Manuel Simon, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “Dynamic Data Planes Updates using Lua and libmoon,” in 4th GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch "Network Softwarization", 2025.
Johannes Späth, Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger, Georg Carle, “Sim2HW: Modeling Latency Offset Between Network Simulations and Hardware Measurements,” in Proceedings of the 3rd GNNet Workshop: Graph Neural Networking Workshop (GNNet ’24), Los Angeles, CA, USA, Dec. 2024.
Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek, Georg Carle, “Thresh-Hold: Assessment of Threshold Cryptography in Leader-Based Consensus,” in 2024 IEEE 49th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Oct. 2024, pp. 1–8.
Markus Sosnowski, Richard von Seck, Florian Wiedner, Georg Carle, “CRDT Web Caching: Enabling Distributed Writes and Fast Cache Consistency for REST APIs,” in Proc. 20th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), Prague, Czech Republic, Oct. 2024.
Manuel Simon, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “On-the-fly Table Insertions on Programmable Software Data Planes,” in 20th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2024), Prague, Czech Republic, Oct. 2024.
Manuel Simon, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “Abstract: Honey for the Ice Bear - Dynamic eBPF in P4,” KuVS Fachgespräch - Würzburg Workshop on 6G Networks (WueWoWAS’24). Institut für Informatik, Oct-2024.
Alexander Daichendt, Florian Wiedner, Jonas Andre, Georg Carle, “Applicability of Hardware-Supported Containers in Low-Latency Networking,” in 20th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2024), Prague, Czech Republic, Oct. 2024.
Stefan Lachnit, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “Thermal Effects on Timestamping in 100G Networking Devices,” in KuVS Fachgespräch - Würzburg Workshop on Next-Generation Communication Networks 2024 (WueWoWAS’24), Würzburg, Germany, Sep. 2024.
Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Manuel Simon, Eric Hauser, Dominik Scholz, Georg Carle, “Exploring data plane updates on P4 switches with P4Runtime,” Computer Communications, vol. 225, pp. 44–53, Sep. 2024.
Filip Rezabek, Max Helm, Nicolas Buchner, Monika Smolarska, Benedikt Jaeger, Georg Carle, “Assessment of OPC UA PubSub at Scale using TSN Infrastructure and Network Calculus,” in 21st IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS 2024), Sep. 2024.
Manuel Simon, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “Honey for the Ice Bear - Dynamic eBPF in P4,” in Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2024 Workshop on EBPF and Kernel Extensions, Sydney, NSW, Australia, Aug. 2024, pp. 44–50.
Florian Wiedner, Max Helm, Alexander Daichendt, Jonas Andre, Georg Carle, “Performance evaluation of containers for low-latency packet processing in virtualized network environments,” Performance Evaluation, vol. TBA, no. TBA, Aug. 2024.
Marcel Kempf, Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl, Kevin Ploch, Georg Carle, “QUIC on the Fast Lane: Extending Performance Evaluations on High-rate Links,” Computer Communications, vol. 223, Jul. 2024.
Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “On the Impact of Network Transport Protocols on Leader-Based Consensus Communication,” in Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Symposium on Blockchain and Secure Critical Infrastructure, Jul. 2024.
Best Student Paper Award
Markus Sosnowski, Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Juliane Aulbach, Jonas Lang, Georg Carle, “An Internet-wide View on HTTPS Certificate Revocations: Observing the Revival of CRLs via Active TLS Scans,” in Proc. IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW), Jul. 2024.
Marcel Kempf, Nikolas Gauder, Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl, Georg Carle, “A Quantum of QUIC: Dissecting Cryptography with Post-Quantum Insights,” in International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Networking Conference 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece, Jun. 2024.
Markus Sosnowski, Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Georg Carle, Claas Grohnfeldt, Michele Russo, Daniele Sgandurra, “EFACTLS: Effective Active TLS Fingerprinting for Large-scale Server Deployment Characterization,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 2582–2595, Jun. 2024.
Eric Hauser, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “RO-Crate for Testbeds: Automated Packaging of Experimental Results,” in International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Networking Conference 2024 - SLICES Workshop, Thessaloniki, Greece, Jun. 2024.
Markus Sosnowski, Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Tim Betzer, Georg Carle, “Propagating Threat Scores With a TLS Ecosystem Graph Model Derived by Active Measurements,” in Proc. Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), May 2024.
Lars Wüstrich, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Stephan Günther, Georg Carle, Marc-Oliver Pahl, “Shells Bells: Cyber-Physical Anomaly Detection in Data Centers,” in 2024 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2024), Seoul, Korea, May 2024.
Johannes Zirngibl, Florian Gebauer, Patrick Sattler, Markus Sosnowski, Georg Carle, “QUIC Hunter: Finding QUIC Deployments and Identifying Server Libraries Across the Internet,” in Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Mar. 2024.
Filip Rezabek*, Marcin Bosk*, Leander Seidlitz, Jörg Ott, Georg Carle, “Context Matters: Lessons Learned from Emulated and Simulated TSN Environments,” in 3rd International Workshop on Negative Results in Pervasive Computing (PerFail 2024), Biarritz, France, Mar. 2024.
Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “The pos Experiment Controller: Reproducible & Portable Network Experiments,” in 2024 19th Wireless On-Demand Network Systems and Services Conference (WONS), 2024, pp. 1–8.
Max Helm, Georg Carle, “Predicting Latency Quantiles using Network Calculus-assisted GNNs,” in Proceedings of the 2nd on Graph Neural Networking Workshop 2023, Paris, France, Dec. 2023, pp. 13–18.
Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Mattijs Jonker, Oliver Gasser, Georg Carle, Ralph Holz, “Packed to the Brim: Investigating the Impact of Highly Responsive Prefixes on Internet-wide Measurement Campaigns,” Proc. ACM Netw., vol. 1, no. CoNEXT3, Dec. 2023.
Markus Sosnowski, Florian Wiedner, Eric Hauser, Lion Steger, Dimitrios Schoinianakis, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “The Performance of Post-Quantum TLS 1.3,” in Proc. International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), Paris, France, Dec. 2023.
Florian Wiedner, Alexander Daichendt, Jonas Andre, Georg Carle, “Control Groups Added Latency in NFVs: An Update Needed?,” in 2023 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN), Nov. 2023.
Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Richard Von Seck, Achraf Aroua, Tizian Leonhardt, Georg Carle, “Multilayer Environment and Toolchain for Holistic NetwOrk Design and Analysis,” Nov. 2023.
Jonas Andre, Stephan Günther, Georg Carle, “An Accuracy Study of Emulation Daemons for IEEE 802.11 Networks,” in 2023 IEEE 48th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Oct. 2023.
Max Helm, Georg Carle, “Synthesizing and Scaling WAN Topologies using Permutation-invariant Graph Generative Models,” in 19th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2023), Niagara Falls, Canada, Oct. 2023, p. 6.
Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger, Christopher Pfefferle, Georg Carle, “Beyond Mean: Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Queue Utilizations and Flow Latencies Using T-GNNs,” in 35rd International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 2023), Oct. 2023.
Florian Wiedner, Max Helm, Alexander Daichendt, Jonas Andre, Georg Carle, “Containing Low Tail-Latencies in Packet Processing Using Lightweight Virtualization,” in 2023 35rd International Teletraffic Congress (ITC-35), Oct. 2023.
Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger, Georg Carle, “Data-efficient GNN Models of Communication Networks using Beta-Distribution-based Sample Ranking,” ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 485–491, Sep. 2023.
Lars Wüstrich, Markus Schacherbauer, Markus Budeus, Dominik Freiherr von Künßberg, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Marc-Oliver Pahl, Georg Carle, “Network Profiles for Detecting Application-Characteristic Behavior Using Linux eBPF,” in Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on eBPF and Kernel Extensions, New York, NY, USA, Sep. 2023, pp. 8–14.
Simon Bauer, Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Christoph Schwarzenberg, Georg Carle, “Evaluating the Benefits: Quantifying the Effects of TCP Options, QUIC, and CDNs on Throughput,” in Proceedings of the Applied Networking Research Workshop, Jul. 2023.
Johannes Naab, Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Stephan Günther, Georg Carle, “Gotta Query ’Em All, Again! Repeatable Name Resolution with Full Dependency Provenance,” in Proceedings of the Applied Networking Research Workshop, Jul. 2023.
Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Georg Carle, “A First Look at SVCB and HTTPS DNS Resource Records in the Wild,” in 2023 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW), Jul. 2023.
Lion Steger, Liming Kuang, Johannes Zirngibl, Georg Carle, Oliver Gasser, “Target Acquired? Evaluating Target Generation Algorithms for IPv6,” in Proceedings of the Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), Jun. 2023.
Best Paper Award
Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl, Marcel Kempf, Kevin Ploch, Georg Carle, “QUIC on the Highway: Evaluating Performance on High-Rate Links,” in International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Networking 2023 Conference (IFIP Networking 2023), Barcelona, Spain, Jun. 2023.
Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Manuel Simon, Eric Hauser, Dominik Scholz, Georg Carle, “Keeping Up to Date With P4Runtime: An Analysis of Data Plane Updates on P4 Switches,” in International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Networking 2023 Conference (IFIP Networking 2023), Barcelona, Spain, Jun. 2023, p. 9.
Manuel Simon, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “Never Miss Twice - Add-On-Miss Table Updates in Software Data Planes,” in KuVS Fachgespräch - Würzburg Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Next-Generation Communication Networks 2023 (WueWoWAS’23), Würzburg, Germany, Jun. 2023, p. 5.
Best Workshop Contribution
Marcin Bosk*, Filip Rezabek*, Johannes Abel, Kilian Holzinger, Max Helm, Georg Carle, Jörg Ott, “Simulation and Practice: A Hybrid Experimentation Platform for TSN,” in 22nd International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Networking Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Jun. 2023.
Jonas Andre, Johannes Naab, Benedikt Jaeger, Georg Carle, Leander Seidlitz, Stephan Günther, “A Multi-Tenancy System Architecture for Online Examinations,” in Accepted for Publication, Miami, USA, May 2023.
Simon Bauer, Janluka Janelidze, Benedikt Jaeger, Patrick Sattler, Patrick Brzoza, Georg Carle, “On the Accuracy of Active Capacity Estimation in the Internet,” in 2023 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2023), Miami, USA, May 2023.
Sebastian Gallenmüller, Serge Fdida, Georg Carle, “SLICES-RI Plain Orchestrating System (pos)—Reproducible Experiment Workflows by Design,” in Midscale Experimental Research Infrastructure Forum (MERIF), Boston, MA, USA, May 2023.
Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe, Manuel Simon, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “Robuste und sichere Kommunikation für die Mobilfunknetze der Zukunft,” in Nationale Konferenz IT-Sicherheitsforschung, Postersession, Berlin, Germany, Mar. 2023.
Markus Sosnowski, Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Georg Carle, “DissecTLS: A Scalable Active Scanner for TLS Server Configurations, Capabilities, and TLS Fingerprinting,” in Passive and Active Measurement, Mar. 2023, pp. 110–126.
Filip Rezabek*, Marcin Bosk*, Georg Carle, Jörg Ott, “TSN Experiments Using COTS Hardware and Open-Source Solutions: Lessons Learned,” in 2nd International Workshop on Negative Results in Pervasive Computing (PerFail 2023), Atlanta, USA, Mar. 2023.
Best Paper Award
Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek, Benedikt Jaeger, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “BFT-Blocks: The Case for Analyzing Networking in Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus,” in 2022 IEEE 21st International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), Dec. 2022, vol. 21, pp. 35–44.
Benedikt Jaeger, Max Helm, Lars Schwegmann, Georg Carle, “Modeling TCP Performance Using Graph Neural Networks,” in Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Graph Neural Networking, New York, NY, USA, Dec. 2022, pp. 18–23.
Sebastian Gallenmüller, Florian Wiedner, Johannes Naab, Georg Carle, “How Low Can You Go? A Limbo Dance for Low-Latency Network Functions,” Journal of Network and Systems Management, vol. 31, no. 20, Dec. 2022.
Stephan Günther, Georg Carle, “Erfahrung in der Durchführung be- und unbeaufsichtigter Fernprüfungen,” in e-Prüfungs Symposium, Hamburg, Germany, Nov. 2022.
Stephan Günther, Georg Carle, Adrian Pesch, “Quantifizierung des Lernerfolgs in Präsenz vs. Nutzung von Aufzeichnungen,” in e-Prüfungs Symposium, Hamburg, Germany, Nov. 2022.
Filip Rezabek, Max Helm, Tizian Leonhardt, Georg Carle, “PTP Security Measures and their Impact on Synchronization Accuracy,” in 18th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2022), Thessaloniki, Greece, Nov. 2022.
Philippe Buschmann, Mostafa H. M. Shorim, Max Helm, Arne Bröring, Georg Carle, “Task Allocation in Industrial Edge Networks with Particle Swarm Optimization and Deep Reinforcement Learning,” in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT ’22), Delft, Netherlands, Nov. 2022.
Patrick Sattler, Juliane Aulbach, Johannes Zirngibl, Georg Carle, “Towards a Tectonic Traffic Shift? Investigating Apple’s New Relay Network,” in Proceedings of the 2022 Internet Measurement Conference, Oct. 2022.
Johannes Zirngibl, Lion Steger, Patrick Sattler, Oliver Gasser, Georg Carle, “Rusty Clusters? Dusting an IPv6 Research Foundation,” in Proceedings of the 2022 Internet Measurement Conference, Oct. 2022.
Max Helm, Florian Wiedner, Georg Carle, “Flow-level Tail Latency Estimation and Verification based on Extreme Value Theory,” in 18th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2022), Thessaloniki, Greece, Oct. 2022.
Marcin Bosk*, Filip Rezabek*, Kilian Holzinger, Angela G. Marino, Francesc Fons, Abdoul A. Kane, Jörg Ott, Georg Carle, “Methodology and Infrastructure for TSN-based Reproducible Network Experiments,” IEEE Access, Sep. 2022.
Filip Rezabek*, Marcin Bosk*, Thomas Paul, Kilian Holzinger, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Angela Gonzalez, Abdoul Kane, Francesc Fons, Zhang Haigang, Georg Carle, Jörg Ott, “EnGINE: Flexible Research Infrastructure for Reliable and Scalable Time Sensitive Networks,” Journal of Network and Systems Management, vol. 30, no. 4, p. 74, Sep. 2022.
Eric Hauser, Manuel Simon, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “Slicing Networks with P4 Hardware and Software Targets,” in ACM SIGCOMM 2022 Workshop on 5G and Beyond Network Measurements, Modeling, and Use Cases (5G-MeMU ’22), Amsterdam, Netherlands, Aug. 2022.
Florian Wiedner, Jonas Andre, Paulo Mendes, Georg Carle, “Policy-Based Routing for Flying Adhoc Networks,” in DroNet ’22: Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Micro Aerial Vehicle Networks, Systems, and Applications, Portland, OR, USA, Jul. 2022.
Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dominik Scholz, Henning Stubbe, Eric Hauser, Georg Carle, “Reproducible by Design: Network Experiments with pos,” in KuVS Fachgespräch - Würzburg Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Next-Generation Communication Networks 2022 (WueWoWas’22), Würzburg, Germany, Jul. 2022.
Markus Sosnowski, Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Georg Carle, Claas Grohnfeldt, Michele Russo, Daniele Sgandurra, “Active TLS Stack Fingerprinting: Characterizing TLS Server Deployments at Scale,” in Proc. Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), Jun. 2022.
Best Paper Award
Johannes Zirngibl, Steffen Deusch, Patrick Sattler, Juliane Aulbach, Georg Carle, Mattijs Jonker, “Domain Parking: Largely Present, Rarely Considered!,” in Proc. Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA) 2022, Jun. 2022.
Sebastian Gallenmüller, Eric Hauser, Georg Carle, “Prototyping Prototyping Facilities: Developing and Bootstrapping Testbeds,” in 2022 IFIP Networking WKSHPS: SLICES Scientific Instruments to support digital infrastructure science (IFIP Networking 2022 WKSHPS SLICES), Catania, Italy, Jun. 2022.
Florian Wiedner, Max Helm, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “HVNet: Hardware-Assisted Virtual Networking on a Single Physical Host,” in IEEE INFOCOM WKSHPS: Computer and Networking Experimental Research using Testbeds (CNERT 2022) (INFOCOM WKSHPS CNERT 2022), Virtual Event, May 2022.
Kilian Holzinger, Franz Biersack, Henning Stubbe, Angela Gonzalez Mariño, Abdoul Kane, Francesc Fons, Zhang Haigang, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf, Georg Carle, “SmartNIC-based Load Management and Network Health Monitoring for Time Sensitive Applications,” in IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS ITAVT Workshop), Budapest, Hungary, Apr. 2022.
Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger, Max Reimann, Jonas Fromm, Georg Carle, “Towards the Classification of TCP Throughput Changes,” in 2022 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2022), Budapest, Hungary, Apr. 2022.
Lars Wüstrich, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Marc-Oliver Pahl, Georg Carle, “AC/DCIM Acoustic Channels for Data Center Infrastructure Monitoring,” in 2022 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2022), Budapest, Hungary, Apr. 2022.
Manuel Simon, Henning Stubbe, Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “High-Performance Match-Action Table Updates from within Programmable Software Data Planes,” in 4th P4 Workshop in Europe (EUROP4), Virtual Event, Dec. 2021.
Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe, Franz Biersack, Angela Gonzalez Mariño, Abdoul Kane, Francisco Fons Lluis, Zhang Haigang, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf, Georg Carle, “Poster: Precise Real-Time Monitoring of Time-Critical Flows,” in The 17th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT ’21), Virtual Event, Dec. 2021.
Dominik Scholz, Hasanin Harkous, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe, Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger, Nemanja Deric, Endri Goshi, Zikai Zhou, Wolfgang Kellerer, Georg Carle, “A Framework for Reproducible Data Plane Performance Modeling,” in 2021 ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems, ANCS 2021, Layfette, IN, USA, 2021, New York, NY, USA, Dec. 2021.
Sebastian Gallenmüller*, Dominik Scholz*, Henning Stubbe, Georg Carle, “The pos Framework: A Methodology and Toolchain for Reproducible Network Experiments,” in The 17th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT ’21), Munich, Germany (Virtual Event), Dec. 2021.
Stephan Günther, Georg Carle, “Prüfen an einer Fakultät mit 7.000 Studierenden: Modernes Klausurmanagement mit TUMexam,” in University:Future Festival 2021, Nov. 2021.
Johannes Zirngibl, Philippe Buschmann, Patrick Sattler, Benedikt Jaeger, Juliane Aulbach, Georg Carle, “It’s over 9000: Analyzing early QUIC Deployments with the Standardization on the Horizon,” in Proceedings of the 2021 Internet Measurement Conference, New York, NY, USA, Nov. 2021.
Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek, Kilian Holzinger, Angela Gonzalez, Abdoul Kane, Francesc Fons, Zhang Haigang, Georg Carle, Jörg Ott, “Demo: Environment for Generic In-vehicular Network Experiments - EnGINE,” in 13th IEEE Vehicular Networking Confernce (VNC 2021), Ulm, Germany, Nov. 2021.
Filip Rezabek, Marcin Bosk, Thomas Paul, Kilian Holzinger, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Angela Gonzalez, Abdoul Kane, Francesc Fons, Zhang Haigang, Georg Carle, Jörg Ott, “EnGINE: Developing a Flexible Research Infrastructure for Reliable and Scalable Intra-Vehicular TSN Networks,” in 3rd International Workshop on High-Precision, Predictable, and Low-Latency Networking (HiPNet 2021), Izmir, Turkey, Oct. 2021.
Sebastian Gallenmüller, Florian Wiedner, Johannes Naab, Georg Carle, “Ducked Tails: Trimming the Tail Latency of(f) Packet Processing Systems,” in 3rd International Workshop on High-Precision, Predictable, and Low-Latency Networking (HiPNet 2021), Izmir, Turkey, Oct. 2021.
Max Helm, Henning Stubbe, Dominik Scholz, Benedikt Jaeger, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Nemanja Deric, Endri Goshi, Hasanin Harkous, Zikai Zhou, Wolfgang Kellerer, Georg Carle, “Application of Network Calculus Models on Programmable Device Behavior,” in the 33rd International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 33), Avignon, France, Aug. 2021.
Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger, Fabian Helfert, Philippe Barias, Georg Carle, “On the Evolution of Internet Flow Characteristics,” in Proceedings of the Applied Networking Research Workshop, Jul. 2021.
Peter Okelmann, Leonardo Linguaglossa, Fabien Geyer, Paul Emmerich, Georg Carle, “Adaptive Batching for Fast Packet Processing in Software Routers using Machine Learning,” in Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization, Jun. 2021.
Simon Bauer, Florian Wiedner, Benedikt Jaeger, Paul Emmerich, Georg Carle, “Scalable TCP Throughput Limitation Monitoring,” in 2021 IEEE/IFIP Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM 2021), Bordeaux, France (Virtual Conference), May 2021.
Marcel von Maltitz, Hendrik Ballhausen, David Kaul, Daniel F. Fleischmann, Maximilian Niyazi, Claus Belka, Georg Carle, “A Privacy-Preserving Log-Rank Test for the Kaplan-Meier Estimator With Secure Multiparty Computation: Algorithm Development and Validation,” JMIR Medical Informatics, vol. 9, no. 1, 2021.
Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe, Georg Carle, “SYN Flood Defense in Programmable Data Planes,” in 3rd P4 Workshop in Europe (EUROP4), Barcelona, Spain, Dec. 2020.
Sebastian Gallenmüller, Johannes Naab, Iris Adam, Georg Carle, “5G URLLC: A Case Study on Low-Latency Intrusion Prevention,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 58, no. 10, pp. 35–41, Oct. 2020.
Dominik Scholz, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “Key Properties of Programmable Data Plane Targets,” in Teletraffic Congress (ITC 32), 2020 32nd International, Osaka, Japan, Sep. 2020.
Maximilian Pudelko, Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “Performance Analysis of VPN Gateways,” in IFIP Networking 2020, Paris, France, Jun. 2020.
Holger Kinkelin, Richard von Seck, Christoph Rudolf, Georg Carle, “Hardening X.509 Certificate Issuance using Distributed Ledger Technology,” in NOMS 2020 - IEEE/IFIP Workshop DISSECT 2020, Budapest, Hungary, Apr. 2020.
Simon Bauer, Kilian Holzinger, Benedikt Jaeger, Paul Emmerich, Georg Carle, “Online Monitoring of TCP Throughput Limitations,” in 2020 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2020), Budapest, Hungary (Virtual Conference), Apr. 2020.
Sebastian Gallenmüller, Johannes Naab, Iris Adam, Georg Carle, “5G QoS: Impact of Security Functions on Latency,” in 2020 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2020), Budapest, Hungary, Apr. 2020.
Nikolas Mühlbauer, Erkin Kirdan, Marc-Oliver Pahl, Georg Carle, “Open-Source OPC UA Security and Scalability,” in ETFA 2020, 2020.
Samuele Zoppi, Onur Ayan, Fabio Molinari, Zenit Music, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, Wolfgang Kellerer, “NCSbench: Reproducible Benchmarking Platform for Networked Control Systems,” in 2020 IEEE 17th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) (CCNC 2020), Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 2020.
Stephan Günther, Georg Carle, “TUMexam – Digitalisierung von Prüfungen und Prüfungsabläufen,” in Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, Nov. 2019.
Johannes Naab, Patrick Sattler, Jonas Jelten, Oliver Gasser, Georg Carle, “Prefix Top Lists: Gaining Insights with Prefixes from Domain-based Top Lists on DNS Deployment,” in Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference, New York, NY, USA, Oct. 2019, pp. 351–357.
Stephan M. Günther, Nicolas Appel, Georg Carle, “Galois Field Arithmetics for Linear Network Coding using AVX512 Instruction Set Extensions,” in arXiv: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC); Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI), Sep. 2019.
Paul Emmerich, Simon Ellmann, Fabian Bonk, Alex Egger, Esaú García Sánchez-Torija, Thomas Günzel, Sebastian Di Luzio, Alexandru Obada, Maximilian Stadlmeier, Sebastian Voit, Georg Carle, “The Case for Writing Network Drivers in High-Level Programming Languages,” in ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS 2019), Best Paper Award, Sep. 2019.
Paul Emmerich, Maximilian Pudelko, Simon Bauer, Stefan Huber, Thomas Zwickl, Georg Carle, “User Space Network Drivers,” in ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS 2019), Sep. 2019.
Dominik Scholz, Andreas Oeldemann, Fabien Geyer, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf, Georg Carle, “Cryptographic Hashing in P4 Data Planes,” in 2nd P4 Workshop in Europe (EUROP4), Cambridge, UK, Sep. 2019.
Leonardo Linguaglossa, Fabien Geyer, Wenqin Shao, Frank Brockners, Georg Carle, “Demonstrating the Cost of Collecting In-Network Measurements for High-Speed VNFs,” in IFIP TMA Demo, Paris, France, Jun. 2019.
Cora Perner, Georg Carle, “Comparison of Optimization Goals for Resilient Routing,” in 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops): The 2nd International Workshop on 5G and Cooperative Autonomous Driving (5G Auto) (ICC 2019 Workshop - 5G Auto), Shanghai, P.R. China, May 2019.
Benedikt Jaeger, Dominik Scholz, Daniel Raumer, Fabien Geyer, Georg Carle, “Reproducible Measurements of TCP BBR Congestion Control,” Computer Communications, vol. 144, pp. 31–43, May 2019.
Marcel von Maltitz, Dominik Bitzer, Georg Carle, “Data Querying and Access Control for Secure Multiparty Computation ,” in 2019 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, Washington, DC, USA, 2019.
Cora Perner, Holger Kinkelin, Georg Carle, “Adaptive Network Management for Safety-Critical Systems,” in IM 2019 - IEEE/IFIP Workshop Dissect 2019, Washington D.C., USA, Apr. 2019.
Holger Kinkelin, Heiko Niedermayer, Marc-Oliver Müller, Georg Carle, “Multi-party authorization and conflict mediation for decentralized configuration management processes,” in IM 2019 - IEEE/IFIP Workshop HotNSM 2019, Washington D.C., USA, Apr. 2019.
Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Maximilian Riemensberger, Georg Carle, Wolfgang Utschick, “Bidirectional Network Coding in Wireless Networks,” in NetSys, Munich, Germany, Mar. 2019.
Fabien Geyer, Holger Kinkelin, Hendrik Leppelsack, Stefan Liebald, Dominik Scholz, Georg Carle, Dominic Schupke, “Performance Perspective on Private Distributed Ledger Technologies for Industrial Networks,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Systems, Munich, Germany, Mar. 2019.
Sebastian Gallenmüller, René Glebke, Stephan Günther, Eric Hauser, Maurice Leclaire, Stefan Reif, Jan Rüth, Andreas Schmidt, Georg Carle, Thorsten Herfet, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat, Klaus Wehrle, “Enabling Wireless Network Support for Gain Scheduled Control,” in 2nd International Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking (EdgeSys ’19), Dresden, Germany, Mar. 2019.
Zenit Music, Fabio Molinari, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Onur Ayan, Samuele Zoppi, Wolfgang Kellerer, Georg Carle, Thomas Seel, Jörg Raisch, “Design of a Networked Controller for a Two-Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Robot,” IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 52, no. 20, pp. 169–174, 2019.
Maximilian Von Tschirschnitz, Marcel Wagner, Marc-Oliver Pahl, Georg Carle, “A Generalized TDoA/ToA Model for ToF Positioning,” CoRR, vol. abs/1909.09405, 2019.
Maximilian Von Tschirschnitz, Marcel Wagner, Marc-Oliver Pahl, Georg Carle, “Clock Error Analysis of Common Time of Flight based Positioning Methods,” CoRR, vol. abs/1909.09398, 2019.
Cornelius Diekmann, Johannes Naab, Andreas Korsten, Georg Carle, “Agile Network Access Control in the Container Age,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Dec. 2018.
Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle, Pawel Foremski, Qasim Lone, Maciej Korczynski, Stephen D. Strowes, Luuk Hendriks, Georg Carle, “Clusters in the Expanse: Understanding and Unbiasing IPv6 Hitlists,” in Proceedings of the 2018 Internet Measurement Conference, New York, NY, USA, Nov. 2018.
Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Theodor Nolte, Johanna Amann, Lexi Brent, Georg Carle, Ralph Holz, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, “The Rise of Certificate Transparency and Its Implications on the Internet Ecosystem,” in Internet Measurement Conference (2018), Boston, USA, Nov. 2018, pp. 343–349.
Simon Bauer, Daniel Raumer, Paul Emmerich, Georg Carle, “Intra-node Resource Isolation for SFC with SR-IOV,” in IEEE 7th International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet’18), Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2018.
Paul Emmerich, Maximilian Pudelko, Quirin Scheitle, Georg Carle, “Efficient Dynamic Flow Tracking for Packet Analyzers,” in CloudNet, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2018.
Marcel von Maltitz, Georg Carle, “A Performance and Resource Consumption Assessment of Secret Sharing based Secure Multiparty Computation ,” in Data Privacy Management Workshop ’18, 2018.
Fabien Geyer, Georg Carle, “The Case for a Network Calculus Heuristic: Using Insights from Data for Tighter Bounds,” in Proceedings of the 2018 International Workshop on Network Calculus and Applications, Vienna, Austria, Sep. 2018.
Dominik Scholz, Daniel Raumer, Paul Emmerich, Alexander Kurtz, Krzysztof Lesiak, Georg Carle, “Performance Implications of Packet Filtering with Linux eBPF,” in Teletraffic Congress (ITC 30), 2018 30th International, Vienna, Austria, Sep. 2018.
Michael Köpferl, Heiko Niedermayer, Georg Carle, “Security, Safety and Availability Triad in a Real-world Industrial Environment and Resulting Challenges,” in GI/ACM-Workshop: Standardisation on Industry 4.0 Automation and Control Systems, Sep. 2018.
Fabien Geyer, Georg Carle, “Learning and Generating Distributed Routing Protocols Using Graph-Based Deep Learning,” in Proceedings of the 2018 SIGCOMM Workshop on Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Data Communication Networks, Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 2018, pp. 40–45.
Simon Bauer, Daniel Raumer, Paul Emmerich, Georg Carle, “Behind the scenes: what device benchmarks can tell us,” in The Applied Networking Research Workshop 2018 (ANRW ’18), Montreal, Canada, Jul. 2018.
Marcel von Maltitz, Georg Carle, “Leveraging Secure Multiparty Computation in the Internet of Things,” in MobiSys ’18: ACM Open IoT Day, München, Germany, 2018.
Erkin Kirdan, Daniel Raumer, Paul Emmerich, Georg Carle, “Building a Traffic Policer for DDoS Mitigation on Top of Commodity Hardware,” in International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC’18), Rome, Italy, Jun. 2018.
Dominik Scholz, Fabien Geyer, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “Rapid Prototyping of Avionic Applications Using P4,” 5th P4 Workshop. Stanford, CA, USA, Jun-2018.
Dominik Scholz, Benedikt Jaeger, Lukas Schwaighofer, Daniel Raumer, Fabien Geyer, Georg Carle, “Towards a Deeper Understanding of TCP BBR Congestion Control,” in IFIP Networking 2018, Zurich, Switzerland, May 2018.
Marcel von Maltitz, Stefan Smarzly, Holger Kinkelin, Georg Carle, “A Management Framework for Secure Multiparty Computation in Dynamic Environments,” in NOMS 2018 – IEEE/IFIP DOMINOS Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan, 2018.
Holger Kinkelin, Valentin Hauner, Heiko Niedermayer, Georg Carle, “Trustworthy Configuration Management for Networked Devices using Distributed Ledgers,” in NOMS 2018 - IEEE/IFIP DOMINOS workshop, Apr. 2018.
Quirin Scheitle, Taejoong Chung, Jens Hiller, Oliver Gasser, Johannes Naab, Roland van Rijswijk-Deij, Oliver Hohlfeld, Ralph Holz, Dave Choffnes, Alan Mislove, Georg Carle, “A First Look at Certification Authority Authorization (CAA),” ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review (CCR), Apr. 2018.
Sebastian Gallenmüller, Stephan Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Samuele Zoppi, Fabio Molinari, Richard Schöffauer, Wolfgang Kellerer, Georg Carle, “Benchmarking Networked Control Systems,” in 1st Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Networks and Systems, Oporto, Portugal, Apr. 2018.
Michael Mitterer, Heiko Niedermayer, Marcel von Maltitz, Georg Carle, “An Experimental Performance Analysis of the Cryptographic Database ZeroDB,” in 1st Workshop on Privacy by Design in Distributed Systems (co-located with EuroSys), Apr. 2018.
Tobias Brunnwieser, Oliver Gasser, Sree Harsha Totakura, Georg Carle, “Live Detection and Analysis of HTTPS Interceptions,” in Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Poster, Berlin, Germany, Mar. 2018.
Oliver Gasser, Benjamin Hof, Max Helm, Maciej Korczynski, Ralph Holz, Georg Carle, “In Log We Trust: Revealing Poor Security Practices with Certificate Transparency Logs and Internet Measurements,” in Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM 2018), Best Paper Award, Berlin, Germany, Mar. 2018.
Quirin Scheitle, Jonas Jelten, Oliver Hohlfeld, Luca Ciprian, Georg Carle, “Structure and Stability of Internet Top Lists,” in PAM’18 Poster, Berlin, Mar. 2018.
F. Helfert, H. Niedermayer, G. Carle, “Evaluation of Algorithms for Multipath Route Selection over the Internet ,” in 14th International Workshop on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), Feb. 2018.
Florian Wohlfart, Nikolaos Chatzis, Caglar Dabanoglu, Georg Carle, Walter Willinger, “Leveraging Interconnections for Performance: The Serving Infrastructure of a Large CDN,” in SIGCOMM, 2018, pp. 206–220.
Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dominik Scholz, Florian Wohlfart, Quirin Scheitle, Paul Emmerich, Georg Carle, “High-Performance Packet Processing and Measurements (Invited Paper),” in 10th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS 2018), Bangalore, India, Jan. 2018.
Cornelius Diekmann, Lars Hupel, Julius Michaelis, Maximilian Haslbeck, Georg Carle, “Verified iptables Firewall Analysis and Verification,” Journal of Automated Reasoning, Jan. 2018.
Heiko Niedermayer, Nikolai Schwellnus, Daniel Raumer, Edwin Cordeiro, Georg Carle, “Information Mining from Public Mailing Lists: A Case Study on IETF Mailing Lists,” in Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Internet Science, INSCI2017, Thessaloniki, Greece, Nov. 2017.
Johanna Amann*, Oliver Gasser*, Quirin Scheitle*, Lexi Brent, Georg Carle, Ralph Holz, “Mission Accomplished? HTTPS Security after DigiNotar,” in Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference (IMC 2017), IMC’17 Community Contribution Award, IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) 2018, London, UK, Nov. 2017.
Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle, Benedikt Rudolph, Carl Denis, Nadja Schricker, Georg Carle, “The Amplification Threat Posed by Publicly Reachable BACnet Devices,” Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, Oct. 2017.
Daniel Raumer, Simon Bauer, Paul Emmerich, Georg Carle, “Performance Implications for Intra-node Placement of Network Function Chains,” in IEEE 6th International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet’17), Prague, Czech Republic, Sep. 2017.
Quirin Scheitle, Matthias Wählisch, Oliver Gasser, Thomas C. Schmidt, Georg Carle, “Towards an Ecosystem for Reproducible Research in Computer Networking,” in ACM SIGCOMM Reproducibility Workshop, Los Angeles, USA, Aug. 2017.
Nadine Herold, Matthias Wachs, Marko Dorfhuber, Christoph Rudolf, Stefan Liebald, Georg Carle, “Achieving reproducible network environments with INSALATA,” in 11th International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS’2017), Best Paper Award, Zurich, Switzerland, Jul. 2017.
Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Florian Wohlfart, Georg Carle, “Throughput and Latency of Virtual Switching with Open vSwitch: A Quantitative Analysis,” Journal of Network and Systems Management, Jul. 2017.
Matthias Wachs, Quirin Scheitle, Georg Carle, “Push Away Your Privacy: Precise User Tracking Based on TLS Client Certificate Authentication,” in Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), Best Paper Award TMA’17, IEEE ComSoc ITC Best Paper Award 2017, Jun. 2017.
Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Minoo Rouhi, Georg Carle, “Large-Scale Classification of IPv6-IPv4 Siblings with Variable Clock Skew,” in Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), Jun. 2017.
Marcel von Maltitz, Cornelius Diekmann, Georg Carle, “Privacy Assessment using Static Taint Analysis (Tool Paper),” in FORTE – 37th IFIP International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components and Systems, Neuchatel, Switzerland, Jun. 2017.
[Extended version]
Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Patrick Sattler, Georg Carle, “HLOC: Hints-Based Geolocation Leveraging Multiple Measurement Frameworks,” in Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), Best Dataset Award, Dublin, Ireland, Jun. 2017.
Paul Emmerich, Maximilian Pudelko, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “FlowScope: Efficient Packet Capture and Storage in 100 Gbit/s Networks,” in IFIP Networking 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 2017.
Tsvetko Tsvetkov, Janne Ali-Tolppa, Henning Sanneck, Georg Carle, “An Experimental System for Verifying Topology Changes in Mobile Communication Networks,” in IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2017), Lisbon, Portugal, May 2017.
Demo Session
Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle, Carl Denis, Nadja Schricker, Georg Carle, “Security Implications of Publicly Reachable Building Automation Systems,” in Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2017.
Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich, Rainer Schönberger, Daniel Raumer, Georg Carle, “Building Fast but Flexible Software Routers,” in ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS 2017), Beijing, China, May 2017.
Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Gianni Antichi, Andrew W. Moore, Georg Carle, “Mind the Gap – A Comparison of Software Packet Generators,” in ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS 2017), Beijing, China, May 2017.
Wolfgang Hahn, Borislava Gajic, Florian Wohlfart, Daniel Raumer, Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “Feasibility of Compound Chained Network Functions for Flexible Packet Processing,” in International Workshop on 5G Enabling Technologies for the Internet of Things (GET-IoT) at the 23rd European Wireless (EW2017), Dresden, Germany, May 2017.
Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle, Carl Denis, Nadja Schricker, Georg Carle, “Öffentlich erreichbare Gebäudeautomatisierung: Amplification-Anfälligkeit von BACnet und Deployment-Analyse im Internet und DFN,” in 24. DFN-Konferenz Sicherheit in vernetzten Systemen, Hamburg, Germany, Feb. 2017.
Tsvetko Tsvetkov, Janne Ali-Tolppa, Henning Sanneck, Georg Carle, “Verification of Configuration Management Changes in Self-Organizing Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), Dec. 2016.
Tsvetko Tsvetkov, Janne Ali-Tolppa, Henning Sanneck, Georg Carle, “A Steiner Tree-Based Verification Approach for Handling Topology Changes in Self-Organizing Networks,” in 12th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2016), Montreal, Canada, Oct. 2016.
Marcel von Maltitz, Cornelius Diekmann, Georg Carle, “Taint Analysis for System-Wide Privacy Audits: A Framework and Real-World Case Studies.” 1st Workshop for Formal Methods on Privacy, Nov-2016.
workshop without proceedings
Maurice Leclaire, Stephan M. Günther, Marten Lienen, Maximilian J. Riemensberger, Georg Carle, “Rate Adaptive Link Quality Estimation for Coded Packet Networks,” in IEEE International Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Dubai, UAE, Nov. 2016.
Daniel Raumer, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich, Lukas Märdian, Florian Wohlfart, Georg Carle, “Efficient Serving of VPN Endpoints on COTS Server Hardware,” in 2016 IEEE 5th tnternational Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet’16), Pisa, Italy, Oct. 2016.
Daniel Sel, Sree Harsha Totakura, Georg Carle, “sKnock: Scalable Port-Knocking for Masses ,” in Workshop on Mobility and Cloud Security & Privacy, Budapest, Hungary, Sep. 2016.
Heiko Niedermayer, Daniel Raumer, Nikolai Schwellnus, Edwin Cordeiro, Georg Carle, “An Analysis of IETF Activities Using Mailing Lists and Social Media ,” in Proceedings of the third international conference on Internet Science, INSCI2016, Florence, Italy, Sep. 2016.
Sebastian Gallenmüller, Maurice Leclaire, Stephan Günther, Georg Carle, “MOONSHINE – Measurements for Composable Performance Models of Cyber-Physical Network Components,” in International Symposium on Networked Cyber-Physical Systems (NET-CPS 2016), Garching, Germany, Sep. 2016.
Alexander Beifuß, Torsten M. Runge, Daniel Raumer, Paul Emmerich, Bernd E. Wolfinger, Georg Carle, “Building a Low Latency Linux Software Router ,” in Teletraffic Congress (ITC 28), 28th International, Würzburg, Germany, Sep. 2016.
Daniel Raumer, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Florian Wohlfart, Paul Emmerich, Patrick Werneck, Georg Carle, “Revisiting Benchmarking Methodology for Interconnect Devices,” in The Applied Networking Research Workshop 2016 (ANRW ’16), Berlin, Germany, Jul. 2016.
Johann Schlamp, Ralph Holz, Quentin Jacquemart, Georg Carle, Ernst Biersack, “HEAP: Reliable Assessment of BGP Hijacking Attacks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Measuring and Troubleshooting the Internet: Algorithms, Tools and Applications; Volume 34 #6; ISSN: 0733-8716, pp. 1849–1861, Jun. 2016.
Matthias Wachs, Nadine Herold, Stephan-A. Posselt, Florian Dold, Georg Carle, “GPLMT: A Lightweight Experimentation and Testbed Management Framework,” in Passive and Active Measurement: 17th International Conference, PAM 2016, Heraklion, Greece, Mar. 2016.
Marc-Oliver Pahl, Georg Carle, Gudrun Klinker, “Distributed Smart Space Orchestration,” in Network Operations and Management Symposium 2016 (NOMS 2016) - Dissertation Digest, May 2016.
Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “FLOWer – Device Benchmarking Beyond 100 Gbit/s,” in IFIP Networking 2016, Vienna, Austria, May 2016.
Cornelius Diekmann, Julius Michaelis, Maximilian Haslbeck, Georg Carle, “Verified iptables Firewall Analysis,” in IFIP Networking 2016, Vienna, Austria, May 2016.
N. Herold, S. Posselt, O. Hanka, G. Carle, “Anomaly Detection for SOME/IP using Complex Event Processing,” in 2ND IEEE/IFIP Workshop on Security for Emerging Distributed Network Technologies (DISSECT), Apr. 2016.
Oliver Gasser, Felix Emmert, Georg Carle, “Digging for Dark IPMI Devices: Advancing BMC Detection and Evaluating Operational Security,” in Proc. 8th Int. Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, Apr. 2016.
Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle, Sebastian Gebhard, Georg Carle, “Scanning the IPv6 Internet: Towards a Comprehensive Hitlist,” in Proc. 8th Int. Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, Apr. 2016.
Quirin Scheitle, Matthias Wachs, Johannes Zirngibl, Georg Carle, “Analyzing Locality of Mobile Messaging Traffic using the MATAdOR Framework,” in Passive and Active Measurements Conference (PAM) 2016 , Heraklion, Greece, Mar. 2016, pp. 190–202.
Johann Schlamp, Holger Kinkelin, Georg Carle, “Distributed Diagnosis of Wireless Networks with TUM measrdroid.” Talk on the GHMT Kompetenztage, Mar-2016.
Homburg (Saar), Germany
Nadine Herold, Holger Kinkelin, Georg Carle, “Collaborative Incident Handling Based on the Blackboard-Pattern,” in Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Workshop on Information Sharing and Collaborative Security, New York, NY, USA, 2016.
Nadine Herold, Matthias Wachs, Stephan-A. Posselt, Georg Carle, “An Optimal Metric-Aware Response Selection Strategy for Intrusion Response Systems,” in Foundations and Practice of Security: 8th International Symposium, FPS 2016, Quebec, Canada, October 24-26, 2016, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Tsvetko Tsvetkov, Janne Ali-Tolppa, Henning Sanneck, Georg Carle, “A Minimum Spanning Tree-Based Approach for Reducing Verification Collisions in Self-Organizing Networks,” in IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2016), Istanbul, Turkey, Apr. 2016.
Stanislav Lange, Anh Nguyen-Ngoc, Steffen Gebert, Thomas Zinner, Michael Jarschel, Andreas Koepsel, Marc S. Clos, Daniel Raumer, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, Phuoc Tran-Gia, “Performance Benchmarking of an LTE SGW,” in 2nd International Workshop on Management of SDN and NFV Systems 2015, Nov. 2015.
Cornelius Diekmann, Andreas Korsten, Georg Carle, “Demonstrating topoS: Theorem-Prover-Based Synthesis of Secure Network Configurations,” in 2nd International Workshop on Management of SDN and NFV Systems, manSDN/NFV, Barcelona, Spain, Nov. 2015.
Cornelius Diekmann, Lukas Schwaighofer, Georg Carle, “Certifying Spoofing-Protection of Firewalls,” in 11th International Conference on Network and Service Management, CNSM, Barcelona, Spain, Nov. 2015.
Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart, Georg Carle, “MoonGen: A Scriptable High-Speed Packet Generator,” in Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) 2015, IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize 2017, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2015.
Torsten Runge, Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart, Bernd E. Wolfinger, Georg Carle, “How Do Multiple Network Cards Influence the Software Router Performance?,” in Proceedings of Leistungs-, Zuverlässigkeits- und Verlässlichkeitsbewertung von Kommunikationsnetzen und Verteilten Systemen, 6. GI/ITG-Workshop MMBnet 2015, Hamburg, Germany, Sep. 2015.
Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart, Dominik Scholz, Georg Carle, “Performance Exploration of Software-based Packet Processing Systems,” in Proceedings of Leistungs-, Zuverlässigkeits- und Verlässlichkeitsbewertung von Kommunikationsnetzen und Verteilten Systemen, 6. GI/ITG-Workshop MMBnet 2015, Hamburg, Germany, Sep. 2015.
Tsvetko Tsvetkov, Christoph Frenzel, Henning Sanneck, Georg Carle, “A Constraint Optimization-Based Resolution of Verification Collisions in Self-Organizing Networks,” in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GlobeCom 2015), San Diego, CA, USA, Dec. 2015.
Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Alexander Beifuß, Lukas Erlacher, Florian Wohlfart, Torsten M. Runge, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “Optimizing Latency and CPU Load in Packet Processing Systems,” in International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS 2015), Chicago, IL, USA, Jul. 2015.
Martin Jobst, Stephan M. Günther, Maximilian Riemensberger, Georg Carle, Wolfgang Utschick, “Adaptive Suppression of inter-packet Delay Variations in Coded Packet Networks,” in International Symposium on Network Coding (NetCod), Sidney, Australia, Jun. 2015.
Cornelius Diekmann, Lars Hupel, Georg Carle, “Semantics-Preserving Simplification of Real-World Firewall Rule Sets,” in 20th International Symposium on Formal Methods, Jun. 2015, pp. 195–212.
Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Georg Carle, “MoonGen: Software Packet Generation for 10 Gbit and Beyond,” in 12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 15), Oakland, CA, USA, May 2015.
Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich, Florian Wohlfart, Daniel Raumer, Georg Carle, “Comparison of Frameworks for High-Performance Packet IO,” in ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS 2015), Oakland, CA, USA, May 2015.
Johann Schlamp, Josef Gustafsson, Matthias Waehlisch, Thomas C. Schmidt, Georg Carle, “The Abandoned Side of the Internet: Hijacking Internet Resources When Domain Names Expire,” in Proc. 7th Int. Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2015.
Johann Schlamp, Ralph Holz, Oliver Gasser, Andreas Korsten, Quentin Jacquemart, Georg Carle, Ernst W. Biersack, “Investigating the Nature of Routing Anomalies: Closing in on Subprefix Hijacking Attacks,” in Proc. 7th Int. Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2015.
Torsten M. Runge, Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart, Bernd E. Wolfinger, Georg Carle, “Towards Low Latency Software Routers,” Journal of Networks (JNW), Vol 10, No 4, Apr. 2015.
Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart, Georg Carle, “Assessing Soft- and Hardware Bottlenecks in PC-based Packet Forwarding Systems,” in Fourteenth International Conference on Networks (ICN 2015), Best Paper Award, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2015.
Timm Böttger, Lothar Braun, Oliver Gasser, Felix von Eye, Helmut Reiser, Georg Carle, “DoS Amplification Attacks – Protocol-Agnostic Detection of Service Abuse in Amplifier Networks,” in Proc. 7th Int. Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2015.
Alexander Beifuß, Daniel Raumer, Paul Emmerich, Torsten M. Runge, Florian Wohlfart, Bernd E. Wolfinger, Georg Carle, “A Study of Networking Software Induced Latency,” in 2nd International Conference on Networked Systems 2015 (NetSys’15), Cottbus, Germany, Mar. 2015.
Felix von Eye, Timm Böttger, Helmut Reiser, Lothar Braun, Oliver Gasser, Georg Carle, “Detektion und Prävention von Denial-of-Service Amplification Attacken – Schutz des Netzes aus Sicht eines Amplifiers,” in Sicherheit in vernetzten Systemen: 22. DFN-Konferenz, Norderstedt, Deutschland, Feb. 2015, 1. Aufl., pp. H-1–H-13.
Syed Naveed Rizvi, Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart, Georg Carle, “Towards Carrier Grade SDNs,” Journal of Computer Networks, 2015.
Tsvetko Tsvetkov, Henning Sanneck, Georg Carle, “A Graph Coloring Approach for Scheduling Undo Actions in Self-Organizing Networks,” in IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2015), Ottawa, Canada, May 2015.
Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart, Georg Carle, “A Study of Network Stack Latency for Game Servers,” in 13th Annual Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games (NetGames’14), Nagoya, Japan, Dec. 2014.
Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz, Benedikt Peter, Cornelia Kappler, Heiko Niedermayer, Georg Carle, “Privacy Preserving Energy Management,” in Proceeding of City Labs Workshop in conjunction with the International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2014), Barcelona, Spain, Oct. 2014.
Holger Kinkelin, Heiko Niedermayer, Simon Mittelberger, Georg Carle, “Human-Centric and Privacy-Protecting Trust Establishment over the Internet,” in Proceeding of the Seventh International Conference on Advances in Human-oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services (CENTRIC 2014), Nice, France, Oct. 2014.
Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart, Georg Carle, “Performance Characteristics of Virtual Switching,” in 2014 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet’14), Luxembourg, Oct. 2014.
Daniel Raumer, Lukas Schwaighofer, Georg Carle, “MonSamp: A Distributed SDN Application for QoS Monitoring,” in Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS’14), 1st Workshop on Software-Defined Networking, Warsaw, Poland, Sep. 2014.
Christoph Frenzel, Tsvetko Tsvetkov, Henning Sanneck, Bernhard Bauer, Georg Carle, “Operational Troubleshooting-enabled Coordination in Self-Organizing Networks,” in 6th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI 2014), Würzburg, Germany, Sep. 2014.
Tsvetko Tsvetkov, Szabolcs Novaczki, Henning Sanneck, Georg Carle, “A Post-Action Verification Approach for Automatic Configuration Parameter Changes in Self-Organizing Networks,” in 6th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI 2014), Würzburg, Germany, Sep. 2014.
Torsten Meyer, Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart, Bernd E. Wolfinger, Georg Carle, “Low latency Packet Processing in Software Routers,” in International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS 2014), Best Paper Award, Monterey, CA, USA, Jul. 2014.
Tsvetko Tsvetkov, Szabolcs Novaczki, Henning Sanneck, Georg Carle, “A Configuration Management Assessment Method for SON Verification,” in 11th International Symposium on Wireless Communications Systems (ISWCS 2014), Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 2014.
Tsvetko Tsvetkov, Henning Sanneck, Georg Carle, “An Experimental System for SON Verification,” in 11th International Symposium on Wireless Communications Systems (ISWCS 2014), Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 2014.
Demo Session
Pierre-Antoine Vervier, Quentin Jacquemart, Johann Schlamp, Olivier Thonnard, Georg Carle, Guillaume Urvoy Keller, Ernst W. Biersack, Marc Dacier, “Malicious BGP Hijacks: Appearances can be deceiving,” in Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE ICC Communications and Information Systems Security Symposium (ICC CISS 2014), Sydney, Australia, Jun. 2014.
Cornelius Diekmann, Stephan-A. Posselt, Heiko Niedermayer, Holger Kinkelin, Oliver Hanka, Georg Carle, “Verifying Security Policies using Host Attributes,” in FORTE – 34th IFIP International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components and Systems, Berlin, Germany, Jun. 2014, vol. 8461, pp. 133–148.
Marc-Oliver Pahl, Georg Carle, “Crowdsourced Context-Modeling as Key to Future Smart Spaces,” in Network Operations and Management Symposium 2014 (NOMS 2014), May 2014.
Stephan Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Julius Michaelis, Georg Carle, “Analysis of Injection Capabilities and Media Access of IEEE 802.11 Hardware in Monitor Mode,” in Proceedings of the 14th IEEE/IFIP Symposium on Network Operations and Management (NOMS), Krakow, Poland, May 2014.
Oliver Gasser, Ralph Holz, Georg Carle, “A deeper understanding of SSH: results from Internet-wide scans,” in Proc. 14th Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), Krakow, Poland, May 2014.
Cornelius Diekmann, Lars Hupel, Georg Carle, “Directed Security Policies: A Stateful Network Implementation,” in Engineering Safety and Security Systems, Singapore, May 2014, vol. 150, pp. 20–34.
Christoph Frenzel, Tsvetko Tsvetkov, Henning Sanneck, Bernhard Bauer, Georg Carle, “Detection and Resolution of Ineffective Function Behavior in Self-Organizing Networks,” in IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2014), Sydney, Australia, Jun. 2014.
Torsten Meyer, Florian Wohlfart, Daniel Raumer, Bernd E. Wolfinger, Georg Carle, “Validated Model-Based Prediction of Multi-Core Software Router Performance,” Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK), vol. 37.2, pp. 93–107, Mar. 2014.
Holger Kinkelin, Michael Dorner, Georg Carle, “Lokale Integritätsverifikation von Systemen durch Java Smart Cards,” in Tagungsband des 24. SmartCard Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, Feb. 2014.
Andreas Müller, Florian Wohlfart, Georg Carle, “Analysis and Topology-based Traversal of Cascaded Large Scale NATs,” in HotMiddlebox: ACM CoNEXT Workshop on Hot Topics in Middleboxes and Network Function Virtualization, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, Dec. 2013.
Marc-Oliver Pahl, Heiko Niedermayer, Holger Kinkelin, Georg Carle, “Enabling Sustainable Smart Neighborhoods,” in 3rd IFIP Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability 2013 (SustainIT 2013), Palermo, Italy, Oct. 2013.
Tsvetko Tsvetkov, Alexander von Bodisco, Georg Carle, “Optimization of Point-to-Point Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Proc. 12. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Sensornetze (FGSN 2013), Cottbus, Germany, Sep. 2013.
Marc-Oliver Pahl, Georg Carle, “Taking Smart Space Users Into the Development Loop,” in UbiComp 2013 Adjunct (HomeSys 2013), Zürich, Switzerland, Sep. 2013.
Torsten Meyer, Florian Wohlfart, Daniel Raumer, Bernd E. Wolfinger, Georg Carle, “Measurement and Simulation of High-Performance Packet Processing in Software Routers,” in Proceedings of Leistungs-, Zuverlässigkeits- und Verlässlichkeitsbewertung von Kommunikationsnetzen und Verteilten Systemen, 5. GI/ITG-Workshop MMBnet 2013, Hamburg, Germany, Sep. 2013.
Lothar Braun, Cornelius Diekmann, Nils Kammenhuber, Georg Carle, “Adaptive Load-Aware Sampling for Network Monitoring on Multicore Commodity Hardware,” in IFIP Networking 2013, New York, NY, May 2013.
Johann Schlamp, Georg Carle, Ernst W. Biersack, “A Forensic Case Study on AS Hijacking: The Attacker’s Perspective,” ACM Computer Communication Review (CCR), Apr. 2013.
Marc-Oliver Pahl, Georg Carle, “The Missing Layer - Virtualizing Smart Spaces,” in 10th IEEE International Workshop on Managing Ubiquitous Communications and Services 2013 (MUCS 2013), San Diego, USA, 2013, pp. 139–144.
Alexander Klein, Lothar Braun, Georg Carle, “A Preamble-based Approach for Providing Quality of Service Support in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Telecommunication Systems: Special Issue on Multiple Access Communication Networks, 2013.
I.B. Barla, D.A. Schupke, M. Hoffmann, G. Carle, “ Optimal Design of Virtual Networks for Resilient Cloud Services ,” in 9th International Workshop on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), 2013.
Johann Schlamp, Georg Carle, Ernst W. Biersack, “How to prevent AS hijacking attacks,” in Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on CoNEXT Student Workshop (CoNEXT Student 2012), Nice, France, Dec. 2012.
Lothar Braun, Mario Volke, Johann Schlamp, Alexander von Bodisco, Georg Carle, “Flow-Inspector: A Framework for Visualizing Network Flow Data using Current Web Technologies,” in First IMC Workshop on Internet Visualization (WIV 2012), Boston, MA, Nov. 2012.
Thomas Kothmayr, Corinna Schmitt, Wen Hu, Michael Bruenig, Georg Carle, “A DTLS Based End-To-End Security Architecture for the Internet of Things with Two-Way Authentication,” in Seventh IEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp), Clearwater (FL), USA, Oct. 2012.
Emanuel Heidinger, Stefan Burger, Stefan Schneele, Alexander Klein, Georg Carle, “DIMTOOL: A Platform for Determining Worst Case Latencies in Switched Queuing Networks,” in 6th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, Valuetools, Corsica, France, Oct. 2012.
Ralph Holz, Thomas Riedmaier, Nils Kammenhuber, Georg Carle, “X.509 Forensics: Detecting and Localising the SSL/TLS Men-in-the-middle,” in Proc. 17th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2012), Pisa, Italy, Sep. 2012, vol. 7459/2012, pp. 217–234.
Emanuel Heidinger, Nils Kammenhuber, Alexander Klein, Georg Carle, “Network Calculus and Mixed-Integer LP Applied to a Switched Aircraft Cabin Network,” in 20th International Workshop on Quality of Service, Coimbra, Portugal, Jun. 2012.
Stephan Günther, Johann Schlamp, Georg Carle, “Spring-based Geolocation,” in Proceedings of the 13th IEEE/IFIP Symposium on Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2012), Maui, Hawaii, Apr. 2012.
Lothar Braun, Alexander Klein, Georg Carle, Helmut Reiser, Jochen Eisl, “Analyzing Caching Benefits for YouTube Traffic in Edge Networks - A Measurement-Based Evaluation,” in Proceedings of the 13th IEEE/IFIP Symposium on Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2012), Maui, Hawaii, Apr. 2012.
Andreas Klenk, Andreas Beck-Greinwald, Hannes Angst, Georg Carle, “Iterative Multi-Party Agreement Negotiation for Dynamic Collaborations ,” Journal on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications, 2012.
Thomas Kothmayr, Wen Hu, Corinna Schmitt, Michael Brünig, Georg Carle, “Securing the Internet of Things with DTLS,” in Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), Poster Session, Seattle, USA, Nov. 2011.
Ralph Holz, Lothar Braun, Nils Kammenhuber, Georg Carle, “The SSL Landscape - A Thorough Analysis of the X.509 PKI Using Active and Passive Measurements,” in Proc. ACM/USENIX 11th Annual Internet Measurement Conference (IMC ’11), Berlin, Germany, Nov. 2011.
Andreas Fischer, Ali Fessi, Georg Carle, Hermann de Meer, “Wide-Area Virtual Machine Migration as Resilience Mechanism,” in International Workshop on Network Resilience (WNR) in conjunction with the IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems 2011 (SRDS), Oct. 2011.
Andreas Müller, Gerhard Münz, Georg Carle, “Collecting Router Information for Error Diagnosis and Troubleshooting in Home Networks,” in International Workshop on Wireless and Internet Services (WISe) in conjunction with the IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks 2011 (LCN), Bonn, Germany, Oct. 2011.
Lothar Braun, Alexander Klein, Leon Aaron Kaplan, Georg Carle, “Detecting Incidents in Wireless Mesh Networks using Flow and Routing Information,” in Workshop über IT-Sicherheit in kollaborativen und stark vernetzten Systemen (KSVS’11), Berlin, Germany, Oct. 2011.
Alexander Ulrich, Ralph Holz, Peter Hauck, Georg Carle, “Investigating the OpenPGP Web of Trust,” in Proc. 16th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2011), Sep. 2011, vol. 6879/2011, pp. 489–507.
Lothar Braun, Corinna Schmitt, Benoit Claise, Georg Carle, “Compressed IPFIX for smart meters in constrained networks.” Internet-Draft (work in progress), draft-braun-core-compressed-ipfix-03.txt, Sep-2011.
Gerhard Münz, Stephan Heckmüller, Lothar Braun, Georg Carle, “Improving Markov-based TCP Traffic Classification,” in Proceedings of Communication in Distributed Systems (KiVS) 2011, Kiel, Germany, Mar. 2011.
Holger Kinkelin, Ralph Holz, Heiko Niedermayer, Simon Mittelberger, Georg Carle, “On Using TPM for Secure Identities in Future Home Networks,” Future Internet, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1–13, 2011.
Andreas Monger, Marc Fouquet, Mark Schmidt, Georg Carle, Morten Schl"\ager, “A Publish/Subscribe System for Heterogeneous Access Management, International Patent WO/2009/112081,” 2009.
Lothar Braun, Alexander Didebulidze, Nils Kammenhuber, Georg Carle, “Comparing and Improving Current Packet Capturing Solutions based on Commodity Hardware,” in Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference (IMC 2010), Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2010.
Holger Kinkelin, Ralph Holz, Heiko Niedermayer, Georg Carle, “On Using TPM for Secure Identities in Future Networks (ext. abstract),” in Proceedings of Security in NGNs and the Future Internet Workshop, Sep. 2010.
Andreas Müller, Holger Kinkelin, Sunil Kumar Ghai, Georg Carle, “A secure service infrastructure for interconnecting future home networks based on DPWS and XACML,” in HomeNets: ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Home Networks, New Delhi, India, Sep. 2010.
Alexander Klein, Lothar Braun, Corinna Schmitt, Georg Carle, “MAUS: A Multi-hop Autonomous Sensor Network for Monitoring Applications with Full IP-support,” in Proceedings of the 9. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Sensornetze (FGSN), Würzburg, Germany, Sep. 2010.
Marc-Oliver Pahl, Georg Carle, “Automatic control and Management Platform (ACMP).” Demo at IPTComm 2010, Munich, Germany, Aug-2010.
Holger Kinkelin, Andreas Müller, Georg Carle, “Security and Access control for future home networks.” Demo at IPTComm 2010, Munich, Germany, Aug-2010.
Tobias Bandh, Raphael Romeikat, Henning Sanneck, Lars Christoph Schmelz, Bernhard Bauer, Georg Carle, “Policy-driven Workflows for Mobile Network Management Automation,” in Proceedings of Symposium on Next Generation Wireless Networks (NGMN 2010), Caen, France, Jul. 2010.
Gerhard Münz, Lothar Braun, Hui Dai, Georg Carle, “TCP-Verkehrsklassifizierung mit Markov-Modellen,” Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK), vol. 33, no. 2, Jun. 2010.
Stephan Heckmüller, Gerhard Münz, Lothar Braun, Aaron Kunde, Bernd E. Wolfinger, Georg Carle, “Lasttransformation durch Rekonstruktion von Auftragslängen anhand von Paketdaten,” Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK), vol. 33, no. 2, Jun. 2010.
Holger Kinkelin, Heiko Niedermayer, Ralph Holz, Georg Carle, “TPM-based Access Control for the Future Internet (ext. abstract),” in 5th GI/ITG KuVS Workshop on Future Internet, Stuttgart, Germany, Jun. 2010.
Corinna Schmitt, Lothar Braun, Thomas Kothmayr, Georg Carle, “Collecting Sensor Data using Compressed IPFIX,” in Proceedings of the 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), Poster Session, Stockholm, Sweden, Apr. 2010.
Nils Kammenhuber, Ali Fessi, Georg Carle, “Resilience: Widerstandsfähigkeit des Internets gegen Störungen – Stand der Forschung und Entwicklung ,” Informatik-Spektrum (Special Issue on Future Internet), vol. 33, Number 2, pp. 131–142, Apr. 2010.
Gerhard Münz, Hui Dai, Lothar Braun, Georg Carle, “TCP traffic classification using Markov models,” in Proceedings of Traffic Monitoring and Analysis Workshop (TMA) 2010, Zurich, Switzerland, Apr. 2010.
Lothar Braun, Gerhard Münz, Georg Carle, “Packet Sampling for Worm and Botnet Detection in TCP Connections,” in Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) 2010, Osaka, Japan, Apr. 2010.
Antje Barth, Michael Kleis, Andreas Klenk, Benoit Radier, Sanaa Elmoumouhi, Mikael Salaun, Georg Carle, “Context Dissemination in Peer-to-Peer Networks,” in Chapter in Book: Developing Advanced Web Services through P2P Computing and Autonomous Agents: Trends and Innovation. Khaled Ragab, Aboul-Ella Hassanien, Tarek Helmy (Eds.), IGI-Global, Apr. 2010.
Tobias Bandh, Raphael Romeikat, Henning Sanneck, Lars Christoph Schmelz, Bernhard Bauer, Georg Carle, “Optimized Network Configuration Parameter Assignment Based on Graph Coloring,” in Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS2010), Osaka, Japan, Apr. 2010.
Thomas Kothmayr, Corinna Schmitt, Lothar Braun, Georg Carle, “Gathering Sensor Data in Home Networks with IPFIX,” in Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2010), Coimbra, Portugal, Feb. 2010.
Marc Fouquet, Christian Hoene, Morten Schläger, Georg Carle, “Data Collection in Future Mobile Networks,” Telecommunication Systems, vol. 48, no. 3-4, Nov. 2011.
Corinna Schmitt, Georg Carle, “Applications for Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Chapter in Book: Handbook of Research on P2P and Grid Systems for Service-Oriented Computing: Models, Methodologies and Applications, Antonopoulos N.; Exarchakos G.; Li M.; Liotta A. (Eds.), Information Science Publishing, Jan. 2010.
Marc-Oliver Pahl, Christoph Niedermeier, Mario Schuster, Andreas Müller, Georg Carle, “Knowledge-Based Middleware for Future Home Networks,” in IEEE IFIP Wireless Days conference Paris, Paris, France, Dec. 2009.
Andreas Müller, Holger Kinkelin, Sunil Kumar Ghai, Georg Carle, “An Assisted Device Registration and Service Access System for future Home Networks,” in IFIP Wireless Days 2009, Paris, France, Dec. 2009.
Marc Fouquet, Heiko Niedermayer, Georg Carle, “Cloud Computing for the Masses,” in Proceedings of the 1st ACM Workshop on User-provided Networking, co-located with CoNEXT 2009, Rome, Italy, Dec. 2009.
Andreas Müller, Andreas Klenk, Georg Carle, “ANTS - A Framework for Knowledge based NAT Traversal,” in IEEE Globecom 2009 Next-Generation Networking and Internet Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2009.
Corinna Schmitt, Lothar Braun, Georg Carle, “IPFIX for Wireless Sensors.” Internet-Draft (work in progress), draft-schmitt-6lowapp-ipfix-ws-00, Oct-2009.
Heiko Niedermayer, Ralph Holz, Marc-Oliver Pahl, Georg Carle, “On Using Home Networks and Cloud Computing for a Future Internet of Things,” in Proc. Future Internet Symposium 2009 (FIS 2009), Berlin, Germany, Sep. 2009.
Stephan Heckmüller, Gerhard Münz, Lothar Braun, Aaron Kunde, Bernd E. Wolfinger, Georg Carle, “Lasttransformation durch Rekonstruktion von Auftragslängen anhand von Paketdaten,” in Proceedings of Leistungs-, Zuverlässigkeits- und Verlässlichkeitsbewertung von Kommunikationsnetzen und Verteilten Systemen, 5. GI/ITG-Workshop MMBnet 2009, Hamburg, Germany, Sep. 2009.
Marc Fouquet, Christian Hoene, Morten Schläger, Georg Carle, “Data Collection for Heterogeneous Handover Decisions in Beyond 3G Networks,” in Second Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC), Gdansk, Poland, Sep. 2009.
Hui Dai, Gerhard Münz, Lothar Braun, Georg Carle, “TCP-Verkehrsklassifizierung mit Markov-Modellen,” in Proceedings of Leistungs-, Zuverlässigkeits- und Verlässlichkeitsbewertung von Kommunikationsnetzen und Verteilten Systemen, 5. GI/ITG-Workshop MMBnet 2009, Hamburg, Germany, Sep. 2009.
Michael Kleis, Andreas Klenk, Benoit Radier, Sanaa Elmoumouhi, Georg Carle, Mikael Salaun, “Autonomic Service Control In Next Generation Networks,” International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, pp. 58–73, Jun. 2009.
Andreas Klenk, Georg Carle, Benoit Radier, Mikael Salaun, “Secure Stateless Trust Negotiation,” in IFIP Network and Service Security Conference, Paris, France, Jun. 2009.
Tobias Bandh, Henning Sanneck, Georg Carle, “Graph Coloring Based Physical-Cell-ID Assignment for LTE Networks,” in Workshop on Autonomic Wireless Networking (AWN 2009), Jun. 2009.
Marc Fouquet, Elnaz Eghbali Afshar, Georg Carle, “The Threat of Mobile Worms,” in Third ERCIM Workshop on eMobility, May 2009.
Andreas Klenk, Tobias Heide, Benoit Radier, Mikael Salaun, Georg Carle, “Pluggable Authorization and Distributed Enforcement with pam_xacml,” in Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS) 2009, Kassel, Germany, Mar. 2009, pp. 253–264.
Thomas Dietz, Benoit Claise, Paul Aitken, Falko Dressler, Georg Carle, “Information Model for Packet Sampling Exports.” RFC 5477, Mar-2009.
Andreas Monger, Marc Fouquet, Christian Hoene, Georg Carle, Morten Schlaeger, “A Metering Infrastructure for Heterogeneous Mobile Networks,” in First International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS (COMSNETS), Bangalore, India, Jan. 2009.
Andreas Klenk, Holger Kinkelin, Christoph Eunicke, Georg Carle, “Preventing identity theft with electronic identity cards and the trusted platform module,” in EUROSEC ’09: Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on System Security, New York, NY, USA, 2009, pp. 44–51.
Simon Rieche, Klaus Wehrle, Marc Fouquet, Heiko Niedermayer, Timo Teifel, Georg Carle, “Clustering Players for Load Balancing in Virtual Worlds,” International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication (IJAMC), vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 351–363, Dec. 2008.
Gerhard Münz, Georg Carle, “Application of Forecasting Techniques and Control Charts for Traffic Anomaly Detection,” in Proceedings of the 19th ITC Specialist Seminar on Network Usage and Traffic, Berlin, Germany, Oct. 2008.
Georg Carle, Holger Kinkelin, Andreas Müller, Heiko Niedermayer, Marc-Oliver Pahl, Alexander König, Thomas Luckenbach, Klaus Scholl, Mario Schuster, Lasse Thiem, Leo Petrak, Markus Steinmetz, Christoph Niedermeier, Jürgen Reichmann, “Autonomic Home Networks in the BMBF project AutHoNe,” in 8th Würzburg Workshop on IP (EuroView 2008), Jul. 2008.
Georg Carle, Ali Fessi, Marc Fouquet, Fabian Haibl, Christian Hoene, Andreas Klenk, Morten Schläger, Laurensius Tionardi, “METHOD FOR OPERATING A PACKET-ORIENTED COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND FOR CLASSIFYING A PACKET DATA FLOW AND NETWORK NODES OF A PACKET-ORIENTED COMMUNICATION SYSTEM.” Patent (WO/2008/037648), Sep-2006.
Priority Data: 10 2006 047 075.3 27.09.2006 DE
Philipp Vorst, Jürgen Sommer, Christian Hoene, Patrick Schneider, Christian Weiss, Timo Schairer, Wolfgang Rosenstiel, Andreas Zell, Georg Carle, “Indoor Positioning via Three Different RF Technologies,” in /Proceedings of the 4th European Workshop on RFID Systems and Technologies (RFID SysTech 2008)/, Freiburg, Jun. 2008.
Timo Schairer, Christian Weiss, Philipp Vorst, Jürgen Sommer, Christian Hoene, Wolfgang Rosenstiel, Wolfgang Straßer, Andreas Zell, Georg Carle, Patrick Schneider, Anette Weisbecker, “Integrated Scenario for Machine-Aided Inventory Using Ambient Sensors,” in /Proceedings of the 4th European Workshop on RFID Systems and Technologies (RFID SysTech 2008/), Freiburg, Jun. 2008.
Andreas Müller, Andreas Klenk, Georg Carle, “On the Applicability of knowledge based NAT-Traversal for Home Networks,” in Proceedings of IFIP Networking 2008, Singapore, May 2008, pp. 264–275.
Gerhard Münz, Georg Carle, “Distributed Network Analysis using TOPAS and Wireshark,” in Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on End-to-End Monitoring Techniques and Services (E2EMon 2008), Salvador-Bahia, Brazil, Apr. 2008.
Simon Rieche, Klaus Wehrle, Marc Fouquet, Heiko Niedermayer, Timo Teifel, Georg Carle, “Clustering Players for Load Balancing in Virtual Worlds,” in Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Massively Multiuser Virtual Environments at IEEE Virtual Reality 2008 (MMVE 2008), Reno, Nevada, USA, Mar. 2008.
Andreas Klenk, Michael Kleis, Benoit Radier, Sanaa Elmoumouhi, Georg Carle, Michael Salaun, “Towards Autonomic Service Control In Next Generation Networks,” in Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, ICAS 2008, Gosier, Guadeloupe, Mar. 2008, pp. 198–204.
Antje Barth, Georg Carle, Ali Fessi, Marc Fouquet, Morten Schläger, “Method, a device for configuring at least one firewall and a system comprising such device.” USPTO Application No: 20080229088, 2008.
Andreas Müller, Andreas Klenk, Georg Carle, “Behavior and classification of NAT devices and implications for NAT Traversal,” IEEE Network, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 14–19, 2008.
Ralph Holz, Heiko Niedermayer, Peter Hauck, Georg Carle, “Trust-Rated Authentication for Domain-Structured Distributed Systems,” in Proc. 5th European PKI Workshop: Theory and Practice (EuroPKI 2008), Trondheim, Norway, 2008.
Gerhard Münz, Nico Weber, Georg Carle, “Signature Detection in Sampled Packets,” in Proceedings of Workshop on Monitoring, Attack Detection and Mitigation (MonAM) 2007, Toulouse, France, Nov. 2007.
Olaf Landsiedel, Alexis Pimenidis, Klaus Wehrle, Heiko Niedermayer, Georg Carle, “Dynamic Multipath Onion Routing in Anonymous Peer-To-Peer Overlay Networks,” in Proceedings of IEEE Global Communication Conference (GlobeCom), Washington, DC, USA, Nov. 2007.
Gerhard Münz, Sa Li, Georg Carle, “Traffic Anomaly Detection Using K-Means Clustering,” in Proceedings of Leistungs-, Zuverlässigkeits- und Verlässlichkeitsbewertung von Kommunikationsnetzen und Verteilten Systemen, 4. GI/ITG-Workshop MMBnet 2007, Hamburg, Germany, Sep. 2007.
Andreas Klenk, Frank Petri, Benoit Radier, Mikael Salaun, Georg Carle, “Automated Trust Negotiation in Autonomic Environments,” in Self-Organizing Systems, Second International Workshop, IWSOS 2007, The Lake District, UK, Sep. 2007, vol. 4725, pp. 272–279.
Michael Kleis, Kai Büttner, Sanaa Elmoumouhi, Georg Carle, Mikael Salaun, “CSP, Cooperative Service Provisioning Using Peer-to-Peer Principles,” in Self-Organizing Systems, Second International Workshop, IWSOS 2007, The Lake District, UK, Sep. 2007, vol. 4725, pp. 73–87.
Ralph Kühne, Gerald Görmer, Morten Schläger, Georg Carle, “Charging in the IP Multimedia Subsystem: A Tutorial,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 45, no. 7, pp. 92–99, Jul. 2007.
Ali Fessi, Heiko Niedermayer, Holger Kinkelin, Georg Carle, “A Cooperative SIP Infrastructure for Highly Reliable Telecommunication Services,” in Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications (IPTComm), New York), Jul. 2007.
Tobias Bandh, Henning Sanneck, Georg Carle, Christoph Schmelz, “Automated Real Time Performance Management for Mobile Networks,” in Workshop on Autonomic Wireless AccesS(IWAS 07), Jun. 2007.
Ralph Kühne, Gerald Görmer, Morten Schläger, Georg Carle, “A Mechanism for Charging System Self-Configuration in Next Generation Mobile Networks,” in Proceedings of the 3rd EuroNGI Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks, Trondheim, Norway, May 2007, pp. 198–204.
Gerhard Münz, Georg Carle, “Real-Time Analysis of Flow Data for Network Attack Detection,” in Proceedings of IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Management (IM) 2007, Munich, Germany, May 2007.
Ali Fessi, Georg Carle, Falko Dressler, Jürgen Quittek, Cornelia Kappler, H. Tschofenig, “NSLP for Metering Configuration Signaling.” Internet-Draft (work in progress), draft-dressler-nsis-metering-nslp-05.txt, Mar-2007.
Simon Rieche, Klaus Wehrle, Marc Fouquet, Heiko Niedermayer, Leo Petrak, Georg Carle, “Peer-to-Peer-based Infrastructure Support for Massively Multiplayer Online Games,” in Proceedings of 4th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Jan. 2007.
Ali Fessi, Heiko Niedermayer, Holger Kinkelin, Georg Carle, “CoSIP - a hybrid architecture for reliable and secure SIP services,” Praxis in der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK), special issue on Voice over IP, 2007.
Andreas Klenk, Heiko Niedermayer, Marcus Masekowsky, Georg Carle, “An Architecture for Autonomic Security Adaptation,” Journal Annals of the Telecommunications, vol. 61, no. 9/10, Nov. 2006.
Simon Rieche, Marc Fouquet, Heiko Niedermayer, Leo Petrak, Klaus Wehrle, Georg Carle, “Peer-to-Peer-based Infrastructure Support for Massively Multiplayer Online Games,” Wilhelm-Schickard-Institute for Computer Science, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, Technical Report WSI-2006-04, Aug. 2006.
Simon Rieche, Marc Fouquet, Heiko Niedermayer, Klaus Wehrle, Georg Carle, “On the Use of Structured Peer-to-Peer Systems for Online Gaming,” in Extended Abstract at 5th Würzburger Workshop IP Netzmanagement, IP Netzplanung und Optimierung, Würzburg, Jul. 2005.
Heiko Niedermayer, Andreas Klenk, Georg Carle, “The Networking Perspective of Security Performance - a Measurement Study -,” in MMB 2006, Nürnberg, Germany, Mar. 2006.
H. Niedermayer, S. Rieche, K. Wehrle, Georg Carle, “On the Distribution of Nodes in Distributed Hash Tables,” in KiVS 2005 (Workshop Peer-to-Peer-Systeme und Anwendungen), Kaiserslautern, Germany., Mar. 2005.
Heiko Niedermayer, Klaus Wehrle, Thomas Schreiner, Georg Carle, “Considering Security in Distributed Hash Tables,” in Abstract at 4th Würzburger Workshop IP Netzmanagement, IP Netzplanung und Optimierung, Würzburg, Germany., Jul. 2004.
O. Landsiedel, S. Rieche, H. Niedermayer, K. Wehrle, Georg Carle, “Anonymous IP-Services via Overlay Routing,” in Extended Abstract at 5th Würzburger Workshop IP Netzmanagement,IP Netzplanung und Optimierung, Würzburg, Jul. 2005.
Andreas Klenk, Marcus Masekowsky, Heiko Niedermayer, Georg Carle, “ESAF - an Extensible Security Adaptation Framework,” in 10th Nordic Workshop on Secure IT-systems, Tartu, Estonia, Oct. 2005.
Markus Hofmann, Torsten Braun, Georg Carle, “Multicast communication in large scale networks,” in Third IEEE Workshop on the Architecture and Implementation of High Performance Communication Subsystems, HPCS’95, Mystic, Connecticut, Aug. 1995.
Aloke Guha, Hiroshi Esaki, Georg Carle, Tim Dwight, “Necessity of Cell-Level FEC Scheme for ATM Networks,” Contribution ATMF/95-1011; ATM Forum Plenary, Toronto, Canada. Aug-1995.
Hiroshi Esaki, Georg Carle, Tim Dwight, “Reliable Multicast Service Needs Cell-Level FEC Scheme,” Contribution ATMF/95-1438; ATM Forum Plenary, London, U.K. Dec-1995.
Hiroshi Esaki, Georg Carle, Tim Dwight, “Benefits of AAL-level FEC Scheme for ATM Networks,” Contribution ATMF/95-1437; ATM Forum Plenary, London, U.K. Dec-1995.
Hiroshi Esaki, Georg Carle, “Combination of SSCOP and an AAL-Level FEC Scheme,” Contribution ATMF/95-1560; ATM Forum Plenary, London, U.K. Dec-1995.
Georg Carle, Martina Zitterbart, “ATM Adaptation Layer and Group Communication Servers for High-Performance Multipoint Services,” in Proceedings of 7th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, Duck Key, Marathon, Florida, U.S.A., S. 98-106, Mar. 1995.
Georg Carle, Jerome Tardivel, Ken V. Lever, “Digital Implementation of Baseband Pulse-Shaping Filters and Modulators for High-Capacity QAM Digital Radio Systems,” in IEE Colloquium on Multi-Level Modulation Techniques for Point-to-Point and Mobile Radio, Mar. 1990.
Georg Carle, Jochen Schiller, Claudia Schmidt, “Support for High-Performance Multipoint Multimedia Services,” in in D. Hutchison, A. Danthine, H. Leopold, G. Colson (Eds.): Multimedia Transport and Teleservices, International COST 237 Workshop, Vienna, Austria, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 882, Springer-Verlag,S. 219-240, Nov. 1994.
Georg Carle, “Zuverlässige Gruppenkommunikationsdienste in ATM-Netzen,” PhD thesis, Universität Karlsruhe, 1996.
Georg Carle, Gerhard Krüger, “SAEFS: A Simple And Efficient Forward Error Correction Scheme for the Service Specific Convergence Sublayer of AAL5,” Application for Patent of the United States, US Serial No. 60/015147, Apr-1996.
Georg Carle, Hiroshi Esaki, Aloke Guha, Keiji Tsunoda, Kumiko Kanai, “Necessity of an FEC Scheme for ATM Networks,” in Contribution ATMF/95-0325; ATM Forum Technical Committee ’Service Aspects and Applications SA&A’, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A., Apr. 1995.
Georg Carle, Stefan Dresler, “Adaptable Hybrid Error Control for Efficient Provision of Reliable Services in ATM Networks,” in Chapter in Book: ATM Traffic Management, Kofmann, D.; Thome,S. (Eds.), Chapman&Hall, 1997.
Georg Carle, Stefan Dresler, “Reliable Ordered Multicast Service (ROMS) over NBMA Networks,” in 6th Open Workshop on High Speed Networks, Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 1997.
Georg Carle, Stefan Dreslers, “High Performance Group Communication Services in ATM Networks,” in Kapitel in Buch: High-Speed Networks for Multimedia Applications,W. Effelsberg, O. Spaniol, A. Danthine, D. Ferrari (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, Mar. 1996.
Georg Carle, “Effiziente Erbringung zuverlässiger Gruppenkommunikationsdienste in ATM-Netzen,” Universität Karlsruhe, Oct. 1996.
Georg Carle, “Zuverlässige Gruppenkommunikation in ATM-Netzen,” Universität Karlsruhe, Apr. 1995.
Georg Carle, “Framework with Scaleable Error Control for Reliable Multipoint Servicesin ATM Networks,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia and Networking, MmNet’95, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan, IEEE Computer SocietyPress, S. 49-58, Sep. 1995.
Georg Carle, “Towards Scalable Error Control for Reliable Multipoint Services in ATM Networks,” in 12th International Conference on Computer Communication, ICCC’95,Seoul, Korea, Aug. 1995.
Georg Carle, “Provision of Reliable Multipoint Services in ATM Networks,” in Proceedings of International Conference on ATM Developments ’95,Rennes, France, Vol. 2, S. 24-35, Mar. 1995.
Georg Carle, “Unterstützung von Gruppenkommunikation in ATM-Netzen,” Universität Karlsruhe, Apr. 1994.
Georg Carle, “Unterstützung zuverlässiger Gruppenkommunikation in ATM-Netzen,” Universität Karlsruhe, Feb. 1994.
Georg Carle, “Einsatz von übertragungswiederholung und Vorwärtsfehlerkorrektur für zuverlässige Multicastkommunikation in ATM-Netzen,” in ITG Fachtagung Codierung für Quelle, Kanal und übertragung, München,ITG-Fachbericht 130, VDE-Verlag, S. 369-376, Oct. 1994.
Georg Carle, “Adaptation Layer and Group Communication Server for Reliable MultipointServices in ATM Networks,” in in R. Steinmetz (Ed.): Advanced Teleservices and High Speed Communication Architectures; Second International Workshop, IWACA ’94, Heidelberg,26 - 28 September 1994, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 868, Springer-Verlag,S. 124 - 138, 1994.
Georg Carle, “Error Control for Reliable Multipoint Communication in ATM Networks,” in Proceedings of Third International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, ICCCN’94, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A., S. 33 - 37, Sep. 1994.
Georg Carle, “Reliable Group Communication in ATM Networks,” in Twelfth Annual European Fibre Optics Communications and Networking Conference, EFOC&N’94, Heidelberg, S. 30-34, Jun. 1994.
Tanja Zseby, Sebastian Zander, Georg Carle, “Evaluation of Building Blocks for Passive One-way-delay Measurements,” in Workshop on Passive and Active Measurements (PAM 2001), Apr. 2001.
Sebastian Zander, Georg Carle, “High Quality IP Video Streaming with Adaptive Packet Marking,” in QofIS 2002 - COST 263 Workshop on Quality of future Internet Services, Oct. 2002.
Georg Carle, “Video Servers and High Speed Networks.” Tutorial at GI-Fachtagung Kommunikation in verteilten Systemen (KiVS)’97, Braunschweig, Germany, Feb-1997.
Henning Sanneck, Long Le, Adam Wolisz, Georg Carle, “Intra-flow loss recovery and control for VoIP,” in Proceedings ACM Multimedia 2001, Ottawa, Oct. 2001.
Henning Sanneck, Long Le, Georg Carle, “Effiziente Dienstqualitätsunterstützung für IP-Telefonie durch selektive Paketmarkierung,” in 1st GI/ITG Internet Telephony Workshop - IPTel2000, Apr. 2000.
Henning Sanneck, Georg Carle, “A Queue Management Algorithm for Intra-Flow Service Differentiation in the Best Effort Internet,” in in Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN ’99), Oct. 1999, pp. 419–426.
H. Sanneck, Georg Carle, “A Framework Model for Packet Loss Metrics Based on Loss Runlengths in Proceedings of the SPIE/ACM,” in SIGMM Multimedia Computing and Networking Conference 2000 (MMCN 2000), Jan. 2000.
Jürgen Quitteck, Tanja Zseby, Sebastian Zander, Georg Carle, Benoit Claise, “Requirements for IP Flow Information Export,” Internet Draft, Work in Progress. Nov-2001.
J. Quittek, T. Zseby, Georg Carle, S. Zander, “Traffic Flow Measurements within IP Networks: Requirements, Technology, and Standardization,” in Proceedings of the SAINT Symposium on Applications and the Internet Workshops (SAINT 2002 Workshops), Jan. 2002, pp. 97–98.
J. Quittek, Georg Carle, “Remote Packet Capture Extensions,” in Internet-Draft, Work in Progress, 49th IETF, San Diego, Dec. 2002.
Georg Carle, “Error Control for Real-Time Audio-Visual Services,” Universität Karlsruhe, Jun. 1997.
J. Nonnenmacher, M. Jung, M. Lacher, E. W. Biersack, Georg Carle, “How bad is reliable multicast without local recovery?,” in IEEE INFOCOM’98, San Francisco, U.S.A., Mar. 1998.
Long Le, Henning Sanneck, Georg Carle, Tohru Hoshi, “Active Concealment for Internet Speech Transmission,” in The Second International Working Conference on Active Networks (IWAN2000), Oct. 2000.
Felix Hartanto, Georg Carle, “Policy-based Billing Architecture for Internet Differentiated Services,” in Proceedings of IFIP Fifth International Conference on Broadband Communications(BC’99), Nov. 1999.
Tomoichi Ebata, Masatoshi Takihiro, Shigeru Miyake, Minoru Koizumi, Felix Hartanto, Georg Carle, “Inter-Domain QoS Provisioning and Accounting.” Internet Draft, Work in Progress, Apr-2000.
T. Ebata, M. Takihiro, S. Miyake, M. Koizumi, F. Hartanto, Georg Carle, “Inter-Domain QoS Provisioning and Accounting,” in Proceedings of the 10th Annual Internet Society Conference (INET2000), Jul. 2000.
Georg Carle, Aloke Guha, Tim Dwight, Keiji Tsunoda, Kumiko Kanai, Hiroshi Esaki, “A Cell-Level Forward Error Correction Scheme (FEC-SSCS) for ATM Networks,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Communications, ICCC’97, Cannes, France, 1997, pp. 533–541.
Georg Carle, Stefan Dresler, Jochen Schiller, “Multipath FEC Scheme for the ATM Adaptation Layer AAL5,” in International Conference on Broadband Communications BC’98, Stuttgart, Germany, Apr. 1998.
Tanja Zseby, Sebastian Zander, Georg Carle, “Policy-based Accounting.” RFC 3334, Oct-2002.
Georg Carle, Tanja Zseby, Adam Wolisz, “Lastabhängige Tarifierung von IP Multicast-Diensten mit Dienstgüteunterstützung,” in 11. GI/ITG Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen - KiVS’99, Mar. 1999.
Informatik Aktuell, Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-65597-2, S. 58-71
Georg Carle, Tanja Zseby, “Tariff Dependent Error Control for Heterogeneous Real-Time Multicast Service,” in Proceedings of 1. Multicast Workshop, May 1999.
Georg Carle, Klaus Wehrle, Hartmut Ritter, “Models, Methods and Tools for Reproducible Network Research,” in Proceedings of 1st ACM SIGCOMM 2003 Workshops MoMeTools, 2003.
Georg Carle, Jens Tiemann, Tanja Zseby, “Assessment of Accounting Meters with Dynamic Traffic Generation based on Classification Rules,” in Passive & Active Measurement Workshop PAM 2000, Apr. 2000.
Georg Carle, Michael Smirnow, Tanja Zseby, “Charging and Accounting Architecture for IP Multicast Integrated Services,” in 4th International Symposium on Interworking (Interworking’98), Jul. 1998.
Georg Carle, Henning Sanneck, Dorgham Sisalem, Michael Smirnow, Adam Wolisz, Tanja Zseby, “Dienstqualitätsunterstützung im Internet,” Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK), vol. 3/98, Sep. 1998.
Georg Carle, Thomas Schmidt, Jochen Seitz, “Fair ATM Charging with Consideration of Traffic Characteristics and QoS Parameters,” in Colloquium on Charging for ATM (CAshMAN Accounting Workshop), 1996.
Published by the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), London, UK ISSN 0963-308, Reference No. 1996/222, S. 5/1-5/7
Georg Carle, Günter Schäfer, Jochen Schiller, “An Approach to Hardware-Supported Accounting Management in ATM-Networks,” in 8th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, Berlin/Potsdam, Aug. 1996.
Georg Carle, Günter Schäfer, Jochen Schiller, “Flexible Design of Hardware-Supported High-Performance Protocol Processing Units,” in 5th Open Workshop on High-Speed Networks, ENST/Telecom Paris, Mar. 1996.
Georg Carle, Sebastian Zander, Tanja Zseby, “Policy-basiertes Metering für IP-Netze,” in GI/ITG-Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KIVS 2001), Feb. 2001.
Georg Carle, Long Le, Henning Sanneck, Sebastian Zander, “A Three-Level Active Network Node Architecture,” in IFIP Third International Working Conference on Active Networks IWAN2001, 2001.
Georg Carle, Henning Sanneck, Mirko Schramm, “Adaptive Hybrid Error Control for IP-based Continuous Media Multicast Services,” in COST263 First International Workshop Quality of future Internet Services (QofIS’2000), Sep. 2000.
Georg Carle, Martin Siegel, “Design and Assessment of a Parallel High Performance Transport System.” Europäischer Informatik-Kongreß Architektur von Rechensystemen, Euro-ARCH’93; 18.-19. Oktober 1993, Oct-1993.
Informatik aktuell, Springer-Verlag, S. 407-418
Georg Carle, Jochen Schiller, “Semi-automated Design of High-Performance Communication Subsystems,” in Proceedings of 31st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-31), Big Island of Hawaii, HI, U.S.A., Jan. 1998.
Georg Carle, Jochen Schiller, “Modeling, Simulation and Synthesis of High-Performance ATM Protocols and Multimedia Systems,” in Chapter in Book: State-of-the Art in Performance Modeling and Simulation, Dec. 1998.
G. Zobrist, J. Walrand, K. Bagchi (Eds.), Gordon and Breach Publishers, Dec. 1998, ISBN: 90-5699-635-5
Georg Carle, Jochen Schiller, “Hochleistungsfähige Implementierung von Adaptionsschichtprotokollen mit zellenbasierten Fehlerkontrollmechanismen,” in GI-Fachtagung Kommunikation in verteilten Systemen (KiVS) ’97, Feb. 1997.
Georg Carle, Jochen Schiller, “Modular VLSI Implementation Architecture for the Provision of Reliable High-Performance Multipoint Services,” in 2nd IEEE Malaysia International Conference on Communications 95, MICC’95, Nov. 1995.
Georg Carle, Jochen Schiller, “Enabling High-Bandwidth Applications by High-Performance Multicast Transfer Protocol Processing,” in 6th IFIP Conference on Performance of Computer Networks, Istanbul, Turkey, Oct. 1995.
in S. Fdida, R. Onvural (Eds.): Data Communications and their Performance, Chapman&Hall 1996, S. 82-96
Georg Carle, Jochen Schiller, “Modular VLSI Implementation Architecture for the Scalable Provision of High-Performance Multimedia Multipoint Services,” in Third IEEE Workshop on the Architecture and Implementation of High Performance Communication Subsystems, HPCS’95, Mystic, Connecticut, Aug. 1995.
H. Sanneck, Georg Carle, “Predictive loss pattern queue management for internet routers,” in Internet Routing and Quality of Service Proceedings SPIE Vol.3529A, Nov. 1998.
Georg Carle, Jürgen Röig, “BISDN Adaptation Layer and Logical Link Control with Resource Reservation for a Flexible Transport System,” in Proceedings of Eleventh European Fibre Optics Communications and Networking Conference EFOC&N’93, 30 June- 2 July 1993, Den Haag,Niederlande, Jun. 1993, pp. 50–55.
Georg Carle, Jörg Ottensmeyer, “RTMC: An Error Control Protocol for IP-based Audio-Visual Multicast Applications,” in International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, IC3N’98 Lafayete, Louisiana, USA, Oct. 1998.
Georg Carle, Felix Hartanto, Michael Smirnov, Tanja Zseby, “SUSIE - Charging and Accounting for QoS-enhanced IP Multicast,” in Chapter in Book: ACTS InfoWin Thematic Issues: Next Generation Internet in Europe, Sep. 1999, pp. 108–113.
Georg Carle, Felix Hartanto, Michael Smirnow, Tanja Zseby, “Charging and Accounting for QoS-enhanced IP Multicast,” in IFIP Sixth International Workshop on Protocols For High-Speed Networks(PfHSN ’99), Aug. 1999.
Georg Carle, David Heymen, Tanja Zseby, “Selection and Dimensioning of Tariffs for QoS-enhanced Internet Services,” in Third Berlin Internet Economics Workshop, May 2000.
George Carle, Frank Fitzek, Adam Wolisz, “Combining Transport Layer and Link Layer Mechanism for Transparent QoS Support of IP based Applications,” in Proceedings of IP Quality of Service for Wireless and Mobile Networks (IQWiM99) Workshop, Apr. 1999.
Georg Carle, George Fankhauser, Burkhard Stiller, “Charging for ATM-based IP Multicast Services,” in Proceedings of 5th Annual Networld+Interop Engineers Conference,Las Vegas, May 1998, pp. 149–154.
Georg Carle, Falko Dressler, Günter Schäfer, “Netzwerksicherheit - verteilte Angriffserkennung im Internet,” Tutorium bei der GI/ITG Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS) Kaiserslautern. Feb-2005.
Georg Carle, Ernst W. Biersack, “Survey on Error Recovery for IP-based Audio-Visual Multicast Applications,” IEEE Network, pp. 24–36, Nov. 1997.
Ketan Mayer-Patel, Long Le, Georg Carle, “An MPEG performance model and its application to adaptive forward error correction,” in ACM Multimedia 2002, Dec. 2002.
Ralph Kühne, Morten Schläger, Georg Carle, “Dienstorientiertes und konvergentes Charging für Mobilfunknetze der nächsten Generation,” in VDE/ITG Mobilfunktagung, Osnabrück, May 2006.
Gerhard Münz, Albert Antony, Falko Dressler, Georg Carle, “Using Netconf for Configuring Monitoring Probes,” in Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) 2006, Poster Session, Vancouver, Canada, Apr. 2006.
Gerhard Münz, Ali Fessi, Georg Carle, Olivier Paul, Dusan Gabrijelcic, Yannick Carlinet, Sherif Yusuf, Morris Sloman, Vrizlynn Thing, Jan van Lunteren, Patricia Sagmeister, Gero Dittmann, “DIADEM Firewall: Web Server Overload Attack Detection and Response,” in Proceedings of Broadband Europe (BBEurope) 2005, Bordeaux, France, Dec. 2005.
Ralph Kühne, Uve Reimer, Morton Schläger, Falko Dressler, Changpeng Fan, Ali Fessi, Andreas Klenk, Georg Carle, “Architecture for a Service-oriented and Convergent Charging in 3G Mobile Networks and Beyond,” in 6th IEE International Conference on 3G & Beyond (3G 2005), London, UK, Nov. 2005.
Andreas Klenk, Philipp Schlicker, Ralph Kühne, Ali Fessi, Changpeng Fan, Falko Dressler, Georg Carle, “Path Coupled Accounting Mechanisms for All IP Networks,” in 6th IEE International Conference on 3G & Beyond (3G 2005), London, UK, Nov. 2005.
Falko Dressler, Andreas Klenk, Cornelia Kappler, Ali Fessi, Georg Carle, “Path-coupled Signaling for Dynamic Metering Configuration in IP-based Networks,” in IFIP 2005 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference (NAEC 2005), Riva del Garda, Italy, Oct. 2005, pp. 388–399.
Uwe Foell, Changpeng Fan, Georg Carle, Falko Dressler, Mehran Roshandel, “Service-Oriented Accounting and Charging for 3G and B3G Mobile Environments,” in 9th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management(IM 2005), Nice, France, May 2005.
Falko Dressler, Georg Carle, “HISTORY - High Speed Network Monitoring and Analysis,” in 24th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2005), poster session, Miami, FL, USA, Mar. 2005.
Falko Dressler, Gerhard Münz, Georg Carle, “CATS - Cooperating Autonomous Detection Systems,” in Proceedings of 1st IFIP International Workshop on Autonomic Communication (WAC) 2004, Poster Session, Berlin, Germany, Oct. 2004.
F. Dressler, Georg Carle, C. Fan, C. Kappler, H. Tschofenig, “NSLP for Accounting Configuration Signaling.” IETF, Jul-2004.