
Kolloq. Arne Bröring, topic: Keys to Building IoT Ecosystems - Discovery, Interoperability & Composition

18 May 2018 09:30, FMI 03.07.023 (MI-Building, Campus Garching)


This talk presents solutions and open challenges on the corner stones of the Internet of Things (IoT): discovery, interoperability and composition. While discovery of suitable IoT devices is the initial step for interaction, various technologies (e.g. via networks or directories) exist. This talk presents generic discovery patterns useful for facilitating IoT usage. Once discovered, the interface of the IoT device needs to be understood. The broad heterogeniety of these interfaces has created a further gap of interoperability. We present a generic approach that utilizes semantic models to integrate IoT devices and platforms. Finally, once devices are interoperably accessible, their composition is crucial to facilitate re-usage and higher value creation. An approach is presented that allows the definition of IoT choreographies, their instantiation as applications, and automated re-configuration at runtime. The intention of this talk is to discuss the presented solution as well as challenges identified from an industry perspective.


Arne Bröring is a Senior Researcher at Siemens’ corporate research unit in Munich (Germany). Previously, he worked as a researcher for Esri (Switzerland), the 52°North initiative, as well as the University of Münster. He has an MSc in Geoinformatics from the University of Münster and received his PhD related to IoT, Semantic Web and Sensors from the University of Twente (Netherlands). He has been one of the key designers of the Sensor Web Enablement framework at the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). As the chairperson of the Sensor Observation Service working group, he has co-authored multiple international standards. More recently, he has been involved in standardization at the W3C and its Web of Things group. Since 10 years, he is researching on IoT related topics, has contributed to over 70 publications, and has served on various programme committees for conferences and workshops. He has been involved in numerous research projects (FP-7, H2020) and is currently responsible for the scientific and technical coordination of the BIG IoT project (http://big-in order to.eu).


Prof. Dr. Marc-Oliver Pahl
email: pahlcybercni.fr