Holistic Approaches for 6th Generation Cellular Networks


Innovative communications systems are key technologies for digitization and pave the way for a hyperconnected economy and society. The future mobile communications standard 6G will play an important role in this. Before market launch, which is expected around 2030, numerous technological and social issues still need to be resolved. It is already clear that simplified interaction between people and technology will be central to the development of 6G. Crucial to a functioning, hyperconnected world in which "everything interacts with everything" are powerful, trustworthy and sustainable 6G systems that take into account the European Union's principles of action and values from the ground up. It is therefore important for Germany to drive forward 6G research early and quickly in order to be able to exert a significant influence on the standardization of 6G.


The goal of the "6G-Access, Network of Networks, Automation & Simplification (6G-ANNA)" project is the development of a holistic design for the sixth generation of mobile communications that includes a closed end-to-end architecture. To this end, the fundamentals of radio access are first investigated, and innovative protocols and signal processing algorithms are designed and implemented. This is followed by the investigation of appropriate network management and orchestration approaches. The goal is to simplify and improve the interaction between humans, technologies and the environment. One contribution is made by new sensors and algorithms for the recognition of human movements. For example, digital twins of complex machines in manufacturing can be precisely mapped to control them remotely. Another focus is the investigation of 6G as a "network of networks" in which - similar to the Internet - different closed networks are flexibly interconnected. Here, the focus is on security aspects and resilience. Overall, flexibility and the reduction of energy consumption while maintaining the performance of the network are important goals in all research work - from individual radio access to the integration of multiple networks.

Innovation & Perspective

The "6G-ANNA" project contributes significantly to the development of technologies that will enable the introduction of 6G. German industry can build up the relevant know-how to deploy future 6G networks in a self-determined manner. Incentives are also being created to increase the production of key components in Germany and Europe. At the same time, it will be ensured that the requirements of Germany's leading industries are incorporated into the 6G standard. This way, 6G technologies will become part of leading technologies in Germany's key industries at an early stage. Overall, the results of the project contribute significantly to technological sovereignty in Germany and Europe.

Additional Information

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Finished student theses

Author Title Type Advisors Year Links
Kilian Warmuth Reproducible Experiment Workflows MA Eric Hauser, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2024
Lorenz Lehle Traffic Correlation Graphs MA Kilian Holzinger, Lars Wüstrich 2024
Sebastian Warter Packet Processing with Programmable Data Planes and Trusted Execution Environments MA Manuel Simon, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2024
Jonas Fromm Reliable MASQUE with Multipath QUIC MA Marcel Kempf, Lion Steger, Kilian Holzinger 2024
Daniel Petri Rocha State-of-the-art Multipath Scheduler for QUIC MA Kilian Holzinger, Marcel Kempf 2024
Johannes Späth QUIC Performance Improvements Using DPDK MA Johannes Zirngibl, Benedikt Jaeger, Kilian Holzinger, Marcel Kempf 2023
Leon Krix On-The-Fly Network Erasure Coding Protocol for Delay and Loss-Sensitive Data BA Henning Stubbe, Kilian Holzinger 2023
Luca Otting Improving QUIC with User Space Networking BA Kilian Holzinger, Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl 2023
Alexander Anton Keil Comparison of One-Way Delay Measurement Approaches BA Kilian Holzinger, Florian Wiedner, Henning Stubbe 2023
Thomas Senftl Flexible Precise Path Property Emulation BA Kilian Holzinger, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Stefan Lachnit 2023
Paul Stephan Improvements to Reliable Multipath Forward Error Correction BA Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe 2023
Felix Hahn Failure Detection through Active and Passive Techniques in P4 BA Manuel Simon, Eric Hauser 2023
Felix Christ MASQUE-Proxying in User-Space MA Kilian Holzinger, Lion Steger 2023
Michael Hackl Improvements to Convolutional Forward Erasure Correction Coding IDP Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe, Stefan Lachnit 2023
Nico Greger Improvements to Forward Erasure Correction Coding IDP Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe, Stefan Lachnit 2023
Ruben Bachmann Comparison of DPDK-Enabled P4 Software Targets MA Manuel Simon, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Stefan Lachnit 2023
Martin Fritz State of the Art Assessment of Multipath QUIC MA Kilian Holzinger, Lion Steger, Marcel Kempf 2023
Stefan Lachnit Comparison of Hardware Timestamping Facilities for 100G Networks MA Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe, Florian Wiedner, Eric Hauser 2022
Tristan Döring Packet Selection using Concepts from IPFIX and PSAMP BA Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe 2022
Jonas Kaps High-Performance Low-Latency Forward Error Correction Coding for Reliable Ethernet Communication MA Kilian Holzinger, Filip Rezabek 2022
Timon Tsiolis Analyzing the Extensibility of Programmable Data Planes BA Manuel Simon, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2022

Open and running student theses

Author Title Type Advisors Year Links
Florian Klein Realistic Synthetic Benchmarks for QUIC & HTTP/3 BA Kilian Holzinger, Stefan Lachnit, Daniel Petri 2024
Michael Haden Increasing Path Diversity of QUIC using MASQUE and Multipath MA Kilian Holzinger, Johannes Späth, Marcel Kempf 2024
Nicolas Haunschild Evaluating the Performance of the P4 Kernel Software Target P4TC BA Manuel Simon 2024
Désirée Rentz Deployment of a 5G Network on the SLICES-TUM Research Infrastructure for Reproducible Experiments IDP Manuel Simon, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2024
Thomas Senftl High-Performance Network Emulation IDP Stefan Lachnit, Kilian Holzinger, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2024
Angelo Kleinert Assessing the Energy Consumption of QUIC IDP Kilian Holzinger, Johannes Späth 2024
Konstantin Wiencke Performance Analysis of a SmartNIC running DPDK IDP Manuel Simon, Stefan Lachnit 2024
offen Forward Erasure Correction Coding in QUIC IDP, MA Kilian Holzinger, Stefan Lachnit 2023