Academic Salon on Low-Latency Communication, Programmable Network Components and In-Network Computation, September 29-30, 2022


  • Core technologies on Low-Latency Communication, Programmable Network Components, and use-cases for In-Networked Computation
  • Applications, in particular from the industrial domain, with requirements met by these core technologies, and that benefit from the capability of in-network computation.
  • Network-related innovations, contributions on implementation, innovative memory and processing technologies, methods and tools for performance assessment, and insights into industrial and automotive applications.

Topical Scope

  • Network-related innovations, in particular architecture innovations such as acceleration techniques for programmable Network Interface Cards and Switches
  • Innovative processing and memory technologies, such as P4-based protocol processing
  • Design, specification, verification, implementation, measurement, testing, and analysis of programmable network components
  • Methods and tools for performance assessment
  • Applications and use-cases, in particular of industrial and the automotive domain.

Organisation by Technical University of Munich

  • Georg Carle (Chair)
  • Andreas Herkersdorf, Jörg Ott (Vice-Chairs)


  • Online event (Virtual Munich)


  • Presentations and Panel Discussions are organized in Zoom.

Final Report

  • Report of Academic Salon is available (pdf)


(subsequent times are CEST - Central European Summer Time, UTC+2)

Thursday September 29

14:00-14:15 Welcome and Introduction

  • Overview on the academic salon by Georg Carle (video)

14:15 - 15:45 Network Paradigms that benefit from Programmable Network Components (Session Chair: Georg Carle)

  • Marco Canini, KAUST: Scaling Deep Learning and Datacenter Applications with Programmable Networks (pdf, video)
  • Steffen Lindner, Daniel Merling, Michael Menth, Universität Tübingen: P4-Based Implementation of BIER and BIER-FRR for Efficient Multicast (pdf, video)
  • Luigi Iannone, Huawei Research Paris: Topological Addressing (pdf, video)

16:00 - 17:30 Real-Time Networking approaches and tools for Industrial Application Scenarios (Session Chair: Georg Carle)

  • Paolo Medagliani, Huawei Research Paris: High capacity and Resilient Large-scale Deterministic IP Networks (video)
  • Filip Rezabek, Marcin Bosk, TUM: Reproducible Layer3-enabled TSN Experiments (pdf, video)
  • Panel Discussion: What challenges of industrial networking remain to be resolved? (notes, video)

Friday September 30

9:00 - 11:00 Programmable Network Interface Cards and In-Network Computation - In-network computation in industrial scenarios, Processor-based Smart-NICs (Session Chair: Michael Menth)

  • Dejan Kostic, KTH Stockholm: Packet Ordering for Improving Application Performance using SmartNICs
  • Francesc Fons, Angela Gonzalez Mariño, Abdoul Aziz Kane, Huawei Research Munich: The paradigm shift in automotive zonal gatewaying (pdf, video)
  • René Glebke, Klaus Wehrle, RWTH Aachen: In-network computation and Processor-based Smart-NICs (pdf, video)

11:15 - 12:50 Mechanisms and Methods for Real-Time Networking approaches suitable for Industrial Application Scenarios (Session Chair: Jörg Ott)

  • Lisa Maile, University Erlangen-Nürnberg: QoS mechanisms for Industrial Applications (pdf, video)
  • Max Helm, Florian Wiedner, TUM: Tail Latency Estimation and Verification (pdf, video)
  • Mubarak Adetunji Ojewale, University of Porto: Multi-Level Preemption in TSN (video)
  • Panel Discussion Structure: Programmable network components, tool chains, and applications (notes, video)
  • Panel Discussion Structure: What is the future of In-Network Computation? (notes, video)

12:50 - 13:00 Wrap-up (Session Chair: Georg Carle)

  • Collection of feedback and suggestions for follow-up event
  • Wrap-up of the Academic Salon (video)