Michael Oberrauch, Tim Betzer | 2024 | |
TBA | Cloud Based eID User Identification | BA, MA | Stefan Genchev, Lars Wüstrich | 2024 |
Saloni Mordekar | Analysis and Measurement of Internet Security Best Practices | BA | Tim Betzer, Christian Dietze | 2024 | |
Mathias Mayer | Modeling Time-Sensitive Networking in Virtualization vs. Hardware | MA | Florian Wiedner, Max Helm, Jihye Kim | 2024 | |
Leonard Maass | Improving Usability and Accessibility of existing Web Applications | BA | Florian Wiedner, Stefan Lachnit | 2024 | |
Alexandru-Razvan Cacovean | YANG for Testbed Experiment Topologies | BA | Eric Hauser, Johannes Späth, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2024 | |
Kento Grüner | Performance Measurements of the 802.11ac and 802.11ax Standards | BA | Leander Seidlitz, Jonas Andre | 2023 |
Finished theses
Author | Title | Type | Advisors | Year | Links |
Matthias Kirstein | Happy Eyeballs: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Deployment and Configuration Across Various Versions and Implementations | BA | Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Lars Wüstrich | 2024 | |
Kilian Warmuth | Reproducible Experiment Workflows | MA | Eric Hauser, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2024 | |
Dimitar Vasilev | Sourcing Service-Specific IPv6-Hitlists using IPv4 Port Scans and Subdomain Analysis | BA | Patrick Sattler, Lion Steger, Johannes Zirngibl | 2024 | |
Tobias Wothge | ASQ-GINO: Answering Scoped Queries with the Global INternet Observatory | MA | Patrick Sattler, Lion Steger, Johannes Zirngibl | 2024 | |
Arian Mehmanesh | Matrix Federation via the NYM Anonymous Mix Network | MA | Leander Seidlitz, Lion Steger | 2024 | |
Anna Wimbauer | LLM-based Attack Graphs Generation for Security Risk Analysis | MA | Lion Steger, Kilian Glas, Max Helm | 2024 | |
Aytunc Tunay | Privacy-Preserving Mobility Analysis through Zero-Knowledge Methods | MA | Lion Steger, Kilian Glas | 2024 |
Jenna Gudehege | Analysis of IPv6 Hitlist sources | BA | Lion Steger, Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl | 2024 |
Kay Schneider | Oblivious HTTP: Assessing the State of the Art | BA | Lion Steger, Marcel Kempf | 2024 |
Guilherme Stark | Design of a Benchmarking Framework for MASQUE-Proxies | BA | Lion Steger, Marcel Kempf | 2024 |
Severin Schmidmeier | Design of Hacking Challenges on Network Security | IDP | Lion Steger, Holger Kinkelin | 2024 |
Cem Denizsel | Assessment of zk-EVM Attestations Approaches | MA | Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas | 2024 | |
Murad Muradli | Detection and Analysis of Cross-Chain Arbitrages Between Ethereum and Polygon | MA | Burak Öz, Filip Rezabek | 2024 | |
Thomas Wagner | Quantifying Cross-Chain Rebalancing Arbitrage Between Ethereum and Polygon | MA | Burak Öz, Filip Rezabek | 2024 | |
Alexander Hölzl | Realistic Digital Twin for Time-Sensitive Networking Experiments | MA | Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek | 2024 | |
Zafer Tan Cankiri | Cyber-Physical Twin for Networking Used in Autonomous Driving | MA | Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek | 2024 | |
Anna Efa | Assessment of Modern Identity Systems | GR | Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas | 2024 | |
Nicolas Buchner | Assessment of TSN capabilities on Physical and Virtual Network Interfaces | MA | Filip Rezabek, Marcin Bosk | 2024 | |
Ilteber Ayvaci | Data Collection Pipeline for Blockchain Platforms | MA | Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas | 2024 | |
Veronika Bauer | Evaluation of SNARK Generation Tools in Private Infrastructure | IDP | Kilian Glas, Filip Rezabek | 2024 | |
Louis Pydde | Efficient x509 Certificate Metadata Store | IDP | Patrick Sattler, Lion Steger, Christian Dietze | 2024 | |
Bechir Boujelbene | Analyzing the Characteristics of Shop Floor Networks | BA | Lars Wüstrich | 2024 |
Peter Fam | An Analysis of the Effects of Cyber Attacks on the Network Traffic Characteristics of Shop Floor Networks | MA | Lars Wüstrich, Holger Kinkelin | 2024 |
Saloni Mordekar | iLab: Improving the Selfstudying Experience | Hiwi | Tim Betzer, Kilian Holzinger, Johannes Späth, Henning Stubbe | 2024 | |
Marco Rubin | Exploring the viability of Large Language Models for the assessment of free text answers in an educational environment | MA | Christoph Schwarzenberg, Lars Wüstrich, Christian Lübben | 2024 | |
Tien Doan Viet | Interactive and Continuous Visualization of Traffic Causality Graphs | BA | Lars Wüstrich | 2024 | |
Aida Begzadic | Performance Optimization Strategies for Source-Accessible Web Applications | BA | Florian Wiedner, Lars Wüstrich | 2024 | |
Tim Betzer | Graph-based Modeling and Analysis of the TLS Ecosystem | MA | Markus Sosnowski | 2024 | |
Sebastian Warter | Packet Processing with Programmable Data Planes and Trusted Execution Environments | MA | Manuel Simon, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2024 | |
Dominik Ritzenhoff | Implementing Forward Erasure Correction in quic-go | IDP | Marcel Kempf, Johannes Späth, Kilian Holzinger, Francois Michel | 2024 | |
Jonas Fromm | Reliable MASQUE with Multipath QUIC | MA | Marcel Kempf, Lion Steger, Kilian Holzinger | 2024 | |
Melanie Demmler | Analysis of QUIC’s Acknowledgment Frequency and Proposed Extension Mechanisms | BA | Marcel Kempf, Johannes Zirngibl, Johannes Späth | 2024 | |
Daniel Petri Rocha | State-of-the-art Multipath Scheduler for QUIC | MA | Kilian Holzinger, Marcel Kempf | 2024 |
Jonas Merforth | Modeling Web Page Performance Improvements via Loading Graphs and Testbed Simulations | MA | Markus Sosnowski, Florian Wiedner | 2024 |
Felix Schwartz | Design and Implementation of a Practical Lab Assignment for IoT and Smart Home | BA | Christoph Schwarzenberg, Stefan Lachnit, Marcel Kempf, Christian Lübben | 2024 | |
David Friedlein | pos + LLMs: A Natural Language Interface to Reproducible Testbed Experiments | BA | Johannes Späth, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2024 |
Yalım Çağatay Bilgin | Digital Twins in Networks: A Comprehensive Tool for Simulation, Analysis, and Real-Time Adaptation | MA | Christoph Schwarzenberg, Max Helm, Johannes Späth | 2024 | |
Vera Wesselkamp | Security Aspects of the MLS Protocol beyond Building Blocks | MA | Cas Cremers, Lars Wüstrich | 2024 | |
Amal Smaoui | Design and Implementation of a Configurable QUIC Workload Framework | BA | Kilian Holzinger, Stefan Lachnit | 2024 | |
David Wachtler | Security and Privacy Characteristics of eIDAS Trust Services | BA | Stefan Genchev, Filip Rezabek | 2024 | |
Benjamin Schaible | Ensuring the Integrity of Submissions in Digital eLearning Platforms | BA | Florian Wiedner, Lars Wüstrich | 2024 | |
Robin Wölfel | Correction Workflow Optimizations for Practical Network Courses | BA | Florian Wiedner, Lars Wüstrich | 2024 | |
Alexander Daichendt | Secure User-Space Networking in Lightweight Virtual Machines Using TEEs | IDP | Florian Wiedner, Stefan Lachnit, Filip Rezabek, Jonas Andre | 2024 | |
Divij Malik | Analysis and Optimization of Containerization Techniques towards Low-Latency | BA | Florian Wiedner, Filip Rezabek | 2024 | |
Christoph Wen | A Live-Monitoring System for Low-Latency Network Traffic | MA | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Eric Hauser, Manuel Simon | 2024 | |
Simon Tietz | Pacing in the QUIC Protocol | BA | Marcel Kempf, Johannes Späth, Benedikt Jaeger | 2024 | |
Simon Borowski | Macro View on Smart Contracts and their Processing Overhead | IDP | Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Richard von Seck | 2023 | |
Kilian Warmuth | Implementation of a Testing Toolchain for a Scientific Measurement Tool | IDP | Stefan Lachnit, Eric Hauser, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2023 |
Andreas Cselovsyky | Exploring the Physical Locations of iCloud Private Relay Egress Nodes | BA | Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Lion Steger | 2023 | |
Christian Benedikt Dietze | Tracking the Lifetime of Domains | MA | Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler | 2023 |
Lukas Schröder | Data Plane based Optimization for Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus | MA | Richard von Seck, Manuel Simon | 2023 |
Simon Entholzer | Congestion Control Evaluation for Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus | MA | Richard von Seck, Benedikt Jaeger, Kilian Glas | 2023 | |
Moritz Buhl | QUIC Kernel: an In-Kernel Port and Socket Abstraction Layer | IDP | Johannes Zirngibl, Benedikt Jaeger, Kilian Holzinger, Marcel Kempf | 2023 | |
Nikolas Gauder | Performance Evaluation of Cryptography in QUIC | BA | Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl, Marcel Kempf | 2023 | |
Raphael Stadler | QUICkly Reaching Maximum Throughput: A Comparative Evaluation of QUIC Implementations | BA | Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl, Marcel Kempf | 2023 | |
Johannes Späth | QUIC Performance Improvements Using DPDK | MA | Johannes Zirngibl, Benedikt Jaeger, Kilian Holzinger, Marcel Kempf | 2023 | |
Adrian Pesch | Building a stealthy SSH and Web Honeypot | MA | Fabian Franzen, Lion Steger | 2023 | |
Franz Bauernschmitt | Evalution of Network Categorization Strategies | BA | Lion Steger, Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler | 2023 |
Jason Lochert | Operating High-Performance Networking Devices | IDP | Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Eric Hauser | 2023 |
Leon Krix | On-The-Fly Network Erasure Coding Protocol for Delay and Loss-Sensitive Data | BA | Henning Stubbe, Kilian Holzinger | 2023 |
Michael Oberrauch | Towards Running Arbitrary Programs on SUME | MA | Henning Stubbe, Eric Hauser, Manuel Simon | 2023 |
Ali Sabbagh | Assessment of Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) Mitigation Techniques | MA | Filip Rezabek, Burak Öz | 2023 | |
Daniel Gockel | Evaluation of State Channel Approaches on Smart Contract Platforms | BA | Kilian Glas, Filip Rezabek | 2023 | |
Ahmet Öztürk Atacan Iyidogan | Graphical User Interface and Onboard Tool for Experiment Evaluation Framework | IDP | Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek | 2023 | |
Lukas Schröder | Clustering Autonomous System Prefixes using BGP Data | IDP | Max Helm, Patrick Sattler | 2023 | |
Iñigo Varas | Autonomous System Models using BGP Data and GNNs | BA | Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler | 2023 |
Marco Dollinger | Learning k-opt Heuristics for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Graph Neural Networks and Deep Reinforcement Learning | BA | Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger | 2023 | |
Aleksandar Arnaudov | Network Parameter Optimization using Extreme Value Theory Models | BA | Max Helm, Florian Wiedner | 2023 | |
Marc Sinner | Design and Evaluation of a Decentralized Blockchain Ticketing System | MA | Filip Rezabek | 2023 | |
Phillip Kemper | Assessment of ZK-EVM-based Rollups for Blockchain Scalability | MA | Kilian Glas, Filip Rezabek | 2023 | |
Dennis Irrgang | Interaction of Rate-Limited Network Interfaces with TSN Queuing Disciplines | BA | Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek | 2023 | |
Achraf Aroua | Assessment of Ethereum after the Merge | MA | Filip Rezabek | 2023 | |
Tizian Leonhardt | Private Computing on Permissionless Blockchains | IDP | Filip Rezabek | 2023 | |
Gopi Mehta | Exploring Reputation Systems for Permissionless Blockchains | MA | Filip Rezabek | 2023 | |
Leonardo Fraquelli | Assessment of Scalable Blockchain Solutions | MA | Filip Rezabek | 2023 | |
Reshma Vasudevan | Threshold Cryptography Optimization using Time-Sensitive Networking | MA | Filip Rezabek | 2023 | |
Nina Schwanke | Modeling Network Characteristics of Blockchain Protocols | MA | Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck, Kilian Glas | 2023 | |
Riko Woborschil | Adaptive routing in the Babel Routing Protocol based on Quality of Service | BA | Florian Wiedner, Jonas Andre | 2023 | |
Niklas Beck | Root Cause Analysis for Throughput Limitations of QUIC Connections | MA | Simon Bauer, Johannes Zirngibl | 2023 | |
Simon Hülkenberg | Large-Scale TCP Root Cause Analysis in Go | MA | Simon Bauer, Kilian Holzinger | 2023 |
Marius Schlüter | A Telemetry System for a Solar Car | IDP | Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2023 | |
Stefan Genchev | Trustworthy Remote Signing | MA | Lars Wüstrich | 2023 | |
Lukas Bernwald | Towards Consistency in Distributed REST API Caching | MA | Markus Sosnowski, Richard von Seck | 2023 | |
Dan Bachar | Enhancing Distributed REST APIs on the Fly | BA | Markus Sosnowski, Florian Wiedner | 2023 | |
Jessica Jivanjee | Local AI-based Network Anomaly Detection | BA | Christian Lübben, Holger Kinkelin, Lars Wüstrich | 2023 |
Uros Maletic | Evaluating the Impact of Data Pre-Processing to Improve Data Privacy on Machine Learning | BA | Lars Wüstrich, Holger Kinkelin | 2023 | |
Ferdinand List | Cooperation and Communication of Swarming UAVs in Disturbed Environments | MA | Christian Lübben, Holger Kinkelin | 2023 | |
Felix Frauenschuh | Evaluation of a light-weight approach for device-specific anomaly detection in an IoT network | MA | Christian Lübben, Holger Kinkelin | 2023 | |
Luca Otting | Improving QUIC with User Space Networking | BA | Kilian Holzinger, Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl | 2023 | |
Alexander Anton Keil | Comparison of One-Way Delay Measurement Approaches | BA | Kilian Holzinger, Florian Wiedner, Henning Stubbe | 2023 | |
Thomas Senftl | Flexible Precise Path Property Emulation | BA | Kilian Holzinger, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Stefan Lachnit | 2023 |
David Weissmann | The Impact of iCloud Private Relay on Networks | BA | Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl | 2023 | |
Désirée Rentz | Testing and Grading of Low-Layer Network Programming Assignments Using Concepts of Behavior Driven Development | BA | Markus Sosnowski, Leander Seidlitz, Manuel Simon, Stephan Günther | 2023 | |
Simon Wessling | Development And Application of a Hybrid Security Assessment Methodology For Source-Accessible Web Applications | MA | Lars Wüstrich, Florian Wiedner | 2023 | |
Benedikt Schwankner | Modeling ATS Queue Levels using GNNs | BA | Max Helm, Christoph Schwarzenberg | 2023 |
Aria Talebizadeh-Dashtestani | Efficient Routing in TSN-ATS using GNNs | BA | Max Helm, Christoph Schwarzenberg | 2023 |
Paul Stephan | Improvements to Reliable Multipath Forward Error Correction | BA | Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe | 2023 | |
Alexander Waldner | Delay-Bound Analysis using Time-Sensitive Networking with Asynchronous Traffic Shaping and Back-Pressure Based Routing | BA | Christoph Schwarzenberg, Florian Wiedner | 2023 |
Yalım Çağatay Bilgin | Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Collaborative Editing Tool for Hardware-Based Lab Courses | IDP | Christoph Schwarzenberg, Manuel Simon, Christian Lübben, Florian Wiedner | 2023 |
Utku Güngör | Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Collaborative Editing Tool for Hardware-Based Lab Courses | IDP | Christoph Schwarzenberg, Manuel Simon, Christian Lübben, Florian Wiedner | 2023 |
Xuanqi Xiao | vLab Regression Testing | Hiwi | Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe | 2023 |
Tim Betzer | iLab Lab Tests in the vLab | Hiwi | Christoph Schwarzenberg, Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe | 2023 |
Lap Shun Yu | Implementing and Benchmarking Secure Multiparty Computation Protocols with DPDK | MA | Christopher Harth-Kitzerow, Manuel Simon, Eric Hauser | 2023 |
Felix Hahn | Failure Detection through Active and Passive Techniques in P4 | BA | Manuel Simon, Eric Hauser | 2023 | |
Mika Mampe | eID User Guidance for Service Providers | BA | Lars Wüstrich, Stefan Genchev | 2023 |
Lilo Walter | Collaborative Experiment Result Collection in Hardware-Based Lab Courses | IDP | Lars Wüstrich, Florian Wiedner | 2023 | |
Julian Gassner | Performance Monitoring for the iLab-Labsystem | BA | Lars Wüstrich, Florian Wiedner | 2023 | |
Florian Hoppe | Partially Automated Plagiarism Detection for University Courses with Continuous Free Text Tasks | BA | Lars Wüstrich, Florian Wiedner, Christoph Schwarzenberg | 2023 | |
Tobias Wothge | Egress Node Behavior in iCloud Private Relay | IDP | Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Lars Wüstrich, Lion Steger | 2023 | |
Felix Christ | MASQUE-Proxying in User-Space | MA | Kilian Holzinger, Lion Steger | 2023 |
Michael Hackl | Improvements to Convolutional Forward Erasure Correction Coding | IDP | Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe, Stefan Lachnit | 2023 |
Nico Greger | Improvements to Forward Erasure Correction Coding | IDP | Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe, Stefan Lachnit | 2023 |
Nadeeshani William | Eventually Consistent and Resilient CBDC System | MA | Kilian Glas, Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck, Peter Zeller | 2023 |
Mostafa Abdelrahman | Threshold Signatures for Digital Currency Payment Protocols | MA | Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Franziska Kreitmair, Lars Hupel | 2023 |
Eric Brendel | Scalable Off-Chain Computing on Data Streams using Trusted Execution Environments | BA | Filip Rezabek, Dr. Xinxin Fan | 2023 |
Eber Christer | Scalable Cloud-based Computing relying on Trusted Execution Environments | BA | Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Dr. Xinxin Fan | 2023 |
Dominik Pham | Towards Trustless CA | BA, MA | Kilian Glas, Holger Kinkelin, Filip Rezabek | 2023 |
Alexander Daichendt | Optimizing LXC Container by integrating SR-IOV for Low-Latency Networking | GR | Florian Wiedner, Jonas Andre | 2023 | |
Petar Gligoric | Emulator of a Domain-specific Linux Kernel Scheduler | MA | Florian Wiedner, Hagen Pfeiffer, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2023 | |
Ruben Bachmann | Comparison of DPDK-Enabled P4 Software Targets | MA | Manuel Simon, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Stefan Lachnit | 2023 |
Cevin Neubauer | On-the-fly attachable Network Analysis | BA | Florian Wiedner, Christoph Schwarzenberg, Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger | 2023 |
Maximilian Lenz | Influence of Load on an Industrial Ethernet Network based on Profinet | BA | Florian Wiedner, Christoph Schwarzenberg, Max Helm | 2023 |
Martin Fritz | State of the Art Assessment of Multipath QUIC | MA | Kilian Holzinger, Lion Steger, Marcel Kempf | 2023 | |
Adam Karamelo | On the penalty of shaping — A spotlight on ATS | BA | Florian Wiedner, Max Helm | 2023 |
Dominik Kreutzer | Hardware-assisted instant virtual infrastructure | IDP | Florian Wiedner, Jonas Andre | 2023 |
Louis Pydde | TLS Certificate Usage Evaluation | BA | Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl | 2023 |
Moritz Haid | Impact of a TEE on QUIC Performance | BA | Marcel Kempf, Filip Rezabek, Johannes Zirngibl, Benedikt Jaeger | 2023 |
Konstantin Kissel | Token-based Resource Management - A Currency for Scientific Testbeds | BA | Holger Kinkelin, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe | 2023 |
Jonas Herz | Secure light-weight low-latency virtual networking | BA | Florian Wiedner, Filip Rezabek | 2023 |
Merve Kilicarslan | Quantized Private Inference of Neural Networks using Secure Multiparty Computation | MA | Christopher Harth-Kitzerow, Marcel Kempf | 2023 |
Timm Bauer | User Guidance for Remote Qualified Electronic Signatures | BA | Lars Wüstrich | 2023 | |
Tobias Zierl | Evaluating Domain Presence in Certificate Transparency Logs | BA | Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl | 2023 | |
Benedikt Ruben Schaschko | Inferring AS Links from a Tier 1 Dataset | BA | Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl | 2023 | |
Tobias Wasner | Continuous Monitoring and Quality Assessment of Internet-wide Scans | IDP | Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl | 2023 | |
Adrian Sohn | Design and Implementation of a Systematic Evaluation System for Routing Algorithms | BA | Christoph Schwarzenberg | 2023 | |
Michael Haden | Upgrading iLab | Hiwi | Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe | 2023 |
Sebastian Gosner | Generation of Artificial Industrial Ethernet Traffic | BA | Florian Wiedner, Christoph Schwarzenberg | 2023 | |
Roland Reif | Developing a Methodology for Reproducible and Comparable Penetration Testing | MA | Lars Wüstrich | 2023 | |
Simon Borowski | Structure and Performance of Smart Contracts in Different Ecosystems | MA | Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Richard von Seck | 2022 | |
Shouvik Ghosh Parshant Singh | Extension of the EnGINE Framework and Profiling Blockchains to Identify and Optimize Bottlenecks | IDP | Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck | 2022 | |
Andreas Kramer | Performance Evaluation of Privacy Enhancing Infrastructure | MA | Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck | 2022 | |
Andrei-Cosmin Aprodu | Providing Network Layer Privacy to Blockchain Protocols | IDP | Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck | 2022 | |
Simon Karan Guayana | Analyzing the Effect of Transport Parameters on QUIC’s Performance | BA | Johannes Zirngibl, Benedikt Jaeger | 2022 |
Christoph Schnabl | Private Group Management for Mix Networks | BA | Daniel Hugenroth, Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck | 2022 | |
Marcel Kempf | Analysis of Performance Limitations in QUIC Implementations | MA | Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl | 2022 |
Adrian Pesch | TUMexam - Statistics Export and Visualization | IDP | Stephan Günther, Jonas Andre, Benedikt Jaeger | 2022 | |
Florian Gebauer | Evaluating Different QUIC Scan Approaches | BA | Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler | 2022 |
Yudhistira Wibowo | Analysis of Blocklisted TLS Servers | BA | Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler | 2022 | |
Robert Dillitz | Transformation and Evaluation of TLS Behavior Graphs | MA | Johannes Zirngibl, Benedikt Jaeger, Markus Sosnowski | 2022 |
Ahmet Öztürk | ECDSA Signatures for Efficient Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus in C++ | BA | Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek | 2022 | |
Christoph Probst | Rust-based MASQUE-Proxying for Lower OSI-Layer Protocol Traffic | MA | Lion Steger, Richard von Seck | 2022 |
Christoph Rotte | C++-based MASQUE-Proxying for Lower OSI-Layer Protocol Traffic | IDP | Lion Steger, Richard von Seck | 2022 |
Zhou Lu | Structural Analysis of Internet Measurement Anomalies | MA | Lion Steger, Johannes Zirngibl | 2022 |
Liming Kuang | Target Generation for IPv6 Hitlists | BA | Lion Steger, Johannes Zirngibl | 2022 |
Sebastian Faul | Virtualized Testbed Infrastructure for Practical Network Experiment | BA | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe, Florian Wiedner | 2022 | |
Maximilian Schwarzmaier | Hardware Discovery Protocol Support for Programmable Switches | BA | Eric Hauser, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2022 | |
Stefan Lachnit | Comparison of Hardware Timestamping Facilities for 100G Networks | MA | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe, Florian Wiedner, Eric Hauser | 2022 | |
Nicolas Buchner | Integration of OPC UA into a Reproducible Testbed Framework | IDP | Filip Rezabek, Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger | 2022 | |
Johannes Pfannschmidt | Feasibility Study of Threshold BLS Signature Scheme for Tamper-Resistance Signature Service | BA | Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck, Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2022 |
Altan Kesan | Virtualizing T4P4S-based Programmable Network Elements | MA | Florian Wiedner, Manuel Simon | 2022 |
Andrei Lebedev | A Cross-Protocol Blockchain Benchmark System | MA | Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2022 |
Monika Smolarska | An Interactive Tool for Performance Bound Calculation in TSN and Non-TSN Networks | MA | Max Helm | 2022 | |
Leon Kist | Comparison of TSN Qbv Schedule Validity and Quality in Network Simulators and Hardware Setups | IDP | Max Helm, Christoph Schwarzenberg | 2022 | |
Christopher Pfefferle | Learning Spatio-Temporal Patterns for Network Delay with GNNs | MA | Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger | 2022 | |
Christopher Pfefferle | Machine-Learning-based Delay Prediction Capability Comparison | IDP | Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger | 2022 |
Zhang Chengye | Machine-learning-based optimization of IEEE 802.1 Qbv Schedule Generation | GR | Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger | 2022 |
Timo Michael Saunus | Software-based Security for Intellectual Property and Collaboration | MA | Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek, Holger Kinkelin | 2022 | |
Justus von der Beek | TEE Support for Digital Data Marketplaces | IDP | Filip Rezabek, Holger Kinkelin, Richard von Seck | 2022 | |
Roland Warta | Monitoring of DetNet Flow Requirements | BA | Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe, Filip Rezabek | 2022 |
Tibor Aufdemkamp | eBPF-based One-Way Delay Measurement using Synchronized Clocks | BA | Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe, Florian Wiedner | 2022 |
Atacan Iyidogan | Implementing the “Hierarchical Link Sharing” Scheduling Algorithm for the INET Framework and OMNeT++ Simulator | BA | Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek | 2022 | |
Stefan Madzharov | NFT Recommendation System and Behavior-Analysis of Distributed Ledger Systems using Transaction Data | MA | Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck, Antonius Gress, Dominik Mueller | 2022 | |
Davide Alessi | Integration of Security Protocols into an Intra-Vehicle Networks Communication System | IDP | Filip Rezabek, Marcin Bosk | 2022 | |
Johannes Abel | Modeling and Simulation of TSN-Enabled Experiments and Their Validation in an Emulated Environment | MA | Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek, Max Helm | 2022 | |
Ibrahim Chanakkaleli | Improving a Threat and Risk Analysis Tool with System Modeling and Network Mapping | BA | Filip Rezabek, Monika Maidl | 2022 | |
Jacob Obrman | Benchmarking Secure Multiparty Computation Protocols | BA | Christopher Harth-Kitzerow, Manuel Simon, Eric Hauser | 2022 |
Philipp Eisermann | Benchmarking MP_SPDZ Secure Multiparty Computation Protocols for different Network Environments | BA | Christopher Harth-Kitzerow, Manuel Simon, Eric Hauser | 2022 |
Dominik Schuler | Evaluation of a Quality-of-Service-aware Routing Concept in Babel | BA | Florian Wiedner, Jonas Andre | 2022 | |
Alexander Daichendt | Lightweight low-latency virtual networking | BA | Florian Wiedner, Jonas Andre | 2022 |
Jonas de Laporte | Hardware-assisted instant virtual network | BA | Florian Wiedner, Benedikt Jaeger | 2022 |
Jan Schopohl | TSN – Cyclic Queuing and Forwarding Shaper on Linux | MA | Florian Wiedner, Christoph Schwarzenberg | 2022 |
Mariem Feriel Sliti | On the penalty of shaping — A spotlight on ATS | BA | Florian Wiedner, Max Helm | 2022 |
Yipeng Liu | Back-Pressure based Routing in Randomized Networks | GR | Christoph Schwarzenberg, Florian Wiedner | 2022 |
Mirko Reimann | Exploring Back-Pressure Based Routing | BA | Christoph Schwarzenberg, Florian Wiedner | 2022 |
Maximilian Eder | Analyzing eLearning statistics to improve digital teaching methods | MA | Christoph Schwarzenberg, Christian Lübben, Florian Wiedner, Lars Wüstrich | 2022 | |
Simon Heinrich | Analysing Back-Pressure based Routing Algorithms | BA | Christoph Schwarzenberg, Florian Wiedner | 2022 |
Oliver Scheit | Git based platform for the management of collaborative teaching content | IDP | Christoph Schwarzenberg, Christian Lübben, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2022 | |
Krishna Mavani | Simulation of a Network Redundancy Protocol | BA | Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe | 2022 |
Hafik Arhan Kamac | Complex Matching in Programmable Software Data Planes | MA | Manuel Simon, Henning Stubbe | 2022 |
Carlos Nechwatal | Cache Efficient Hashing-Based Data Structures in P4 | BA | Manuel Simon, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2022 |
Christian Benedikt Dietze | Setup and Deployment of a Resilient Internet Scanning Infrastructure | IDP | Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl | 2022 |
Janluka Janelidze | Analyzing Robustness and Intrusiveness of Capacity Estimation Tools in the Internet | BA | Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger, Patrick Sattler | 2022 |
Pooja Parasuraman | Refining TCP Root Cause Analysis for Accurate Detection of Limitation Periods | MA | Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger | 2022 | |
Mohammad Shaharyar Shaukat | Measuring the Impact of Transport Layer Protocols and Their Configuration on the Performance of Connections | MA | Simon Bauer, Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl | 2022 | |
Gleina Leka | Active and Passive Measurements of TCP Option Deployment | MA | Simon Bauer, Johannes Zirngibl | 2022 | |
Michael Kutter | Evaluation of Scalability and Limitations of HTTP/3 | BA | Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl | 2022 |
Kevin Ploch | QUIC Performance on 10G Links | BA | Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl | 2022 |
Simon Schäffner | cloudPos: A Portable Toolchain for Reproducible Networking Experiments in Testbeds | MA | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe, Manuel Simon | 2022 |
Tristan Döring | Packet Selection using Concepts from IPFIX and PSAMP | BA | Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe | 2022 |
Nelson Gillo | One-Way Delay Measurement using Data Plane Programming and Synchronized Clocks | BA | Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe | 2022 |
Lorenz Nickel | Validation of Physical Properties in Networked Systems via Acoustic Side-Channels | BA | Lars Wüstrich, Stephan Günther | 2022 | |
Rene Jung | Detecting the Internet Presence of Organizations Utilizing the Graph Structure of the TLS Ecosystem | BA | Markus Sosnowski, Patrick Sattler | 2022 |
Markus Schacherbauer | Designing a Database-Structure for Hardware-Based Lab Courses | IDP | Lars Wüstrich, Florian Wiedner, Christoph Schwarzenberg | 2022 | |
Lorenz Lehle | Implementation of an Interactive Import and Export Tool for Hardware-Based Lab Courses | IDP | Lars Wüstrich, Florian Wiedner | 2022 | |
Jonas Kaps | High-Performance Low-Latency Forward Error Correction Coding for Reliable Ethernet Communication | MA | Kilian Holzinger, Filip Rezabek | 2022 | |
Sugandh Huthanahally Mohan | Fine Time Measurement based Time Synchronization for Multi-AP OFDMA Wireless Industrial Environments | BA | Rute Sofia, Florian Wiedner, Jonas Andre | 2022 | |
Jan Weßeling | Event Processing in Software Data Planes | BA | Manuel Simon | 2022 |
Timon Tsiolis | Analyzing the Extensibility of Programmable Data Planes | BA | Manuel Simon, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2022 |
Anna Wimbauer | Role Based Qualified Electronic Signatures | IDP | Lars Wüstrich, Filip Rezabek | 2022 |
Markus Schacherbauer | Profiling Applications via their Network Flows | MA | Lars Wüstrich, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2022 | |
Patrick Großmann | Extended Usage Analysis of EDNS Client Subnet | BA | Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Lion Steger | 2022 | |
Theresa Gräbner | Setup and Deployment of a Large Scale Certificate Scan Database | BA | Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl | 2022 | |
Florian Gantioler | Per-Flow Cluster- and Back-Pressure-Based Routing in Wired Networks | BA | Christoph Schwarzenberg, Florian Wiedner, Max Helm | 2022 | |
Tin Raic | Threshold Cryptography enabled QES | MA | Filip Rezabek, Lars Wüstrich | 2022 |
Elias Nechwatal | Online Traffic Causality Graphs | BA | Kilian Holzinger, Lars Wüstrich | 2022 | |
Tim Betzer | Propagate Distrust Among Servers Utilizing the Graph Structure of the TLS Ecosystem | IDP | Markus Sosnowski | 2022 | |
Jonas Lang | Towards an Internet-Wide Certificate Revocation Observatory | IDP | Juliane Aulbach, Markus Sosnowski, Patrick Sattler | 2022 | |
Christoph Wen | Evaluation of Microservice Placement Strategies for use in the IoT | BA | Christian Lübben, Erkin Kirdan | 2022 | |
Amir El Sewisy | A Reliable, Secure, Usable and Scalable Platform for the Internet of Things | MA | Christian Lübben, Erkin Kirdan | 2022 | |
Maximilian Haberl | Combining feature relevance and clustering for root cause analysis of network anomalies | MA | Christian Lübben, Holger Kinkelin | 2022 | |
Lion Steger | State of the IPv6 Internet: Revisiting IPv6 Hitlists | BA | Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Juliane Aulbach, Oliver Gasser | 2021 | |
Mostafa Shorim | Dynamic Scheduling of Applications in Edge Network Infrastructure | MA | Philippe Buschmann, Max Helm | 2021 |
Lars Schwegmann | Prediction of TCP Performance Metrics using Deep Graph Neural Networks | MA | Benedikt Jaeger, Max Helm | 2021 |
Julian Villing | Automatic Recognition of Crosses in Digitalized Documents | MA | Benedikt Jaeger, Stephan Günther | 2021 | |
Matthias Michailow | Implementation and Analysis of In-Network Computation in Programmable Data Planes | MA | Manuel Simon, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2021 |
Raphael Schmid | ROV + IRR: Are Authorized Routes Registered? | BA | Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Juliane Aulbach | 2021 |
Pascal Henschke | Analyzing BGP as a Graph | BA | Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Juliane Aulbach | 2021 |
Steffen Deusch | Analyzing the Effect of Domain Parking on DNS Based Research | BA | Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Juliane Aulbach | 2021 |
Christian Kilb | Analysis of Practical Permissionless PoS-based Consensus | MA | Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek | 2021 |
Sebastian Voit | Bringing QUIC to High-speed Networks | MA | Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl | 2021 | |
Felix Myhsok | Blocklists: Who is blocked? | BA | Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Markus Sosnowski | 2021 |
Daniel Hegedüs | The First Year of QUIC v1 Deployment | BA | Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Benedikt Jaeger, Juliane Aulbach | 2021 |
Till Müller | Exploring Frame Injection Capabilities of the ath9k and ath10k Linux WiFi Drivers | IDP | Stephan M. Günther, Jonas Andre | 2021 | |
Aaron Huber | Schnorr Signatures for Efficient Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus in C++ | BA | Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek | 2021 | |
Philip Höbler | BLS Signatures for Efficient Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus in C++ | BA | Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek | 2021 | |
Dimitri Tyan | A Metric-Based User Interface Analysis of TUMexam | MA | Stephan M. Günther, Jonas Andre, Benedikt Jaeger | 2021 | |
Zaim Sari | Analysis of modern exam management and conduction using scan exams and TUMexam in particular | BA | Hans Pongratz, Stephan M. Günther, Jonas Andre | 2021 | |
Stefan Lachnit | Hardware Timestamping on 100G Network Cards | IDP | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe, Florian Wiedner | 2021 | |
Irina Tsareva | Performance Evaluation of P4 Architectures for the NetFPGA | IDP | Henning Stubbe, Manuel Simon, Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2021 |
Michal Virgovic | Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Threshold Decryption Schemes | MA | Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2021 | |
Kilian Glas | Evaluation of Distributed Key Generation Approaches for Threshold ECDSA Signature Schemes | MA | Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2021 | |
Mohamed Bilel Besrour | Evaluating Approaches to Detect Server and Client Limitations of TCP Throughput | BA | Simon Bauer | 2021 | |
Gege Quan | A Fully Automated Analysis Pipeline for Long-term Internet Traffic Analysis | BA | Simon Bauer, Juliane Aulbach, Patrick Sattler | 2021 |
Bastian Hofmann | Supervised Network Traffic Classification Using Flow Characteristics | MA | Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger | 2021 | |
Severin Kathke | Characterising IP Prefixes From Passive Traffic Captures | MA | Simon Bauer, Patrick Sattler | 2021 | |
Eric Rosche | Automated Testing of Capacity Estimation | BA | Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger | 2021 | |
Bakar Andguladze | Scalable Per-Hop Capacity Estimation | MA | Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger | 2021 |
Jennifer Sorensen | Analysis of User Behavior and Prefix Significance | BA | Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger | 2021 |
Konstantin Herbold | Compiling P4 to uBPF: Evaluation of Software-Based Packet Processing | BA | Dominik Scholz, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2021 |
Jan Oesterle | Survey on AI-based Methods for Network Anomaly Detection | BA | Christian Lübben, Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Lars Wüstrich | 2021 |
Michael Fraitzl | Latency Evaluation of Software Switches | BA | Florian Wiedner, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2021 |
Jakob Eigenmann | Implementation of Network Traffic Models | BA | Kilian Holzinger, Florian Wiedner, Henning Stubbe | 2021 |
Benedict Blümel | Evaluation of the P4 Software Target p4c-dpdk | MA | Manuel Simon, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2021 |
Markus Budeus | Mapping Network Flows to Applications for Profile Creation | BA | Lars Wüstrich, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2021 |
Nadja Schricker | Creating Traffic Causality Graphs from Network Captures and Application Logic | MA | Lars Wüstrich, Christian Lübben, Holger Kinkelin, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2021 | |
Stefan Genchev | Online Identification Using the German eID Scheme - Practical Analysis Based on a Certificate Issuance Use Case | BA | Lars Wüstrich, Holger Kinkelin | 2021 | |
Samir El-Assal | Scalable Virtual Network Topologies using SR-IOV | BA | Florian Wiedner, Benedikt Jaeger | 2021 |
Michael Haden | Simulation of Time Sensitive Networking | BA | Kilian Holzinger, Filip Rezabek, Marcin Bosk | 2021 |
Janik Nier | Analysis and Comparison of Attack Sequences | BA | Lars Wüstrich, Christian Lübben | 2021 | |
Nicole Kubitza | Interactive Visualization of Network Calculus Methods | BA | Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger | 2021 | |
Peter Bachmeier | Analysis of Routing and Delay Properties in Time Sensitive Networking Scenarios | BA | Christoph Schwarzenberg, Florian Wiedner | 2021 | |
Simon Bachmeier | Preventing Short-term Network Congestion with Traffic Reshaping | BA | Benedikt Jaeger, Juliane Aulbach, Christoph Schwarzenberg | 2021 | |
Mauricio Garrido | High Precision Profiling of Network Paths | BA | Florian Wiedner, Max Helm | 2021 |
Jan Schopohl | Asynchronous Traffic Shaping with Paternoster | IDP | Florian Wiedner, Christoph Schwarzenberg | 2021 |
Achref Aloui | Traffic Causality Graphs for Industrial Networks | BA | Lars Wüstrich, Christian Lübben, Holger Kinkelin | 2021 |
Ben Riegel | Assessing Link Utilization From Passive Datasets | BA | Simon Bauer, Johannes Zirngibl | 2021 | |
Max Reimann | Validating CPD for TCP Transfer Period Classification | BA | Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger | 2021 | |
Patryk Brzoza | KPI Analysis of Webserver Traffic through Active Measurements | MA | Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger, Patrick Sattler, Christoph Schwarzenberg | 2021 | |
Florian Wachter | Explainable AI for Anomaly Detection | MA | Christian Lübben, Lars Wüstrich, Holger Kinkelin | 2021 |
Tizian Leonhardt | Impact of Security Measures on PTP Synchronization Accuracy | BA | Filip Rezabek, Max Helm | 2021 | |
Yannik Gehring | Revealing Organizational Structures in an Internet-wide TLS Graph | MA | Markus Sosnowski, Patrick Sattler, Juliane Aulbach | 2021 |
Jonas Lang | Large Scale TLS Certificate Revocation Analysis | BA | Juliane Aulbach, Markus Sosnowski | 2021 | |
Paul Wiessner | Emulation of Network Traffic for Applications in Autonomous Driving | IDP | Filip Rezabek, Marcin Bosk, Kilian Holzinger | 2021 | |
Rafi Al Attrach | Similarity Detection for Free-Text Input | BA | Lars Wüstrich, Florian Wiedner | 2021 |
Stefan Janker | Similarity Detection for Databases | BA | Lars Wüstrich, Florian Wiedner | 2021 |
Alexander Kranzer | Algorithmus für Asynchrones Traffic Shaping in Time Sensitive Networking | BA | Florian Wiedner, Christoph Schwarzenberg | 2021 |
Lorenz Lehle | Efficient Processing of Large Network Captures | BA | Lars Wüstrich, Johannes Zirngibl, Christian Lübben | 2021 |
Tim Betzer | A Systematic TLS Scanning Approach Minimizing the Used Requests and Comparison with other TLS Scanners | GR | Markus Sosnowski, Patrick Sattler | 2021 | |
Zeynep Sonkaya | Development of an Efficient Large Scale DNS Scanning Pipeline | IDP | Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl | 2021 |
Dominik Freiherr von Künßberg | Mapping Network Flows to Local Processes Efficiently | BA | Lars Wüstrich, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2021 |
Krutav Shah | Enhancing NIDS with End-Host Information | MA | Lars Wüstrich, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2021 |
Tobias Wothge | Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Protocol Detection | BA | Patrick Sattler, Lars Wüstrich, Johannes Zirngibl | 2021 | |
Karoline Ilse | IPv6 Deployment Analysis using BGP Announcements | BA | Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Juliane Aulbach | 2021 |
Chon Kit Kuok | Dockerized Network Experiments Done Right | MA | Richard von Seck, Holger Kinkelin, Filip Rezabek | 2021 |
Arman Dupanovic | Analysis of network path behavior based on per-interface timestamps | BA | Florian Wiedner, Max Helm | 2021 |
Sindi Cali | High Precision Packet Path Analysis on a Single Node | BA | Florian Wiedner, Max Helm | 2021 |
Stefan Schrott | Anonymization of Network Captures | BA | Lars Wüstrich, Filip Rezabek | 2021 | |
Joao Neto | Self-Learning Anomaly Detection for Smart Spaces | MA | Christian Lübben, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2021 | |
Pooja Parasuraman | Hardware-Supported Packet Monitoring on a Single Host | IDP | Lars Wüstrich, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2021 | |
Michael Haden | Intrusion Detection using Streaming Network Telemetry | IDP | Kilian Holzinger, Markus Sosnowski, Simon Bauer | 2021 |
Johannes Abel | Digital Twin for Time-Sensitive In-Vehicular Networks Using OMNeT++ Simulator and the INET Framework | IDP | Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek, Kilian Holzinger | 2021 | |
Roland Bernhard Reif | Detecting BGP Hijacking in Real Time | IDP | Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl | 2020 | |
Gagan Nandha Kumar | Integration of Segment Routing with the IEEE TSN data plane | MA | Benedikt Jaeger, Christoph Schwarzenberg, Kostas Katsalis | 2020 | |
Christian Wahl | Analyzing the Stability and Expressiveness of Large-Scale DNS Scans | MA | Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Juliane Aulbach | 2020 | |
Mohammad Nour Moazzen | Performance Evaluation and Parameter Optimization for Network Coding Module | MA | Stephan M. Günther, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Jonas Andre | 2020 | |
Noah Bergbauer | TUMexam – Joint Image Processing for Written and On-site exams | MA | Stephan M. Günther, Jonas Andre, Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Naab | 2020 | |
Max Schickert | TUMexam - Ingegration of a Distribution and Submission Mode for Homeworks and Exams | IDP | Stephan M. Günther, Benedikt Jaeger, Jonas Andre | 2020 | |
Noah Bergbauer | TUMexam usability | IDP | Stephan M. Günther, Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Naab, Jonas Andre | 2020 | |
Halk Kempec | Development of a Browser-Based Image Editor for TUMexam | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Jonas Andre, Benedikt Jaeger | 2020 | |
Jasper von der Heidt | Analyzing PTP Master Clocks in the Wild | BA | Johannes Zirngibl, Max Helm, Henning Stubbe | 2020 |
Lazlo Jäger | Investigating the Precision of Packet Shaping and Pacing in Linux | BA | Benedikt Jaeger, Max Helm | 2020 |
Philippe Buschmann | Analyzing Quic in the wild | MA | Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Benedikt Jaeger, Juliane Aulbach | 2020 |
Christoph Probst | Robust UDP-based Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus | BA | Richard von Seck, Johannes Schleger | 2020 | |
Thomas Günzel | Extending the TUMexam iPad App | MA | Stephan M. Günther, Jonas Andre, Johannes Naab, Benedikt Jaeger | 2020 | |
Philip Holzmann | User-defined Grade Calculation for TUMexam | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Jonas Andre, Johannes Naab, Benedikt Jaeger | 2020 | |
Arsatius Regler | TUMexam: Development of a collaboration tool for sample solutions | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Jonas Andre, Johannes Naab, Benedikt Jaeger | 2020 | |
Tim Weber | A Graphical Room Plan Editor for TUMexam | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Jonas Andre, Johannes Naab, Benedikt Jaeger | 2020 | |
Simon Schäffner | Embedded Testbed for Reproducible Measurements | IDP | Richard von Seck, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2020 | |
Christian Kilb | Blocklists: What is blocked and why? | IDP | Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Markus Sosnowski | 2020 |
Sebastian Heinrich Kappes | An Analysis of the Development and Early Deployment of Encrypted SNI | BA | Johannes Zirngibl, Max Helm, Patrick Sattler | 2020 | |
Justus Fries | Graph-based Analysis of Server TLS Parameters | IDP | Markus Sosnowski, Patrick Sattler, Lars Wüstrich | 2020 | |
Marcel Mussner | In Depth Analysis of QUIC’s Lack of Kernel Optimizations | MA | Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl | 2020 | |
Lennart Keller | Packet Pacing with the QUIC Protocol | BA | Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl | 2020 |
Alexander Castendyck | Methods for Performance Anomaly Detection in Distributed, Heterogeneous Systems | MA | Christian Lübben, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2020 | |
Bassam Jaber | Quantifying Middleware Interoperability via Emulation | MA | Erkin Kirdan, Christian Lübben, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2020 | |
Florian Bauer | Machine Learning supported IoT Data Modeling | BA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Christian Lübben | 2020 | |
Simon Schäffner | Continuous Microservice Placement in the IoT | BA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Christian Lübben | 2020 | |
Benjamin Löhner | Analyzing User Statistics to Give Individual Learning Feedback and Improve Course Content | BA | Christian Lübben, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2020 | |
Hande Akin | Self-Learning Models for Anomaly Detection in Smart Spaces | MA | Christian Lübben, Lars Wüstrich, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2020 | |
Oliver Scheit | Enabling Collaborative Labsystem Workflow | BA | Lars Wüstrich, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2020 | |
Robert Dillitz | Uncovering PTP Master Clocks in the Wild | BA | Johannes Zirngibl, Max Helm, Henning Stubbe | 2020 |
Muhammed Sahin | Analysis of Servers use of TLS Parameters | IDP | Patrick Sattler, Markus Sosnowski, Lars Wüstrich, Max Helm | 2020 |
Lucas Fabian Mair | Performance of UDP-based Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus | BA | Richard von Seck, Johannes Schleger | 2020 | |
Moritz Geist | Latency Comparison of Virtual and Real Networks | BA | Benedikt Jaeger, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2020 | |
Florian Lercher | Evaluation of TCP Congestion Control Using Network Simulation | BA | Benedikt Jaeger, Dominik Scholz | 2020 |
Juliane Aulbach | Evaluation of TCP BBR v2 Congestion Control Using Network Emulation | MA | Benedikt Jaeger, Dominik Scholz | 2020 |
Otto Breitwieser | Applications of Certificate Transparency | MA | Max Helm, Patrick Sattler | 2020 | |
Daniel Pfaff | Performance characteristics of the SiFive U540 RISC V CPU | IDP | Paul Emmerich | 2020 |
Frederic Naumann | Step It Down a Notch: 100Gbit/s Software Visiting 10Gbit/s Land | MA | Henning Stubbe, Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2020 |
Manuel Simon | State management in programmable data planes | MA | Dominik Scholz, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2020 |
Nikolas Mühlbauer | Evaluation of OPC UA PubSub over TSN | MA | Erkin Kirdan, Filip Rezabek, Thomas Paul, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2020 | |
Achraf Aroua | Feasibility of Static Path Redundancy for Real-Time Applications in Software | BA | Filip Rezabek, Kilian Holzinger, Thomas Paul, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2020 |
Justus von der Beek | Software Implementation of Path Duplication on Link Layer for Real-Time Traffic | BA | Filip Rezabek, Kilian Holzinger, Thomas Paul, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2020 |
Leon Kist | Performance Evaluation of Lightweight Transport Layer Security Protocols | BA | Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2020 | |
Robert Junge | A Tamper-Resistant Signature Services Based on Schnorr threshold signing | MA | Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2020 |
Sam Katala | A Tamper-Resistant Signature Services Based on BLS threshold signing | BA | Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2020 |
Bohdan Hirnyak | A Tamper-Resistant Signature Services Based on EDCSA threshold signing | BA | Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2020 |
Raphael Schleithoff | Lightweight Consensus for Distributed Certificate Issuance | BA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Filip Rezabek | 2020 | |
Mario Silaci | Konzeption und Implementierung einer Echtzeit-Bestands-Datenbank basierend auf NetFlow Daten | MA | Simon Bauer | 2020 | |
Ruben Bachmann | Entity Characterization for Network Traffic Modeling | BA | Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger | 2020 | |
Jonas Fromm | Classifying TCP Throughput Changepoints with TCP Transfer Periods | BA | Simon Bauer | 2020 | |
Philippe Barias | Long Term Analysis of TCP Internet Traffic Characteristics | MA | Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger | 2020 | |
Ferdinand List | Estimating the Narrow Link Position of Network Paths | BA | Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger | 2020 |
Michael Jungmair | A Framework for Automated Analysis of Software-Defined Switches | IDP | Henning Stubbe, Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2020 |
Till Müller | Evaluation of Stateful Software-Based Low-Latency Packet Processing | BA | Dominik Scholz, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2020 |
Moritz Mülke | Automatic Synthesis of High Quality Network- and Traffic Datasets based on Real Data | MA | Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger | 2020 |
Monika Smolarska | Implementation and Comparison of TSN Network Calculus Models | BA | Max Helm, Christoph Schwarzenberg | 2020 |
Felix Schrimper | TUMexam: Digitalizing Attendee Control for Examinations - Image and Text Recognition on Mobile Devices | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Johannes Naab, Benedikt Jaeger | 2020 | |
Johann Bernhard | Engineering a Communication System for a UAV for a Humanitarian Aid Program on Top of Basic Data Links | MA | Stephan M. Günther | 2020 | |
Matthias Linhuber | Virtualized Data Center Networks Utilizing Programmable Switches | IDP | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe, Dominik Scholz, Manuel Simon | 2020 |
Eric Hauser | Network-in-the-Loop: Rapid Prototyping and Measurements of Computer Network Topologies | MA | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe, Dominik Scholz, Manuel Simon | 2020 |
Alexander Sytchev | Virtualized Data Center Networks In-A-Box | BA | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Benedikt Jaeger | 2020 |
Jakob Mezger | Performance Analysis of BFT Consensus | BA | Johannes Schleger, Richard von Seck, Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2020 | |
Twan Schoonen | Decentral Trust Infrastructure based on Tamper-Evident Logs | MA | Johannes Schleger, Richard von Seck, Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2020 | |
Umur Mert | Modeling the IIoT Inter-dependencies in Smart Factories | MA | Lars Wüstrich, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2020 | |
Michael Stehling | Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für das Internet der Dinge am Beispiel der Technologie LoRaWAN (Abschlussarbeit) | BA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Lars Wüstrich | 2020 | |
Lukas Schröder | Fingerprinting IoT Devices via Their Physical Properties | BA | Lars Wüstrich, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2020 | |
Lu Zhou | Reproducible Research Infrastructure with NixOS | BA | Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe | 2020 |
Simon Ellmann | Investigating effects of hardware isolation in high-speed network environments | MA | Paul Emmerich, Benedikt Jaeger, Florian Wiedner | 2020 | |
Felix Hsieh | Virtualized networking | BA | Florian Wiedner, Benedikt Jaeger, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2020 |
Andrei Lebedev | Performance Evaluation and Improvement of Hyperledger Iroha | IDP | Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2020 | |
Mohammed Said Derbel | AI-based anomaly classification | BA | Christian Lübben, Lars Wüstrich, Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2020 |
Tim Betzer | Maximize Information Gain from Internet Scans while Minimizing Impact | BA | Markus Sosnowski, Patrick Sattler | 2020 |
Markus Schacherbauer | NUMA-aware Virtual Network Topologies Using SR-IOV | BA | Florian Wiedner, Benedikt Jaeger | 2020 | |
Redian Copa | Service Function Chaining with MoonGen | BA | Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe | 2020 | |
Tobias Wasner | Assisted correction of free text answers | BA | Christian Lübben, Christoph Schwarzenberg, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2020 | |
Leon Imhof | Secure BLE beacons with additional data | BA | Lars Wüstrich | 2019 | |
Daniel Meint | Reliable Caching for the Internet of Things | BA | Stefan Liebald, Lars Wüstrich, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2019 | |
Alessandro Piccoli | Secure Group Key Update in IoT | MA | Lars Wüstrich, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2019 | |
Roland Bernhard Reif | Analysis of EDNS Client-Subnet Load Balancing | BA | Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl | 2019 | |
Marcel Kempf | Evaluation of the QUIC Spin Bit for RTT Estimation | BA | Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl | 2019 |
Florian Wiedner | Large-scale TCP Throughput Limitation Analysis | MA | Simon Bauer, Paul Emmerich, Benedikt Jaeger | 2019 | |
Leo Schedelbeck | rDNS Leaks - Disclosing the Real Infrastructure of Shadowed Services | BA, MA, IDP | Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler | 2019 |
Dominik Kreutzer | Nameserver Rate Limits - Dynamic Adjustment of Scan Behavior | BA, MA, IDP | Johannes Zirngibl, Johannes Naab | 2019 |
Otto Breitwieser | Performant Certificate Transparency Monitoring | IDP | Max Helm, Patrick Sattler | 2019 |
Stefan Lachnit | Mininet Performance Evaluation and Optimization | BA | Benedikt Jaeger, Max Helm | 2019 |
Nicolas Buchner | Influence of Network Conditions on PTP Accuracy | BA | Max Helm, Henning Stubbe, Johannes Zirngibl | 2019 | |
Niklas Beck | Sensitivity Analysis of Network Calculus Models | BA | Max Helm, Henning Stubbe, Benedikt Jaeger | 2019 |
Sebastian Vogl | A Reusable Measurement Framework for optimizing IoT Systems | MA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Christian Lübben, Stefan Liebald | 2019 | |
Marco Eggersmann | Autonomous IoT Service Update and Migration Management | MA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Christian Lübben, Stefan Liebald | 2019 | |
Julian Ulrich | Self-Adapting IoT User Interfaces | BA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Christian Lübben, Stefan Liebald | 2019 | |
Daniel Federschmidt | Assessment of Private Inference Methods for Deep Neural Networks in Autonomous Driving | MA | Benedikt Jaeger, Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Sebastian Wirkert | 2019 | |
Peter Okelmann | Optimization of Software-Routers using Machine Learning | IDP | Leonardo Linguaglossa, Paul Emmerich, Fabien Geyer | 2019 | |
Simon Sternsdorf | Evaluation of an Application Proxy as Scalable Microservice in the Cloud | IDP | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Johannes Naab, Claas Lorenz | 2019 | |
Dominik Winter | Evaluation of an Application Proxy as Scalable Microservice in the Cloud | IDP | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Johannes Naab, Claas Lorenz | 2019 | |
Sebastian Borchers | Stream connections in P2P Overlays | MA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald, Christian Lübben | 2019 | |
Andreas Wehe | Smart Space oriented Middleware Compatibility | MA | Stefan Liebald, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2019 | |
Benedikt Müller | Data Obfuscation in distributed IoT Environments | BA | Stefan Liebald, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2019 | |
Paulius Sukys | IoT Service Modelling | MA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald, Christian Lübben | 2019 | |
Lucas Wolf | Lightweight snapshotting of virtual network experiments | IDP | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald | 2019 | |
Lars Wüstrich | Predictive Caching using Machine Learning in IoT Scenarios | MA | Stefan Liebald, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2019 | |
Christoph Putz | Efficient Data Replication in Distributed IoT Environments | MA | Stefan Liebald, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2019 | |
Alexander Frank | Evaluation and Analysis of a Hardware Programmable High-Performance Switch | MA | Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe | 2019 |
Thomas Zwickl | Interrupts in User Space Drivers | MA | Paul Emmerich | 2019 |
Boris-Chengbiao Zhou | Treiber für virtuelle Netzwerkkarten in Rust | BA | Paul Emmerich | 2019 | |
Sebastian Voit | TCP Stacks in Go | IDP | Paul Emmerich | 2019 | |
Andreas Molzer | Ethox: A TCP/IP Stack in Rust | IDP | Paul Emmerich | 2019 | |
Thomas Günzel | Writing Network Drivers in Swift | IDP | Paul Emmerich | 2019 | |
Esaú García Sánchez-Torija | Writing Network Drivers in Java | BA | Paul Emmerich | 2019 |
Sebastian Di Luzio | Writing Network Drivers in Javascript | BA | Paul Emmerich | 2019 |
Manuel Simon | Automated Performance Analysis of an FPGA-based P4 Platform | IDP | Dominik Scholz, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2019 |
Maximilian Endraß | Performance Evaluation of Software Dataplanes | MA | Dominik Scholz, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2019 |
Simon Mages | Comparative Performance Analysis of Userland TCP/IP Implementations | MA | Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dominik Scholz | 2019 | |
Eric Hauser | Evaluating Wireless Communication Channels Based on IEEE 802.11 | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2019 | |
Christoph Rudolf | Tamper-resistant creation of integrity tokens for trustworthy communication in cyber-physical systems | MA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Richard von Seck | 2019 | |
Filip Rezabek | A Fault-Proof and Tamper-Resistant Certificate Issuance Process | MA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Jorge Cuellar | 2019 |
Jan Martin Vogt | Feasibility of DLT-based Data Storage and Exchange in Small Scale IoT Networks | BA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2019 | |
Christian Kilb | Privacy-preserving VoIP Signaling with Secure Multiparty Computation | BA | Dr. Marcel von Maltitz, Richard von Seck | 2019 |
Xiaolin Ma | Feasibility of OAuth 2.0 based Authentication in a V2V Communication Scenario | BA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Georgi Kehaiov (IC-consult) | 2019 | |
Emir Chalgaf | An Evaluation of Manageability and Adaptability of Hyperledger Fabric | BA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Johannes Schleger | 2019 | |
Markus Oberprieler | Designing a Lightweight Alternative to Distributed Ledgers | MA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Johannes Schleger, Max Helm | 2019 |
Victoria Simon | Benchmarking Deep Learning Approaches for Routing in a Reproducible Environment | MA | Fabien Geyer, Leonardo Linguaglossa, Benedikt Jaeger | 2019 | |
Christoph Schwarzenberg | Measuring Performance and Path Characteristics of Webservers | MA | Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger, Patrick Sattler | 2019 | |
Huu Tung Nguyen | Implementation and Evaluation of an Available Bandwidth Estimation Tool | BA | Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger | 2019 | |
Patryk Brzoza | Accuracy Optimization of Passive Capacity Estimation | GR | Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger | 2019 | |
Chun-Te Sung | Classifying Throughput Changepoints with TCP Performance RCA | MA | Simon Bauer | 2019 | |
Constantin Christandl | Packet I/O for Parallelized Network Monitoring | BA | Simon Bauer, Paul Emmerich | 2019 |
Kilian Holzinger | High Performance Online TCP Root Cause Analysis | MA | Simon Bauer, Paul Emmerich, Benedikt Jaeger | 2019 |
Fabian Helfert | Load Generation for L4 Traffic Analysis | MA | Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger | 2019 | |
Felix Hartmond | Network Device Benchmarking with an 100Gb/s SDN Router | MA | Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe | 2019 |
Paul Wiessner | Comparing Expressiveness and Performance of Packet Processing Languages | BA | Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe | 2019 |
Patrick Sabanic | OSNT Network Performance Evaluation | BA | Dominik Scholz, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2019 | |
Stefan Stark | A Framework for Analysis of Network Performance Metrics | MA | Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2019 |
Ivan Kendzor | Modeling Scheduling Algorithms in Network Calculus | BA | Max Helm, Henning Stubbe, Dominik Scholz, Fabien Geyer | 2019 |
Marcel Mussner | Comparing Network Calculus Guarantees with Latency Measurements in Emulated Networks | BA | Max Helm, Dominik Scholz, Benedikt Jaeger, Henning Stubbe | 2019 |
Henri Allgöwer | Improving TUMexam iOS User Experience Through Usage Analytics | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Georg Wechslberger, Maurice Leclaire, Johannes Naab, Benedikt Jaeger | 2019 | |
Julian Villing | TUMexam: Digitalizing Attendee Control for Examinations – Recognition of Student Cards and Registration Number Box | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Naab | 2019 | |
Leon Nissen | TUMexam: Digitalizing Attendee Control for Examinations | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Benedikt Jaeger | 2019 | |
Alexander Mildner | Evaluation of Online Schedule Synthesis Algorithms for Time-based Scheduled Time Sensitive Networks | MA | Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger, Marcel Wagner, Hèctor Blanco Alcaine | 2019 | |
Felix Wieser | Implementation of a Navigation Solution for an Experimental Rover-Platform Extendable to Multiple Agents | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Armin Wedler | 2019 | |
Jonas Andre | Link Aggregation of Multiple Wireless Interfaces | MA | Stephan M. Günther, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Maurice Leclaire | 2019 | |
Adrian Pesch | Browser-based LaTeX-editor for TUMexam | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Naab | 2019 | |
Dominik Winter | Implementation and Evaluation of an Application Proxy as Virtualized Network Function | BA | Johannes Naab, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Claas Lorenz | 2018 | |
Francois Aubet | Machine Learning-Based Adaptive Anomaly Detection in Smart Spaces | BA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald | 2018 | |
Ellen Maeckelburg | Privacy-aware Policy-based IoT Access Control | MA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald | 2018 | |
Florian Kreitmair | Efficient Storage Backends for IoT Data | MA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald | 2018 | |
Friederike Groschupp | Crowdsourced IoT Data Modeling | BA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald | 2018 | |
Denis Celik | Semi-Autonomous IoT Service Management on Unattended Nodes | MA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald | 2018 | |
Lars Wüstrich | Extension of the virtual iLab-Isle | IDP | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald | 2018 | |
Fabian Buske | Providing a Remotely Manageable Runtime Environment for IoT Services | MA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald | 2018 | |
Lorenzo Donini | Autonomous Certificate Management for Microservices in Smart Spaces | MA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald | 2018 | |
Matthias Moegerle | A User-Assisted Creation of Semantic Indoor Models for Smarter Applications | MA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald | 2018 | |
Christian Luebben | Using Wearables in IoT scenarios | MA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald | 2018 | |
Valentin Antoni | Exchange Platform for eLearning Courses | BA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald | 2018 | |
Desislava Dimova | Socially Interactive Learning Materials | BA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald | 2018 | |
Sarah Jost | Statistical Analysis of eLearning Processes | BA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald | 2018 | |
Jonathan Borowski | Testing Test Tools | BA | Paul Emmerich | 2018 | |
Maximilian Pudelko | Efficient Site-to-Site VPN | MA | Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2018 |
Alexander Frank | Cost Efficient Hardware Timestamping | IDP | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich | 2018 | |
Simon Ellmann | Writing Network Drivers in Rust | BA | Paul Emmerich | 2018 |
Alexandru Obada | Writing Network Drivers in Python | MA | Paul Emmerich | 2018 |
Fabian Bonk | Writing Network Drivers in OCaml | IDP | Paul Emmerich | 2018 |
Alex Egger | Writing Network Drivers in Haskell | BA | Paul Emmerich | 2018 |
Sebastian Voit | Writing Network Drivers in go | BA | Paul Emmerich | 2018 |
Maximilian Stadlmeier | Writing Network Drivers in C# | BA | Paul Emmerich | 2018 |
Stefan Huber | Using the IOMMU for Safe and Secure User Space Network Drivers | MA | Paul Emmerich | 2018 |
Daniel Krieger | Discerning of TCP Congestion Control Algorithms in an Emulated Environment | MA | Dominik Scholz, Fabien Geyer, Minoo Rouhi | 2018 |
Peter Okelmann | Performance Analysis of VPP | BA | Paul Emmerich, Dominik Scholz | 2018 |
Henning Stubbe | Performance Analysis of P4 on NetFPGA | MA | Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Fabien Geyer | 2018 |
Johannes Zirngibl | Extensive Analysis of IPv6 Address Assignment and its rDNS Special Domain | MA | Johannes Naab, Quirin Scheitle | 2018 | |
Johannes Zirngibl | Creating IPv6 Hitlists through Rigorous and Deterministic rDNS Walking | IDP | Johannes Naab, Quirin Scheitle | 2018 | |
Patrick Sattler | Large-Scale DNS Analysis | MA | Johannes Naab, Quirin Scheitle | 2018 | |
Oliver Schmidt | A Framework for In-band Network Telemetry using P4 | GR | Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Fabien Geyer | 2018 |
Dominik Pham | Experimental Evaluation of Route Hijacking Detection | BA | Heiko Niedermayer, Miguel Pardal | 2018 |
Michael Koepferl | Development of Security Guidelines for Production Environments | MA | Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Thorsten Delbrouck | 2018 | |
Mohamad Nour Moazzen | Wireless Networking Testbed | HiWi | Maurice Leclaire, Stephan M. Günther | 2018 |
Julian Roos | Modelling Organizational Structues for a Federated Distributed Ledger-Based Certificate Management System | BA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2018 |
Yannick Gehring | Incorporating Automated Checks in a Distributed Ledger-Based Certificate Issuance System | BA | Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2018 |
Alexander Bauer | Evaluation of Distributed Ledger Technology in Automotive Scenarios | MA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer | 2018 | |
Marc Müller | Trustworthy and tamperproof configuration management of networked devices | MA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Cora-Lisa Perner, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer | 2018 |
Anil Karatas | Experimental Performance Evaluation of Distributed Private Ledgers in a Virtualized Environment | MA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Benedikt Jaeger | 2018 |
Thomas Maier | Exposing Insecure Configurations of Network Session and Permission Graphs | MA | Simon Bauer, Jonas Jelten, Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2018 | |
Josef Schmeißer | Congestion control with Graph Neural Network and Reinforcement Learning | IDP | Fabien Geyer, Benedikt Jaeger | 2018 | |
Zhihui Pan | Predicting Internet Paths Dynamics using Machine Learning | BA | Fabien Geyer, Benedikt Jaeger | 2018 |
Luca Ciprian | Performance Evaluation of P4 with Cryptographic Co-Processor | BA | Fabien Geyer, Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2018 |
Florens Werner | Performance Evaluation of OSPF | BA | Dr. Fabien Geyer | 2018 |
Alexander Mildner | Performance Guarantees for Wireless Links: Validation using Measurements | GR | Dr. Fabien Geyer | 2018 |
Michael Eder | Network Discovery Orchestration | MA | Jonas Jelten, Simon Bauer | 2018 | |
Patryk Brzoza | Implementation of a Network Bandwidth Estimation Tool | BA | Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger | 2018 | |
Leonhard Stemplinger | TCP Flow Performance Root Cause Monitoring | BA | Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger | 2018 | |
Hamza Zafar | Amplification Attack Detection using Active Measurements | MA | Simon Bauer, Oliver Gasser, Stefan Metzger | 2018 |
Fakhraddin Panakhov | Description and Processing of Security Policies | MA | Johannes Naab, Lukas Schwaighofer, Manfred Schäfer | 2018 |
Max Schickert | Development of a Scanner Frontend and Image Transfer Protocol for Scanner Exams | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Johannes Naab | 2018 |
Moschino Breuer | TUMexam: Building a Reliable and Secure Platform for Taking Digital Exams | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Johannes Naab | 2018 |
Felix Schorer | TUMexam: Building an Extension for Creating and Grading Digital Exams | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Johannes Naab | 2018 |
Burak Atalay | A Framework for Automated Analysis of P4Runtime | MA | Dominik Scholz, Fabien Geyer, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2018 |
Thomas Bachmaier | Performance Evaluation of Fast In-Band Network Caching of Key-Value Stores | IDP | Dominik Scholz, Fabien Geyer, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Benedikt Jaeger | 2018 |
Jaber Bassam | Evaluating TCP SYN Flood Mitigation Mechanisms Using P4 | IDP | Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2018 |
Robert Junge | Impact of Meltdown and Spectre on Networking Performance | BA | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Johannes Naab, Dominik Scholz | 2018 |
Christian Hofbauer | Investigating Passive Delay Measurement Techniques on Sampled Traffic | BA | Minoo Rouhi, Johannes Naab, Simon Bauer | 2018 |
Rohit Arunrao Deshmukh | Dynamic Configuration of IoT Environments | MA | Jan Seeger, Dr. Arne Bröring, Dr. Lin Wang, Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser | 2018 | |
Felix Beil | Long Term Analysis of HTTP Strict Transport Security | BA | Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser | 2018 | |
Ralf Baun | Performance and Security Analysis of Alternative DNS Transports | BA | Quirin Scheitle, Johannes Naab | 2018 |
Glenn Skjong | Internet Toplists: Creating an Alternative Internet Top List Service | MA | Quirin Scheitle, Jonas Jelten | 2018 | |
Johannes Schleger | Detection and Characterization of TLS Interception in Access Networks | MA | Jonas Jelten, Florian Wohlfart, Quirin Scheitle | 2018 | |
Miguel Àngel Campos Gaviño | Improving Bro’s performance with DPDK | BA | Simon Bauer, Jonas Jelten, Paul Emmerich | 2018 | |
Martin Zinnecker | TUMexam: Building a Neural Network for Evaluation of Crosses | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Johannes Naab, Benedikt Jaeger | 2018 | |
Lars Schwegmann | TUMexam: Development of an iOS Appilcation for Digitally Assisted Correction | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Georg Wechslberger, Maurice Leclaire, Johannes Naab, Benedikt Jaeger | 2018 |
Felix Kuperjans | Native Service Interfaces for the Virtual State Layer | BA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald | 2017 | |
Markus Loipfinger | Deep Learning in Smart Spaces | MA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald | 2017 | |
Julius Polar | iLab Exchange Platform | MA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald | 2017 | |
Beatris Burdeva | Improving eLearning through statistical Feedback | BA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald | 2017 | |
Alexander Schulz | Identification of IPv6-IPv4 Sibling Pairs from Passive Observations | BA | Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Minoo Rouhi | 2017 |
Samy el Deib | Detecting IPv6-IPv4 Sibling Pairs Based on few Data Points | BA | Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Minoo Rouhi | 2017 |
Florens Werner | Finding Active IPv6 Addresses | BA | Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Johannes Naab | 2017 |
Christoph Kowatsch | Anonymous Micro-payments for Continuous Service Delivery | MA | Sree Harsha Totakura | 2017 |
Dominik Schöffmann | Flow Bifurcation in High-Speed Packet Frameworks | GR | Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2017 | |
Dominik Bitzer | Privacy-Preserving and Transparent Access Control for Data Queries in Sensor Networks | MA | Marcel von Maltitz, Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2017 |
Fabian Bonk | Snabb-compat: accelerating Snabb Apps | BA | Paul Emmerich, Dominik Scholz | 2017 |
Lukas Wüsteney | Realizing Techniques for Industrial Ethernet Using the P4 Packet Processing Language | GR | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dominik Scholz, Fabien Geyer | 2017 |
Henning Stubbe | Implementing a P4 Benchmarking Suite for libmoon | IDP | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dominik Scholz, Fabien Geyer | 2017 |
Manuel Simon | Performance Analysis of Hyperscan | BA | Dominik Scholz, Paul Emmerich | 2017 |
Alexander Kurtz | Application-level Firewalling with eBPF | IDP | Dominik Scholz, Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer | 2017 |
Dominik Schöffmann | High-Performance State Machines for Software Packet Processing Systems | MA | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dominik Scholz, Fabien Geyer | 2017 |
Julius Estler | Performance of Programmable Network Cards for Industrial Ethernet | MA | Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Fabien Geyer | 2017 |
Michael Brunner | Multi-protocol Path Topology Evaluation | BA | Minoo Rouhi, Dominik Scholz, Oliver Gasser | 2017 |
Katharina Wiegräbe | Identifying Web-enabled Devices on Internet Paths | BA | Minoo Rouhi, Dominik Scholz, Quirin Scheitle | 2017 |
Christian Wahl | Detection and Analysis of Security Incidents in Honeypots using FlowScope | BA | Minoo Rouhi, Dominik Scholz, Paul Emmerich | 2017 |
Markus Paulsen | Certificate Monitoring | BA | Heiko Niedermayer | 2017 |
Andrea Drekovic | Models for Normal and Attack Traffic in Traffic Causality Graphs | BA | Heiko Niedermayer | 2017 |
Markus Hinz | Experimental Evaluation of Route Monitoring | BA | Heiko Niedermayer, Miguel Pardal | 2017 |
Adrian Schultz | Route Monitoring to detect anomalies on your connection | BA | Heiko Niedermayer | 2017 |
Fabian Helfert | Framework for Informed Route Selection Analysis in Overlay Networks | BA | Heiko Niedermayer, Sree Harsha Totakura | 2017 |
Frederic Naumann | Enhanced Certificate Protection | BA | Heiko Niedermayer, Sree Harsha Totakura | 2017 |
Daniel Pfaff | Designing a Text-Based User Interface for Packet Generators | BA | Paul Emmerich | 2017 | |
Linus Michel | SDN-CERT: Benchmarks of OpenFlow-Switches | BA | Daniel Raumer, Paul Emmerich, Simon Bauer | 2017 |
Thomas Eidenmüller | Analysis of Parallel Packet Processing on NUMA Architectures | BA | Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2017 |
Simon Mages | OpenBSD Driver for a Secure FPGA-Based NIC | IDP | Paul Emmerich, Alexander von Gernler (genua GmbH) | 2017 | |
David Gogrichiani | Evaluating Databases for the Internet of Things | BA | Stefan Liebald, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2017 | |
Erkin Kirdan | A symbolic Fourier-Motzkin Solver | IDP | Maurice Leclaire | 2017 |
Noah Bergbauer | Modelling Wireless Communication Channels | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2017 | |
Thuy Tran | Development of a Demonstrator for a Wireless Cyber-Physical Network | IDP | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Maurice Leclaire, Stephan M. Günther | 2017 | |
Nikita Basargin | Implementation of a Demonstration System for a Wireless Cyber-Physical Network | IDP | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Maurice Leclaire, Stephan M. Günther | 2017 | |
Tobias Betz | Open-Source Cyber-Physical Network Infrastructure | MA | Maurice Leclaire, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2017 |
Simon Klimek | An empirical approach towards analysis of discussions on mailing lists | BA | Daniel Raumer, Heiko Niedermayer | 2017 |
Boonyakorn Jantaranuson | Analysis of Social Networks in IETF Mailing Lists | MA | Daniel Raumer, Heiko Niedermayer | 2017 |
Michael Mitterer | Applicability and Performance Analysis of Encrypted Databases for Smart Environments | BA | Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Marcel von Maltitz | 2017 |
Sirus Shahbakhti | Scalable Solution for the Protection of SSH using DNSSEC | BA | Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Lukas Schwaighofer | 2017 |
Max von Tettenborn | A Usable and Expressive Schema for Access Control | MA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz | 2017 | |
Jan Felix Hoops | Federated Identity and Transaction Management over Blockchain II | BA | Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2017 |
Stefanos Georgiou | A Trustworthy Process-Tracing System for B2B-Applications based on Blockchain Technology | MA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Sree Harsha Totakura, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer | 2017 |
Valentin Hauner | Trustworthy Configuration Management with Distributed Ledgers | MA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer | 2017 |
Hendrik Leppelsack | Experimental Performance Evaluation of Private Distributed Ledger Implementations | MA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Stefan Liebald | 2017 |
Manuel Ehler | Decentralized Feature Processing on Resource-Constrained Devices for Network Anomaly Detection | MA | Marcel von Maltitz, Stefan Liebald, Simon Bauer, Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2017 | |
Fabian Raab | Influence of BGP Community Attributes on Routing and Internet Traffic | IDP | Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle, Christoph Dietzel | 2017 |
Tobias Brunnwieser | A Framework for Detection and Analysis of HTTPS Interception | MA | Oliver Gasser, Sree Harsha Totakura, Florian Wohlfart | 2017 | |
Max Helm | Traceable Measurement Result Publication in Append-only Ledgers | MA | Oliver Gasser, Benjamin Hof, Quirin Scheitle | 2017 |
Emanuel Vintila | Continuous Development of Open Source C++ Flow Toolkit | HiWi | Oliver Gasser, Johannes Naab | 2017 |
Jan-Philipp Lauinger | Evaluating Client Discrimination in Anonymization Networks Using Active Network Scans | Forschungspraxis | Oliver Gasser, Sree Harsha Totakura | 2017 |
Hendrik Eichner | Revisiting SSH Security in the Internet | BA | Oliver Gasser, Minoo Rouhi | 2017 |
Max Helm | Evaluating TLS Certificate Transparency Logs using Active Scans | IDP | Oliver Gasser, Benjamin Hof | 2017 |
Leandro Vaz | Compiling P4 to Lua | MA | Paul Emmerich, Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2017 |
Thomas Mauerer | Chairman: Software Support for the Management of Student Projects | MA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz | 2017 |
Felix Lampe | Evaluation of IP Communication in FPGA-based Camera Platforms | MA | Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dr. Alexander Mann (Arri) | 2017 |
Maximilian Pudelko | A User Space VirtIO Driver | GR | Paul Emmerich | 2017 | |
Maximilian Pudelko | Payload Extraction for Flows with Anomalous TTL Behaviour | IDP | Quirin Scheitle, Paul Emmerich | 2017 |
Markus Sosnowski | Internet-Wide Assessment of TCP Options | BA | Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Minoo Rouhi, Paul Emmerich, Dominik Scholz | 2017 |
Thomas Bachmaier | Scanning for TCP SYN Proxy Implementations | BA | Dominik Scholz, Paul Emmerich, Quirin Scheitle, Minoo Rouhi | 2017 |
Krzysztof Lesiak | DDoS Mitigation in the Linux Kernel with XDP | BA | Dominik Scholz, Paul Emmerich | 2017 |
Benedikt Jaeger | Evaluation of TCP BBR mixed with other Congestion Avoidance Algorithms | MA | Dominik Scholz, Lukas Schwaighofer, Daniel Raumer, Fabien Geyer | 2017 | |
Yasar Kücukkaya | Measurement and Analysis of Traffic of Mobile Apps | BA | Heiko Niedermayer | 2017 |
Alexander Frank | MoonGen - Vergleich zwischen Mellanox und Intel Netzwerkkarten | BA | Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dominik Scholz | 2017 | |
Jonatan Juhas | Developing a Virtualized Measurement Testbed | BA | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dominik Scholz | 2017 |
Dominik Durner | Verteilte Netzwerk-Funktionen in einem Flugzeugkabinennetzwerk | BA | Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2017 | |
Sebastian Bruhn | An Analysis of Linux Firewall Performance | BA | Daniel Raumer, Lukas Schwaighofer, Johannes Naab | 2017 |
Bastian Hofmann | Benchmarking of Docker-based Network Functions | BA | Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2017 |
Christoph Kecht | TUMexam – Administration Interface | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Johannes Naab | 2017 |
Nicolas Appel | Development and Evaluation of Radio Transceivers for the CubeSat MOVE-II | MA | Maurice Leclaire, Dr.-Ing. Stephan M. Günther, Martin Langer | 2017 | |
Benedikt Engeser | Informed Route Selection Strategies for Multipath Routing | MA | Heiko Niedermayer, Sree Harsha Totakura | 2016 |
Julien Schmidt | Active Probing and Deep Packet Inspection Detection Resistant Tunnelling Through HTTPS Connections | BA | Sree Harsha Totakura | 2016 | |
Hugues Fafard | Secure Port-Knocked Communications | BA | Sree Harsha Totakura | 2016 |
Daniel Sel | Authenticated Scalable Port-Knocking | BA | Sree Harsha Totakura, Heiko Niedermayer | 2016 |
Florian Gratzer | Voice Controlled Smart Spaces | BA | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald | 2016 | |
Johannes Schleger | Understanding the State of SSL/TLS Interception | IDP | Florian Wohlfart | 2016 |
Johannes Fischer | Browser-based Internet connection testing | MA | Florian Wohlfart, Oliver Gasser | 2016 |
Jonas Heintzenberg | Browser-based Internet connection testing | BA | Florian Wohlfart, Oliver Gasser | 2016 |
Simon Sternsdorf | Performance Analysis of Middlebox Functionality | BA | Florian Wohlfart | 2016 |
Sven Hertle | Analysis of cellular ISP networks | MA | Florian Wohlfart | 2016 |
Martin Steil | Comparison of Windows and Linux Networking Performance | IDP | Daniel Raumer, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2016 |
Adrian Reuter | A Workbench to analyze X.509 in Applications | BA | Matthias Wachs | 2016 |
Frieder Baumann | Privacy Implications of mDNS | BA | Matthias Wachs | 2016 |
Moritz Kellermann | Email in the Wild - Analyzing Email Security on the Internet | BA | Matthias Wachs | 2016 | |
Stefan Fochler | DANE in the Wild - Analyzing DANE Deployment on the Internet | IDP | Matthias Wachs, Quirin Scheitle | 2016 | |
Martin Schanzenbach | Design and Implementation of a Censorship Resistant and Fully Decentralized Name System | MA | Matthias Wachs | 2016 |
Linus Lotz | Design and Implementation of a Secure and Privacy-Preserving Notification Service for Mobile Platforms | M.Sc. | Matthias Wachs | 2016 |
Valentin Hauner | Improving Interoperability of a Secure Directory Service using LDAP, SKS and DANE | IDP | Matthias Wachs | 2016 |
Aleksejs Voroncovs | Investigation of tool based modeling techniques for safety and security critical systems | MA | Stephan-A. Posselt | 2016 |
Simon Wagner | High-Performance Userspace TCP Stacks: Evaluation and Analysis | MA | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich | 2016 |
Benedikt Jaeger Hendrik Leppelsack | TUMexam – Entwicklung einer Browser-basierten Nutzerschnittstelle zur digitalen Verwaltung von Prüfungen | IDP | Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Johannes Naab | 2016 |
Jonas Andre | TUMexam – Entwicklung einer Datenbank zur elektronischen Prüfungsverwaltung | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Johannes Naab, Maurice Leclaire | 2016 | |
Markus Alexander Teich | An Implementation of Privacy Preserving Auction Protocols | MA | Christian Grothoff, Sree Harsha Totakura | 2016 | |
Maximilian Meier | Enabling OpenPGP in Multi-Device Environments | B.Sc. | Matthias Wachs | 2016 |
Daniel Straub | Design and Implementation of a Secure Directory Service for Digital Certificates | M.Sc. | Matthias Wachs | 2016 |
Michael Schollerer | Mail-Security in der Cloud in Großkonzernen am Beispiel BMW Mail | MA | Quirin Scheitle, Matthias Wachs | 2016 | |
Paulin Tchonin | TTL Analysis for DDoS Defense | MA | Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Paul Emmerich | 2016 | |
Ganesh Bala Subramanian | Real-time Congestion Detection in the Internet | MA | Edwin Cordeiro | 2016 | |
Patrick Sattler | Parsing geographical locations from DNS names | IDP | Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser | 2016 | |
Patrick Sattler | Parsing geographical locations from DNS names | GR | Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser | 2016 | |
Maximilian Pudelko | Comparison of Queuing Data Structures for Traffic Analysers | BA | Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2016 |
Oliver Schmidt | P4: A Programming Language for Packet Processing | BA | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dominik Scholz | 2016 |
Tizian Sarre | Popularity over time - Analysis of Videos on Youtube | BA | Heiko Niedermayer | 2016 |
Dominik Schöffmann | Modern Router Architectures | GR | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich | 2016 | |
Dominik Schöffmann | Comparison of Packet IO Frameworks for Test Tools | BA | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich | 2016 | |
Frank Schmidt | Large Scale DNS Scanner in Go | MA | Johannes Naab, Oliver Gasser | 2016 | |
Chris Hanselmann | Implementation and Evaluation of a Client Controlled Multipath Proxy | BA | Daniel Raumer, Quirin Scheitle | 2016 | |
Florian Wiedner | MoonGUI - Live Evaluation of Network Tests | BA | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich | 2016 |
Christoph Schwarzenberg | A System for Evaluation of Network Experiments in Multiuser Testbeds | IDP | Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2016 |
Christoph Schwarzenberg | A Data Analysis and Visualization Framework for Scientific Workflow Support | BA | Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2016 |
Elias Tatros | Live Monitoring of Network Experiments | IDP | Daniel Raumer | 2016 |
Jan Weicker | Performance Comparison of Virtual Switching on Windows and Linux Systems | MA | Daniel Raumer, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2016 |
Michael Remmler | Entwicklung eines OpenFlow-Switch Benchmarks | MA | Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2016 |
Elias Hazboun | Investigating Mobile Messaging Security 2 - How strong is WhatsApp/Threema/... transport security? | IDP | Matthias Wachs, Quirin Scheitle | 2016 |
Denis Huber | SOME/IP Test Framework for HiL-Simulators | MA | Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Stephan-A. Posselt | 2016 |
Nikolai Schwellnus | Datamining on IETF data | IDP | Heiko Niedermayer, Daniel Raumer, Edwin Cordeiro | 2016 |
Nikolai Schwellnus | A Heat Map for IETF Standardization Activities | BA | Daniel Raumer, Heiko Niedermayer, Edwin Cordeiro | 2016 |
Kerem Saka | Implementing I2RS for Quagga | BA | Edwin Cordeiro | 2016 |
Daniel Kowatsch | Implementing and analysing I2RS in a SDN | BA | Edwin Cordeiro | 2016 |
Jagjit Singh | Test the Cloud - Evaluate tools for 40 Gbit Networks | BA | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich | 2016 |
Elias Hazboun | Applicability and Performance Analysis of Encrypted Databases for Smart Environments | MA | Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz | 2016 |
Stefan Smarzly | Employment and Evaluation of Secure Multi-Party Computation for Privacy-Preserving Services in Smart Buildings | MA | Marcel von Maltitz, Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2016 |
Thomas Mauerer | A multi-tenant and privacy-preserving information processing system | BA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz, Johann Schlamp | 2016 |
Marko Dorfhuber | Information Collection for Temporal Variation Analysis on Networks | BA | Nadine Herold, Matthias Wachs, Stefan Liebald | 2016 | |
Christoph Rudolf | Automated Planning, Setup and Configuration for Scientific Testbed Environments | BA | Nadine Herold, Matthias Wachs, Stefan Liebald | 2016 | |
Pirmin Blanz | IPv6 TLS Security Scanning | MA | Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle | 2016 | |
Nadja Schricker | Active Security Evaluation with Network Scans | BA | Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle | 2016 | |
Michael Köpferl | Evaluation of amplification attacks in large-scale networks to improve detection performance | IDP | Oliver Gasser, Stefan Metzger | 2016 | |
Jakob Bachhuber | Confidential mail: improving email security with network measurements | MA | Ralph Holz | 2016 | |
Tobias Betz | Development of a hardware-abstraction layer for the Baltikum test framework | IDP | Florian Wohlfart, Daniel Raumer | 2016 |
Simon Bauer | Increasing Application Performance with SR-IOV | IDP | Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer | 2016 | |
Fabian Kaiser | Performance analysis of SnabbSwitch with emulated network function chains | BA | Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2016 |
Bernhard Metz | Throughput and Latency in Cloud-benchmarking | BA | Daniel Raumer | 2016 |
Adrian Weis | Measuring and Modelling the Performance of OpenStack | BA | Daniel Raumer, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2016 |
Simon Bauer | Network function chaining: configuration guidelines for optimal performance | MA | Daniel Raumer, Paul Emmerich | 2016 |
Erkin Kirdan | Traffic shaping and policing with DPDK | GR | Paul Emmerich, Dominik Scholz, Daniel Raumer | 2016 |
Simon Leber | Tracking down the CPU consumption for Linux Traffic Control | BA | Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Dominik Scholz | 2016 |
Franz-Niclas Muschter | Implementation of a Wide-band Spectrum Analyzer using GNU Radio | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire | 2016 | |
Markus Dausch | Measurement and Analysis of Traffic of Mobile Apps | MA | Heiko Niedermayer, Quirin Scheitle | 2016 |
Oliver R. Broome | A Digital Wallet Implementation for Anonymous Cash | BA | Sree Harsha Totakura | 2015 |
Julius Bünger | Implementation and Evaluation of Brahms in the GNUnet Framework | BA | Bartolomiej Polot, Sree Harsha Totakura | 2015 |
Markus Alexander Teich | Group OTR and its Use-Cases | IDP | Sree Harsha Totakura | 2015 | |
Minoo Rouhi Vejdani | Comparing IPv4 and IPv6 hosts and paths in the Internet | MA | Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Paul Emmerich | 2015 |
Johann Schöpfer | Userspace TCP Stacks | BA | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich | 2015 |
Max von Tettenborn | Integrating Coded Feedback with the ORB Protocol | GR | Maurice Leclaire, Stephan M. Günther | 2015 | |
Karthik Mathiazhagan | Performance Analysis of SnabbSwitch | IDP | Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2015 |
Sven Hertle | Smart Meter - Energy Measurement in Data Centers | IDP | Daniel Raumer, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Florian Wohlfart | 2015 |
Pranav Jagdish | Design and Implementation of a Management Service for Digital Certificates | M.Sc. | Matthias Wachs | 2015 |
Dario Banfi | Endpoint-transparent multipath in Software Defined Networks | MA | Ralph Holz | 2015 | |
Jay Shah | Implementation and Performance Analysis of Firewall on Open vSwitch | IDP | Cornelius Diekmann, Florian Wohlfart | 2015 |
Johannes Zirngibl | Mobile Messaging Security - Who can read your messages? | B.S. | Quirin Scheitle, Matthias Wachs | 2015 |
Thomas Kuehner | Mobile Device Localization - A Provider’s Perspective | MA | Quirin Scheitle, Johann Schlamp | 2015 |
Roman Leuprecht | Automated Analysis of Wireless Communication Protocols via Software Defined Radio | BA | Quirin Scheitle, Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire | 2015 | |
Till Wickenheiser | Correlating inbound Time to Live header data to network characteristics | BA | Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Paul Emmerich, Felix von Eye | 2015 |
Arno Hilke | Advancing malicious packet detection through inbound Time to Live headers | BA | Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Paul Emmerich, Felix von Eye | 2015 |
Christian Sturm | Detection of malicious packets through inbound Time to Live headers | BA | Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Felix von Eye | 2015 |
Tim Schmidt | Detecting Abuse of Abandoned Internet Resources | BA | Johann Schlamp, Quirin Scheitle | 2015 | |
Patrick Sattler | Parsing geographical locations from DNS names | BA | Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Johannes Naab | 2015 |
Michael Peter | Modelling a Secure IT Infrastructure based on BSI IT Baseline Protection | MA | Stephan-A. Posselt, Nadine Herold, Andreas Paul, Martin Uhl | 2015 |
Clemens Paul | Modellierung und Anwendung von Redundanz | MA | Nadine Herold, Stephan-A. Posselt | 2015 |
Michael Domke | DNS in a Box – Testing for Reproducible Network Scans | BA | Johannes Naab, Oliver Gasser | 2015 | |
Katharina Rudert | Botnet Detection using Machine Learning on Flow Data | MA | Johannes Naab, Oliver Gasser | 2015 |
Andreas Loibl | Measurement Proxy for distributed Network Measurements | BA | Johannes Naab, Oliver Gasser | 2015 | |
Dominik Scholz | Protocol Stacks for Packet Generators: A Dynamic Approach | IDP | Paul Emmerich | 2015 | |
Sina Shafaei | Performance Evaluation of Mobile Network Components | IDP | Daniel Raumer, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2015 | |
Lukas Wieditz | Testing and Validating Tests for Reproducible Experiments | BA | Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2015 |
Rainer Schönberger | A Modular Software Router based on DPDK | MA | Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2015 | |
Lukas Märdian | Automatic verification of RF equipment with off-the-shelf hardware | MA | Daniel Raumer | 2015 | |
Thomas Schultz | A Test Bench for SDN Device Certification | MA | Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart, Paul Emmerich | 2015 |
Stefan Kreuzer | Automation of Virtual Machine Setups for Network Experiments | BA | Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2015 |
Patrick Werneck | Network Device Benchmarking Framework | BA | Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2015 |
Lukas Märdian | Accelerating Network Applications with NIC Offloading | IDP | Daniel Raumer | 2015 |
Marcel Sütterlin | Analysis of the FreeBSD Network Stack Performance | BA | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2015 |
Dominik Scholz | Component Interaction Models for Linux-based Network Systems | GR | Florian Wohlfart, Daniel Raumer, Paul Emmerich | 2015 |
Daniel Krieger | Comparison of the Windows Network Stack Performance with Linux | BA | Daniel Raumer, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2015 |
Christian Lübben | Implementing an Attack Framework for Generating Test Data Sets for Intrusion Detection Systems | IDP | Nadine Herold, Stephan-A. Posselt | 2015 | |
Maurice Leclaire | Distributed Opportunistic Routing in Bidirectionally Coded Wireless Networks | MA | Stephan M. Günther | 2015 | |
Sebastian Kiwus | Botnet-Evaluierung und Botnet-Erkennung | BA | Nadine Herold, Stephan-A. Posselt | 2015 |
Richard Kaufhold | Konzepte zur Priorisierung von Alarmen in heterogenen IDS-Umgebungen | MA | Nadine Herold, Stephan-A. Posselt | 2015 |
Dmitry Chokovski | Comparing IPv4 and IPv6 Latency on the Internet | BA | Paul Emmerich, Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser | 2015 |
Daniel Hugenroth | HRTP: A Broadcast-Based System for Unobservable Internet Telephony | MA | Advisor: Lukas Schwaighofer, Supervisor: Prof. Georg Carle | 2015 |
Andreas Kammerloher | Address Resolution and Key Management for a Distributed Communication Underlay | BA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz | 2015 |
Besjan Saidi | User controlled privacy settings for Smart Environments | BA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz | 2015 |
Lawrence Krug | A system for giving practical advice for energy saving based on sensor information | BA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz, Johann Schlamp | 2015 |
Arved Baus | A Feedback System for Smart Buildings | BA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz, Johann Schlamp | 2015 |
Jakob Leitmeir | Privacy-preserving Data Combination in Smart Environments | BA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz | 2015 |
Benjamin Schöntag | Integrating Voice over IP into a privacy friendly network underlay | BA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Marcel von Maltitz | 2015 | |
Christian Brosche | A modular framework for a collaborative solution for privacy-preserving network communication | BA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Marcel von Maltitz | 2015 |
Sebastian Vogl | Privatheitsprobleme von Datenmodellen im intelligenten Gebäudeumfeld | BA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Marcel von Maltitz | 2015 |
Max Helm | Konzeption eines Systems zur Erkennung von Sicherheitsverletzungen in Netzwerken | BA | Nadine Herold, Stephan-A. Posselt | 2015 |
Stefan Aicher | Identification and Privacy Aspects for a Digitally-supported Examination Process | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Johannes Naab, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2015 |
Kaloyan Zdravkov | Data Management for a Digitally-supported Examination Process | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Johannes Naab, Sebastian Gallenmüller | 2015 |
Martin Riedel | Development of a Spectrum Analyzer based on the HackRF | BA | Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Quirin Scheitle | 2015 |
Zhechko Zhechev | Asymmetric Route Detection using Return TTLs | BA | Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle | 2015 |
Sebastian Gebhard | IPv6 Scanning - Smart Address Selection and Comparison to Legacy IP | MA | Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle | 2015 |
Felix Emmert | Messung und Evalution der Verbreitung von IPMI-Geräten mit aktiven Scans | BA | Oliver Gasser | 2015 | |
Michael Köpferl | Effective Visualization of Amplification Attacks in Amplifier Networks | BA | Oliver Gasser, Felix von Eye | 2015 | |
Fabian Raab | Modeling and Analysis of BGP Community Attributes | BA | Oliver Gasser, Johann Schlamp | 2015 | |
Albert Khakimullin | Real-time Amplification Attack Detection | IDP | Oliver Gasser, Felix von Eye | 2015 |
Victor Sosa | Large-scale Flow Collection | IDP | Oliver Gasser | 2015 |
Stefan Fochler | Optimization of Quality Criteria by using Overlay Networks in the Internet | BA | Stephan-A. Posselt, Johann Schlamp, Nadine Herold | 2015 |
Simon Stempfhuber | Visualisierung von Temperaturzonen in Rechenzentren | BA, IDP | Paul Emmerich, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2015 |
Marcel Schumacher | Efficient Broadcast Schemes for Wireless Mesh Networks | BA | Maurice Leclaire, Stephan M. Günther | 2015 | |
Florian Dold | Generic Boot Loader and Software Deployment for Heterogeneous Networks | IDP | Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire | 2015 | |
Martin E. Jobst | Packet Delay Smoothing for Coded Wireless Networks | IDP | Stephan M. Günther | 2015 | |
Simon Bauer | Evaluation of Port Scanners and Port Scan Detection Tools | BA | Nadine Herold, Stephan-A. Posselt | 2015 |
Peter Pfrommer | Evaluation of High-Performance Packet IO for Servers based on Commodity Hardware | BA | Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2015 |
Max Liebkies | Extension of a DNS scanner and conduction of large-scale DNS scans | MA | Johannes Naab, Ralph Holz | 2014 | |
Stefan König | Scanning and Analysing the DNS for local and temporal Influences | MA | Johannes Naab, Ralph Holz | 2014 | |
Florian Scheibner | Control Flow Analysis for Event-Driven Programs | BA | Sree Harsha Totakura | 2014 |
Timm Böttger | Amplification Attack Detection | MA | Oliver Gasser, Lothar Braun, Felix von Eye | 2014 |
Omar Tarabai | Decentralized and Autonomous Anomaly Detection Infrastructure for Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Networks | MA | Matthias Wachs | 2014 |
Jan Seeger | A scientific workbench with unified access to measurement data | MA | Ralph Holz, Johann Schlamp | 2014 | |
Leonhard Rabel | Measurement-Based Analysis of Public Peering at Internet Exchange Points | MA | Johann Schlamp | 2014 | |
Mathieu Airault | Design and implementation of a scientific game based on mobile network measurements | GR | Johann Schlamp | 2014 | |
Oliver Feldmann | Crowd-based Weak Point Analysis of Cellular Network Coverage | MA | Johann Schlamp | 2014 | |
Tanmay Chaudhry | Monitoring in SDNs | IDP | Lukas Schwaighofer, Daniel Raumer | 2014 |
Milad Khanibeik | Management of Services in Smart Spaces | MA | Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2014 | |
Zubair Hafeez | A Case Study of Software Defined Networking (SDN) Deployments | MA | Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2014 |
Tobias Betz | Scientific Workflow Optimization in Networking Testbeds | BA | Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart, Paul Emmerich | 2014 |
Tobias Weiher | Robustness and Performance of Online Game Server Infrastructure | BA | Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer | 2014 |
Linus Lotz | Energy Efficiency of Software Routers | IDP | Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2014 |
Felix Lampe | Scaling of Future Software Router Architectures | BA | Florian Wohlfart, Daniel Raumer, Paul Emmerich | 2014 |
Lukas Erlacher | Temporal Behavior of PC-based Packet Processing | MA | Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2014 |
Stefan Edinger | QoS-differentiation in Software Routers | BA | Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart, Paul Emmerich | 2014 |
Simon Gallitscher | Performance Evaluation of Software-based Packet Processing in Commodity Routers | BA | Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2014 |
Sebastian Gallenmüller | Comparison of Memory Mapping Techniques for High-Speed Packet Processing | MA | Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2014 |
Paul Emmerich | A Performance Analysis of Open vSwitch | MA | Florian Wohlfart, Daniel Raumer | 2014 |
Christian Fuchs | Network Delay Measurements with Commodity Hardware | BA | Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2014 |
Dominik Scholz | A Model for Performance Prediction in PC-based Packet Processing Systems | BA | Florian Wohlfart, Daniel Raumer | 2014 |
Michael Gielesberger | Network Monitoring with OpenFlow | MA | Lothar Braun | 2014 | |
Nils Mäurer | Efficient scans of large research networks | BA | Ralph Holz, Oliver Gasser | 2014 | |
Christian Lübben | Erstellung von Testdatensätzen für Intrusion Detection Systeme | BA | Nadine Herold, Stephan-A. Posselt | 2014 |
Matthias Jaros | Deployment and orchestration of network measurements using the PlanetLab testbed | BA | Ralph Holz, Oliver Gasser | 2014 | |
Florian Baumann | Anonyme Autorisierung in Smart Environments | BA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz | 2014 |
Benedikt Peter | A Privacy-Preserving Architecture for a Smart Building Control System | MA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz | 2014 |
Sebastian Rückerl | Presence Detection using passive WLAN measurements | BA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer | 2014 | |
Sebastian Bendeich | Datenmodelle und Konfliktlösung im intelligenten Gebäudeumfeld | MA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Marcel von Maltitz | 2014 | |
Max von Tettenborn | Permission-aware Resolution of Human-readable Identifiers and Connectivity Establishment in Smart Environments | BA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer | 2014 | |
Charis-Nicolas Georgiou | Response-aware Event Aggregation for Policy Enhancement | BA | Nadine Herold, Stephan-A. Posselt | 2014 |
Michael Dorner | Evaluation of Metrics for the Link Quality of Asymmetric Wireless Channels | IDP | Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire | 2014 | |
Christian Dietz | moep80211kptm | IDP | Stephan M. Günther, Maximilian Riemensberger | 2014 | |
Lukas Erlacher Benedikt Peter | Further Development of the moep80211 Coded Wireless Mesh Network | IDP | Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire | 2014 | |
Rafael Fedler | Development of a Network Alert Correlator and Framework | IDP | Nadine Herold, Stephan-A. Posselt | 2014 |
Nicolas Appel | Design of a network protocol stack for the CubeSat MOVE2 | BA | Stephan-A. Posselt | 2014 |
Sibi Antony | Privacy-Preserving Distributed Encrypted Data Storage and Retrieval | MA | Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2013 | |
Carl Denis | Model-Based Analysis of Industrial Control Systems | MA | Lothar Braun, Cornelius Diekmann, Tobias Limmer | 2013 | |
Johann Dichtl | Enhancement of the Web-based User Interface for ACMP | SEP | Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2013 | |
Oliver Gasser | Monitoring Command-and-Control Channels with ccSpy | IDP | Lothar Braun | 2013 | |
Björn Korth | Intelligent Distributed Metering | Diplomarbeit (Uni-Bremen) | Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2013 | |
Fabian Oehlmann | Machine Learning Based Ressource Allocation for P2P Networks | M.Sc. | Matthias Wachs | 2013 |
Steve Walter | Development and Evaluation of an Energy Saving Function for LTE SON | MA | Tsvetko Tsvetkov | 2013 | |
Benjamin Braun | Measurement-based Analysis of Wired and Mobile Internet Topologies | BA | Johann Schlamp | 2013 | |
Christian Eckert | An Early Warning System for AS Hijacking | MA | Johann Schlamp | 2013 | |
Thomas Pieronczyk | Visual Analysis of Anonymized Wifi Data | MA | Johann Schlamp | 2013 | |
Sebastian Scheibner | Active Detection of IP Prefix Hijacking | BA | Johann Schlamp | 2013 | |
Timo Lamprecht | Visual analysis of anonymized location and movement data | BA | Johann Schlamp | 2013 | |
Friederike Thun | Measuring asymmetric Internet paths | MA | Johann Schlamp, Stephan M. Günther | 2013 | |
Michael Faath | Analysis of content delivery networks with an Android-based measurement framework | MA | Johann Schlamp | 2013 | |
Daniel Kraffner | Added value for mobile users based on crowd intelligence data collected with MeasrDroid | BA | Johann Schlamp | 2013 | |
Dhyan Blum | An analysis of the mobile Internet based on Android measurement nodes | BA | Johann Schlamp | 2013 | |
Peter Gawronski | Measuring the performance of network flows | BA | Lukas Schwaighofer, Daniel Raumer | 2013 |
Peter Schaab | Open Flow for QoS-Monitoring | BA | Lukas Schwaighofer, Daniel Raumer | 2013 |
Alexander Schubert | Resource Mapping for Network Experiments | BA | Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2013 | |
Alexander Mildner | Beyond RFC 2544: A Framework for Device Benchmarking | BA | Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2013 |
Syed Rizvi | Software Defined Networking (SDN) for ISP Networks | MA | Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2013 |
Robert Schmidpeter | On the Trail of Packets in PC-based Packetprocessing Systems | BA | Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2013 |
Denis Huber | A Toolbox for Scientific Workflow Management in Network Measurement Projects | BA | Florian Wohlfart, Daniel Raumer | 2013 |
Omar Tarabei | A pen-testing framework for the Munich Research Network | IDP | Ralph Holz | 2013 |
Rupert Schneider | Resource Depletion und Denial of Service Angriffe auf Xen und KVM | BA | Holger Kinkelin, Heiko Niedermayer | 2013 | |
Michael Dorner | Establishing Secure Communication for (Virtual) Machines using Java Smart Cards | BA | Holger Kinkelin, Nadine Herold | 2013 |
Cornelius Diekmann | Security Requirement Modeling as Configuration Management for Scenario-Specific Networks | MA | Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer | 2013 |
Simon Mittelberger | Flexible and resilient services for user-centric identity management and access control | MA | Holger Kinkelin, Heiko Niedermayer | 2013 | |
Johannes Naab | Scannning and Evaluating DNS Deployments in the Internet | MA | Oliver Gasser, Ralph Holz, Johann Schlamp | 2013 | |
Philip Wenger | Bidirectional Data Queries with TinyIPFIX | BA | Corinna Schmitt, Heiko Niedermayer, Thomas Kothmayr | 2013 | |
Franz Saller | Understanding Certificate Revocation: OCSP, CRLs, and data sets | MA | Ralph Holz | 2013 |
Martin Herrmann | An Extendable Link Layer Frame Format for Wireless Coded Mesh Networks | BA | Stephan M. Günther | 2013 | |
Florian Klein | Development of a Distributed Measurement Infrastructure for a Wireless Coded Packet | IDP | Stephan M. Günther | 2013 | |
Markus Dauberschmidt | Automated Protocol Reverse Engineering | DA | Lothar Braun | 2012 | |
Cuneyt Caliskan (KTH) | Autonomous Placement and Migration of Services in Heterogeneous Environments | MA | Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2012 | |
Pavel Podkopajev (KTH) | An App Store/ Market for the Home | MA | Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2012 | |
Cornelius Diekmann | Adaptive Low-Level Packet Sampling for High-Speed Networks | IDP | Lothar Braun | 2012 | |
Florian Wohlfart | Topology-based Traversal of Large Scale NATs | MA | Andreas Müller, Johann Schlamp | 2012 | |
Sebastian Mohr | Dynamic traffic engineering in realistic multidomain and MPLS networks | Diploma Thesis | Benjamin Hof, Lukas Schwaighofer | 2012 | |
Quirin Scheitle | Active Detection of BGP Prefix Hijacking | DA | Johann Schlamp | 2012 | |
Patrick de Boer | An early warning system for BGP hijacking attacks | MA | Johann Schlamp | 2012 | |
Christian Meindl | An analysis framework for cellular networks based on user-assisted measurements of the MeasrDroid infrastructure | BA | Johann Schlamp | 2012 | |
Axel Gerster | MeasrDroid: Improving the user experience in cellular networks based on the evaluation of large-scale measurements on Android devices | DA | Johann Schlamp | 2012 | |
Daniel Baumann | Assisted Integration of Heterogeneous Devices into Smart Spaces | BA | Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2012 | |
Thomas Szyrkowiec | Secure Multi-Party Computation at Home | MA | Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2012 | |
Ahmed Sghaier | Autoconfiguration of Emulated Networks | BA | Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart | 2012 |
Thomas Schultz | A Performance Analysis of PC-based Software Routers | BA | Florian Wohlfart, Daniel Raumer | 2012 |
Robert Kulzer | Host profiling based on remote measurements | Master thesis | Ralph Holz | 2012 | |
Oliver Gasser | Conducting large-scale active and passive measurements of SSH deployments | MA | Ralph Holz | 2012 | |
Leon Winter | A scanner for privacy-violating techniques on the WWW | IDP | Ralph Holz | 2012 | |
Andrey Uzunov | A library and proxy for SPDY | IDP | Ralph Holz | 2012 | |
Maximilian Szengel | Spontaneous Private Networking - Governed by Security Policies | Master thesis | Ralph Holz, Christian Grothoff, Bart Polot, Heiko Niedermayer | 2012 |
Benedikt Peter | Isolation Quality of Hypervisors | BA | Holger Kinkelin, Heiko Niedermayer | 2012 | |
Simon Stauber | Hypervisor-based machine monitoring for securing network infrastructures | DA | Holger Kinkelin | 2012 | |
Martin Jobst | Security and Privacy for Personalized Virtual Machine Images using Smart Cards | BA | Holger Kinkelin, Andreas Müller | 2012 |
Paulo Henrique Azevêdo Filho | User-friendly authorization mechanisms in smart building environments | GR | Holger Kinkelin | 2012 | |
Wenwen Chen | Authentication and Authorization Methods for Resource-Constrained Embedded Device | MA | Dr. Holger Kinkelin | 2012 | |
Martin Keßler | Dynamic Multi-path Link-layer Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks | BA | Stephan M. Günther | 2012 | |
Maurice Leclaire | Rate Control Algorithms for Wireless Mesh Networks | BA | Stephan M. Günther | 2012 | |
Jan Schalkmap | Efficient Link-layer Acknowledgements and Retransmits in Wireless Messy networks | BA | Stephan M. Günther | 2012 | |
Lukas Erlacher | Link-layer Forward Error Correction in Wireless Mesh Networks | BA | Stephan M. Günther | 2012 | |
Philipp Lowack | Key Management and Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks | MA | Corinna Schmitt, Heiko Niedermayer | 2012 |
Irfan Basha | Privacy Crawler | MA | Ralph Holz | 2012 | |
Tsvetko Tsvetkov | Optimization of P2P Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks | MA | Alexander Klein | 2012 |
Elias Tatros | Evaluation of Different Caching Strategies for YouTube - Multimedia Content | BA | Alexander Klein, Heiko Niedermayer | 2012 |
Florian Buchmaier | Dynamic Traffic Shaping in Linux | BA | Stephan M. Günther | 2012 | |
Alexander Rickett | IP-based Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks | MA | Alexander Klein | 2012 |
Thomas Oberwallner | Implementation and Evaluation of Mobility Models with OPNET | MA | Alexander Klein | 2012 |
Simon Mittelberger | A Home Certification Authority for AutHoNe based on Trusted Computing Technology | SEP | Holger Kinkelin | 2012 |
Sebastian Bendeich | Privacy aware Middlebox for IPv6 based on NAT66 | BA | Andreas Müller | 2012 | |
Ferdinand Mayet | Passive Operating System Fingerprinting | MA | Lothar Braun | 2011 | |
Philip Lorenz | IPFIX- und OLSR-Monitoring in Wireless Mesh Networks | MA | Lothar Braun | 2011 | |
Deniz Ugurlu | Home Network User Interfaces | BA | Heiko Niedermaier, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2011 | |
Martin Riedl | Self-Optimizing User-Interfaces for Autonomous Environments | DA (FH) | Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2011 | |
Markus Sieber | Online Anomaly Detection for Internet Services | Masterarbeit | Ali Fessi, Heiko Niedermayer | 2011 | |
Simon Wagner | User-assisted analysis of cellular network structures | BA | Johann Schlamp | 2011 | |
Lukas Schwaighofer | Building resilient network services using IP anycast | MA | Johann Schlamp, Ali Fessi | 2011 | |
Benjamin Hof | Optimization techniques for large-scale traceroute measurements | MA | Johann Schlamp | 2011 | |
Mathias Helminger | Interactive visualization of global routing dynamics | BA | Johann Schlamp | 2011 | |
Christian Ruppert | Reducing visual complexity of graphs with edge bundling | BA | Johann Schlamp | 2011 | |
Michael Gielesberger | Measurement-based strategies for discovering active Internet hosts | BA | Johann Schlamp | 2011 | |
Sebastian Rampfl | Analysis and visualization of BGP routing dynamcics | BA | Johann Schlamp | 2011 | |
Jochen Ritzel | Wide Area Virtual Machine Migration based on Application Layer End-to-End Mobility | Bachelorarbeit | Ali Fessi | 2011 | |
Thomas Riedmaier | Turning the Tables - Hunting the SSL/TLS Men-in-the-Middle | Master thesis | Ralph Holz, Heiko Niedermayer | 2011 |
Arne Wirtz | Looking for SSH phishers, compromised hosts and weak keys | Master thesis | Ralph Holz, Marc Fouquet, Lothar Braun | 2011 |
Simon Zimmermann | PercoPastry: routing around failures | Bachelor thesis | Ralph Holz, Nils Kammenhuber | 2011 | |
David Ellermann | Protecting against JavaScript-based attacks with signatures | Bachelor thesis | Ralph Holz, Heiko Niedermayer, Phillip Fehre | 2011 | |
Simon Dieterle | Rapping their knuckles - monitoring X.509 certificate revocation | Bachelor thesis | Ralph Holz, Nils Kammenhuber, Lothar Braun | 2011 |
Christian Liedl | Sicherheitsanalyse fuer stark resourcenlimitierte Plattformen | Zulassungsarbeit | Corinna Schmitt | 2011 |
Andre Freitag | Framework Development for Wireless Sensor Networks facing Configuration and Information Exchange/Export Tasks | BA | Corinna Schmitt | 2011 | |
Benjamin Ertl | Data Aggregation using TinyIPFIX in Wireless Sensor Networks | BA | Corinna Schmitt | 2011 |
Thomas Kothmayr | A Security Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks based on DTLS | MA | Corinna Schmitt, Wen Hu (CSIRO Australien) | 2011 | |
Sebastian Fischer | Untersuchung von SPIT mit Hilfe von SIP-Honeypots | Bachelor / Master / Diploma Thesis | Lothar Braun | 2011 | |
Fabian Oehlmann | Simulation of the Better Approach To Mobile Adhoc Networking (B.A.T.M.A.N.) Protocol | BA | Alexander Klein | 2011 |
Christian Sternecker | Implementation and Evaluation of Medium Access Control Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks | BA | Alexander Klein | 2011 |
Christian Dietz | Simulative Performance Evaluation of the Collection Tree Protocol (CTP) | BA | Alexander Klein | 2011 |
Konrad Windszus | Auswirkung von asymetrischen Links auf die Leistungsfaehigkeit von Routingprotokollen in drahlosen Sensornetzen | MA | Alexander Klein, Corinna Schmitt | 2011 |
Lukas Tillmann | Kommunikationsstandards in Wireless Sensor Networks | BA | Alexander Klein, Corinna Schmitt | 2011 |
Carl Denis | Strategies for Hierarchical Knowledge Management | BA | Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2010 | |
Stefan Laner | Erkennung und Identifizierung gängiger Angriffstypen anhand von Flow-Daten | BA | Lothar Braun, Gerhard Münz | 2010 |
Robert Kulzer | Untersuchung und Vergleich von Client-Honeypots | BA | Lothar Braun | 2010 | |
Philipp Lowack | Verteilte Untersuchung von Botnetzen | BA | Lothar Braun | 2010 | |
Franz Saller | Dynamische Malware-Analyse mittels transparenter Emulation von Internet-Diensten | BA | Lothar Braun | 2010 | |
Oliver Gasser | Implementierung und Analyse eines lastabhängigen Sampling-Verfahrens | BA | Lothar Braun | 2010 |
Robert Franz | Advanced Model Enhancement and Knowledge Store Concepts | MA | Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2010 | |
Andreas Scheibleger | Classification of Traffic Flows using DPI | BA | Lothar Braun, Gerhard Münz | 2010 |
Rene Brogatzki | A Knowledge-Proxy towards SNMP | Bachelorarbeit | Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2010 | |
Enrique Garcia | Reference Implementation of an Autonomic Manager | Bachelor Thesis (Universidad de las Americas, Puebla, Mexiko) | Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2010 | |
Blaz Primc | Authentisierende Adressierung in Netzwerken | DA (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) | Marc-Oliver Pahl, Heiko Niedermayer, Holger Kinkelin, Andreas Müller | 2010 | |
Alexander Didebulidze | Leistungsbewertung und Verbesserung des Packet-Capturings mit PC-Hardware | Diplomarbeit | Lothar Braun, Gerhard Münz | 2010 |
Malte Buck | A Reliable Scalable Secure Knowledge-Distribution Overlay | Diplomarbeit | Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2010 | |
Kameliya Terzieva | Export von Netzstatusinformationen aus WLAN-Routern mit IPFIX | Bachelorarbeit | Gerhard Münz, Andreas Müller | 2010 | |
Stephan M. Günther | A formal model for constraint-based IP geolocation | MA | Johann Schlamp, Dirk Haage | 2010 | |
Andreas Flaig | Interactive visualization of network topologies | BA | Johann Schlamp, Dirk Haage | 2010 | |
Florian Hartmann | Design and implementation of a web application for visualizing Internet routes | BA | Johann Schlamp, Dirk Haage | 2010 | |
Stephan-A. Posselt | Design of a Reliable, Fully Decentralized Software Transactional Memory Protocol | Diploma thesis | Georg Carle, Thomas Fuhrmann | 2010 | |
Deniz Ugurlu | Understanding User Input in Home Networks | Bachelor / Master / Diploma Thesis | Heiko Niedermayer, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2010 |
Young Chul Jung | Interaktion zwischen Angreifer und Verteidiger bei der DoS-Verteidigung virtueller Webserver | Masterarbeit | Marc Fouquet | 2010 | |
Alexander Wittmann | Erkennung und Behandlung von DDoS-Angriffen in virtualisierten Umgebungen | Bachelorarbeit | Marc Fouquet | 2010 | |
Johanna Eicher | Load Balancing for Systems which protects web-services from denial of service attacks (by using redirects) | Bachelorarbeit | Marc Fouquet, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2010 | |
Wolfgang Zejda | DoS-Verteidigung für Webserver | Diplomarbeit / Masterarbeit | Marc Fouquet, Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2010 |
Sebastian Krebs | Untersuchung von DNS-Verkehr durch passive Verkehrsmessungen | BA | Lothar Braun | 2010 |
Gürcan Karakoc | Ein Mechanismus für nutzerzentriertes Identitäts- und Vertrauensmanagement basierend auf sozialen Netzwerken | DA | Holger Kinkelin, Andreas Müller | 2010 | |
Dieter Panin | Estimating performance parameters of future networks | Bachelor thesis | Nils Kammenhuber | 2010 |
Jan Seeger | Conducting and Analysing Eclipse Attacks on the Kad P2P Network (aMule/eMule) | Bachelor thesis | Ralph Holz | 2010 |
Philipp Fehre | Unterbrechungsfreie Relokalisierung von virtuellen Maschinen in einer Data-Center-Cloud | Diplomarbeit | Dirk Haage | 2010 | |
Julian Kirsch Maurice Leclaire | Development of a PXE Boot Loader for the MOEP80211 Coded Wireless Mesh Network | IDP | Stephan M. Günther | 2010 | |
Sascha Päppinghaus | Migration of Virtual Machines across the Internet | Bachelor-Arbeit | Ali Fessi, Marc Fouquet | 2010 | |
Tsvetko Tsvetkov | Leistungsbewertung von Routingprotokollen in drahtlosen Sensornetzen | BA | Alexander Klein, Corinna Schmitt | 2010 |
Thomas Kothmayr | Datensammlung in Wireless Sensor Networks fuer Autonomic Home Networking | BA | Corinna Schmitt, Lothar Braun | 2010 |
Yukun Huang | Verkehrsklassifizierung mit Methoden des maschinellen Lernens | Diplomarbeit | Gerhard Münz, Lothar Braun | 2010 | |
Daniel Mentz | Sichere und effiziente Übertragung von Verkehrsmessdaten | Diplomarbeit | Lothar Braun, Gerhard Münz | 2010 | |
Benjamin Wiesmüller | Untersuchung von TCP-Eigenschaften zur Rekonstruktion von Nachrichtenlängen | Bachelorarbeit | Lothar Braun, Gerhard Münz | 2009 | |
Jose Valerio | Knowledge-Plane Mechanisms for Home Automation by the Example of Location Based Services | Master Thesis (Telecom SudParis) | Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2009 | |
Alejandro Rodriguez | User Interface Concepts for Home Networks | Final year Project (UPF Barcelona) | Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2009 | |
Frederik Fischer | Konzeption eines Wissensoverlays zum autonomen Netzknotenmanagement | Diplomarbeit | Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2009 | |
Hui Dai | Verkehrscharakterisierung anhand von Flow-Eigenschaften | Diplomarbeit | Lothar Braun, Gerhard Münz | 2009 |
Enrique Garcia | AutoInformations- und Konfigurationsservice | SEP (Universidad de las Americas, Puebla, Mexico) | Marc-Oliver Pahl | 2009 | |
Sven Wiebusch | Entwicklung und Bewertung richtlinienbasierter Sicherheitskonzepte in spontanen virtuellen Netzen | Diplomarbeit | Ralph Holz, Heiko Niedermayer | 2009 | |
Michael Herrmann | Privacy in Online-Sozialen-Netzen | Semesterprojekt | Heiko Niedermayer | 2009 | |
Christoph Eunicke | Vertrauenswürdige Authentisierung durch die Verbindung von digitalen Ausweisen und TPM-fähigen Geräten | Diplomarbeit | Andreas Klenk, Holger Kinkelin | 2009 | |
Johann Schlamp | Configuration Management via frequency analysis of synthetic load fluctuations | Diplomarbeit | Marc Fouquet, Heiko Niedermayer | 2009 |
Christian Korscheck | Optimierung von virtuellen privaten Netzen mit Peer-2-Peer-Technologien | Studienarbeit | Dirk Haage, Ralph Holz | 2009 | |
Rainer Boie | Empirische Untersuchung von Angriffen auf strukturierte P2P-Netze | Diplomarbeit | Ralph Holz | 2009 | |
Benjamin Hof | Simulation of Large Scale Failures in Kademlia | IDP | Ali Fessi | 2009 | |
Ralf Glauberman | Security Extensions for the Kademlia P2P protocol | Bachelor-Arbeit | Ali Fessi | 2009 | |
Maximilian Vinokurov | Ein SIP Auto-Konfigurationsdienst für sicheres VoIP | DA | Andreas Müller, Holger Kinkelin | 2009 | |
Tobias Heck | An extension for TURN supporting multiple Service Categories | Bachelorarbeit | Andreas Müller | 2009 | |
Dominic Degel | NAT-Traversal with DPWS | Bachelorarbeit | Andreas Müller | 2009 | |
Spaska Ivancheva | Ein wissensbasierter SIP-Konfigurationsdienst für NAT-Traversal | SEP | Andreas Müller, Holger Kinkelin | 2009 | |
Alexander Ulrich | Analyse und Visualisierung der Vertrauensbeziehungen in Web of Trust-Netzwerken | Studienarbeit | Ralph Holz | 2009 |
Andreas Schaumeier | Sichere Kommunikation in WSNs | BA | Corinna Schmitt | 2009 |
Florian Wohlfart | Implementation of a GUI for NAT-Traversal | Bachelorarbeit | Andreas Müller | 2009 | |
Thomas Riedmaier | Sicheres Video Streaming mit DPWS | Bachelorarbeit | Andreas Müller | 2009 | |
Mustafa Issa | Wireless Sensor Networks - Technologievergleich | DA | Corinna Schmitt | 2009 |
Andreas Weis | Bluetooth in future Home Networks | SEP | Andreas Müller, Holger Kinkelin | 2009 | |
Simon Stauber | Vertrauenswuerdiges Network Access Control basierend auf Integritaetsmesswerten mit EAP-TNC | SEP | Holger Kinkelin, Corinna Schmitt | 2009 | |
Michael Bothmann | Vertrauenswuerdige Auslieferung von Zertifikaten fuer Network Access Control mit EAP-(T)TLS | SEP | Holger Kinkelin, Corinna Schmitt | 2009 | |
Michael Gienger | Optimierung von Overlays | Diplomarbeit | Dirk Haage | 2008 |