QUIC Performance Measurements


Research of the new QUIC protocol is a priority at our chair since early stages of the IETF draft. Our research focuses on the performance of QUIC on high-speed networks but also the protocol deployment on the Internet.

If you are an interested researcher or student who wants to cooperate with us or if you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Our QUIC interest group is for exchanging ongoing research, concepts, and measurement methodologies to evaluate the performance of QUIC and its deployment. We have collaborated with many students, supervised theses and presented results to the research community.

Performance Measurements

We conduct performance measurements of the QUIC protocol and different implementations on testbeds of our chair. All measurements are conducted on real hardware and focus on high-speed scenarios with links of 10Gbit/s or higher. We evaluate different libraries such as LSQUIC, Quiche and quic-go. Measurements are conducted in different scenarios and under different network conditions.

Previous and ongoing work on TCP at our chair allows us to compare new developments to existing, optimized stacks. Furthermore, the chair's focus on reproducible measurements and experiments provides us a basis for a detailed analysis of QUIC.

Therefore, we developed a framework to enable high-speed network measurements on dedicated hardware servers. It is based on the QUIC Interop Runner and follows different principles: flexibility, portability and reproducibility. For more information we refer to our publication QUIC on the Highway: Evaluating Performance on High-rate Links . The framework is publicly available alongside all measurement configurations, and results shown in the paper, analysis scripts to parse the results, and Jupyter notebooks for visualization. We evaluate the influence of different system parameters and configurations and reach goodputs for default implementations of different QUIC libraries of up to 5 Gbit/s. The framework is presented at IFIP Networking 2023 and source code as well as raw data is provided via Github . Below you can find the general workflow used in our measurements.

Using this setup, we conducted measurements testing clients and servers against each other. Client and server run on dedicated hosts equipped with AMD EPYC 7543 processors and are connected via a 10G link. Then the client requests a file of size 8GB from the server via HTTP/3, which is then downloaded and the resulting goodput is computed using the duration of the download. The prevent packet drops by the operating system we increased the UDP receive buffer for the measurements.

Analyzing Existing Deployments

Together with GINO, we evaluate the deployment of QUIC on the Internet. We implemented tools to identify QUIC and HTTP/3 deployments shortly before the final release of RFC9000. The published QScanner allows to effectively scan QUIC capable targets, conduct a full IETF conform handshake and extract QUIC, TLS but also HTTP information.

Furthermore, we evaluated the configuration of deployed QUIC servers and shared parameters. Insights into deployed libraries, and parameters are combined with local measurements.


If this sounds interesting to you, feel free to contact us:

Related publications

2024-07-01 Marcel Kempf, Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl, Kevin Ploch, Georg Carle, “QUIC on the Fast Lane: Extending Performance Evaluations on High-rate Links,” Computer Communications, vol. 223, Jul. 2024. [Url] [Homepage] [DOI] [Bib]
2024-06-01 Marcel Kempf, Nikolas Gauder, Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl, Georg Carle, “A Quantum of QUIC: Dissecting Cryptography with Post-Quantum Insights,” in International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Networking Conference 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece, Jun. 2024. [Preprint] [Rawdata] [DOI] [Bib]
2024-03-01 Johannes Zirngibl, Florian Gebauer, Patrick Sattler, Markus Sosnowski, Georg Carle, “QUIC Hunter: Finding QUIC Deployments and Identifying Server Libraries Across the Internet,” in Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Mar. 2024. [Homepage] [DOI] [Bib]
2023-07-01 Simon Bauer, Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Christoph Schwarzenberg, Georg Carle, “Evaluating the Benefits: Quantifying the Effects of TCP Options, QUIC, and CDNs on Throughput,” in Proceedings of the Applied Networking Research Workshop, Jul. 2023. [Pdf] [Sourcecode] [Bib]
2023-07-01 Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Georg Carle, “A First Look at SVCB and HTTPS DNS Resource Records in the Wild,” in 2023 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW), Jul. 2023. [Pdf] [DOI] [Bib]
2023-06-01 Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl, Marcel Kempf, Kevin Ploch, Georg Carle, “QUIC on the Highway: Evaluating Performance on High-Rate Links,” in International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Networking 2023 Conference (IFIP Networking 2023), Barcelona, Spain, Jun. 2023. [Preprint] [Rawdata] [DOI] [Bib]
2021-11-01 Johannes Zirngibl, Philippe Buschmann, Patrick Sattler, Benedikt Jaeger, Juliane Aulbach, Georg Carle, “It’s over 9000: Analyzing early QUIC Deployments with the Standardization on the Horizon,” in Proceedings of the 2021 Internet Measurement Conference, New York, NY, USA, Nov. 2021. [Preprint] [Homepage] [Rawdata] [Recording] [DOI] [Bib]

Finished student theses

Author Title Type Advisors Year Links
Kay Schneider Oblivious HTTP: Assessing the State of the Art BA Lion Steger, Marcel Kempf 2024
Guilherme Stark Design of a Benchmarking Framework for MASQUE-Proxies BA Lion Steger, Marcel Kempf 2024
Dominik Ritzenhoff Implementing Forward Erasure Correction in quic-go IDP Marcel Kempf, Johannes Späth, Kilian Holzinger, Francois Michel 2024
Jonas Fromm Reliable MASQUE with Multipath QUIC MA Marcel Kempf, Lion Steger, Kilian Holzinger 2024
Melanie Demmler Analysis of QUIC’s Acknowledgment Frequency and Proposed Extension Mechanisms BA Marcel Kempf, Johannes Zirngibl, Johannes Späth 2024
Daniel Petri Rocha State-of-the-art Multipath Scheduler for QUIC MA Kilian Holzinger, Marcel Kempf 2024
Amal Smaoui Design and Implementation of a Configurable QUIC Workload Framework BA Kilian Holzinger, Stefan Lachnit 2024
Simon Tietz Pacing in the QUIC Protocol BA Marcel Kempf, Johannes Späth, Benedikt Jaeger 2024
Moritz Buhl QUIC Kernel: an In-Kernel Port and Socket Abstraction Layer IDP Johannes Zirngibl, Benedikt Jaeger, Kilian Holzinger, Marcel Kempf 2023
Nikolas Gauder Performance Evaluation of Cryptography in QUIC BA Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl, Marcel Kempf 2023
Raphael Stadler QUICkly Reaching Maximum Throughput: A Comparative Evaluation of QUIC Implementations BA Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl, Marcel Kempf 2023
Johannes Späth QUIC Performance Improvements Using DPDK MA Johannes Zirngibl, Benedikt Jaeger, Kilian Holzinger, Marcel Kempf 2023
Niklas Beck Root Cause Analysis for Throughput Limitations of QUIC Connections MA Simon Bauer, Johannes Zirngibl 2023
Luca Otting Improving QUIC with User Space Networking BA Kilian Holzinger, Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl 2023
Felix Christ MASQUE-Proxying in User-Space MA Kilian Holzinger, Lion Steger 2023
Martin Fritz State of the Art Assessment of Multipath QUIC MA Kilian Holzinger, Lion Steger, Marcel Kempf 2023
Moritz Haid Impact of a TEE on QUIC Performance BA Marcel Kempf, Filip Rezabek, Johannes Zirngibl, Benedikt Jaeger 2023
Simon Karan Guayana Analyzing the Effect of Transport Parameters on QUIC’s Performance BA Johannes Zirngibl, Benedikt Jaeger 2022
Marcel Kempf Analysis of Performance Limitations in QUIC Implementations MA Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl 2022
Florian Gebauer Evaluating Different QUIC Scan Approaches BA Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler 2022
Christoph Probst Rust-based MASQUE-Proxying for Lower OSI-Layer Protocol Traffic MA Lion Steger, Richard von Seck 2022
Christoph Rotte C++-based MASQUE-Proxying for Lower OSI-Layer Protocol Traffic IDP Lion Steger, Richard von Seck 2022
Mohammad Shaharyar Shaukat Measuring the Impact of Transport Layer Protocols and Their Configuration on the Performance of Connections MA Simon Bauer, Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl 2022
Michael Kutter Evaluation of Scalability and Limitations of HTTP/3 BA Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl 2022
Kevin Ploch QUIC Performance on 10G Links BA Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl 2022
Sebastian Voit Bringing QUIC to High-speed Networks MA Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl 2021
Daniel Hegedüs The First Year of QUIC v1 Deployment BA Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Benedikt Jaeger, Juliane Aulbach 2021
Philippe Buschmann Analyzing Quic in the wild MA Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Benedikt Jaeger, Juliane Aulbach 2020
Marcel Mussner In Depth Analysis of QUIC’s Lack of Kernel Optimizations MA Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl 2020
Lennart Keller Packet Pacing with the QUIC Protocol BA Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl 2020
Marcel Kempf Evaluation of the QUIC Spin Bit for RTT Estimation BA Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl 2019

Open and running student theses

Author Title Type Advisors Year Links
Dominik Ritzenhoff QUIC Improvements Using XDP MA Johannes Späth, Marcel Kempf 2025
Nikolas Gauder QUIC in Scamper IDP Marcel Kempf, Johannes Späth, Johannes Zirngibl 2025
Moritz Buhl Quantitative Comparison of QUIC Deployment Options MA Kilian Holzinger, Marcel Kempf, Sebastian Rust 2024
Florian Klein Realistic Synthetic Benchmarks for QUIC & HTTP/3 BA Kilian Holzinger, Stefan Lachnit, Daniel Petri 2024
Michael Haden Increasing Path Diversity of QUIC using MASQUE and Multipath MA Kilian Holzinger, Johannes Späth, Marcel Kempf 2024
Angelo Kleinert Assessing the Energy Consumption of QUIC IDP Kilian Holzinger, Johannes Späth 2024
Simon Karan Guayana Extending the pos Framework for Complex Topologies of Virtual Testbeds IDP Marcel Kempf, Eric Hauser, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2024
offen Forward Erasure Correction Coding in QUIC IDP, MA Kilian Holzinger, Stefan Lachnit 2023