Dr.-Ing. Quirin Scheitle

Consultation hours
By arrangement
My research focuses on Internet-scale measurement of security and privacy aspects, with occasional deep-dives into Internet measurement methodology. I deeply care about reproducible research and sound Internet measurements. My thoughts on the latter are summarized here. As an evolved best practice, I run websites with continued measurements for two of my papers:
Research I contributed to has been awarded the Best Paper Award at TMA'17, IEEE ComSoc ITC Best Paper of 2017 Award, Best Dataset Award at TMA'17, Community Contribution Award at IMC'17, IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) 2018, Community Contribution Award at IMC'18, and Best Dataset Award at PAM'19.
- Summer term 2018: Advisor for Seminar FI
- Winter term 2017/18: Teaching Assistant for Network Security
- Winter term 2017/2018: Advisor for Seminar IITM
- Summer term 2017: Advisor for Seminar IITM
- Summer term 2017: Advisor for Seminar FI
- Winter term 2016/2017: Advisor for Seminar IITM
- Winter term 2016/2017: Advisor for Seminar FI
- Summer term 2016: Advisor for Seminar IITM
- Summer term 2016: Advisor for Seminar FI
- Winter term 2015/2016: Advisor for Seminar IITM
- Summer term 2015: Advisor for Seminar IITM
Professional Activities
- External Reviewer for LCN'17
- Shadow PC member for IMC'17
- External Reviewer for IFIP Networking'18
- External Reviewer for TMA'18
- Shadow PC member for IMC'18
- PC member for PAM'19
- PC member for SIGCOMM AEC'18
2019-07-01 | Quirin Scheitle, “Large-Scale Measurements of Internet Security and Privacy,” PhD thesis, Technical University of Munich, Jul. 2019. [DOI] [Bib] |
2019-03-01 | Wouter B. de Vries, Quirin Scheitle, Moritz Müller, Willem Toorop, Ralph Dolmans, Roland van Rijswijk-Deij, “A First Look at QNAME Minimization in the Domain Name System,” in Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM 2019), Best Dataset Award, Puerto Varas, Chile, Mar. 2019. [Url] [Bib] |
2018-11-01 | Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle, Pawel Foremski, Qasim Lone, Maciej Korczynski, Stephen D. Strowes, Luuk Hendriks, Georg Carle, “Clusters in the Expanse: Understanding and Unbiasing IPv6 Hitlists,” in Proceedings of the 2018 Internet Measurement Conference, New York, NY, USA, Nov. 2018. [Pdf] [Slides] [Homepage] [Rawdata] [Arxiv] [Blog] [DOI] [Bib] |
2018-11-01 | Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Theodor Nolte, Johanna Amann, Lexi Brent, Georg Carle, Ralph Holz, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, “The Rise of Certificate Transparency and Its Implications on the Internet Ecosystem,” in Internet Measurement Conference (2018), Boston, USA, Nov. 2018, pp. 343–349. [Rawdata] [Arxiv] [DOI] [Bib] |
2018-11-01 | Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Hohlfeld, Julien Gamba, Jonas Jelten, Torsten Zimmermann, Stephen D. Strowes, Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez, “A Long Way to the Top: Significance, Structure, and Stability of Internet Top Lists,” in Internet Measurement Conference (IMC’18), IMC’18 Community Contribution Award, Boston, USA, Nov. 2018, pp. 478–493. [Homepage] [Rawdata] [Arxiv] [DOI] [Bib] |
2018-10-01 | Paul Emmerich, Maximilian Pudelko, Quirin Scheitle, Georg Carle, “Efficient Dynamic Flow Tracking for Packet Analyzers,” in CloudNet, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2018. [Pdf] [Bib] |
2018-04-01 | Quirin Scheitle, Taejoong Chung, Jens Hiller, Oliver Gasser, Johannes Naab, Roland van Rijswijk-Deij, Oliver Hohlfeld, Ralph Holz, Dave Choffnes, Alan Mislove, Georg Carle, “A First Look at Certification Authority Authorization (CAA),” ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review (CCR), Apr. 2018. [Url] [Pdf] [Preprint] [Homepage] [Rawdata] [Bib] |
2018-03-01 | Quirin Scheitle, Jonas Jelten, Oliver Hohlfeld, Luca Ciprian, Georg Carle, “Structure and Stability of Internet Top Lists,” in PAM’18 Poster, Berlin, Mar. 2018. [Arxiv] [Bib] |
2018-01-01 | Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dominik Scholz, Florian Wohlfart, Quirin Scheitle, Paul Emmerich, Georg Carle, “High-Performance Packet Processing and Measurements (Invited Paper),” in 10th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS 2018), Bangalore, India, Jan. 2018. [Pdf] [Bib] |
2017-11-01 | Johanna Amann*, Oliver Gasser*, Quirin Scheitle*, Lexi Brent, Georg Carle, Ralph Holz, “Mission Accomplished? HTTPS Security after DigiNotar,” in Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference (IMC 2017), IMC’17 Community Contribution Award, IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) 2018, London, UK, Nov. 2017. [Url] [Pdf] [Slides] [Sourcecode] [Rawdata] [Bib] |
2017-10-01 | Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle, Benedikt Rudolph, Carl Denis, Nadja Schricker, Georg Carle, “The Amplification Threat Posed by Publicly Reachable BACnet Devices,” Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, Oct. 2017. [Url] [Pdf] [Bib] |
2017-08-01 | Quirin Scheitle, Matthias Wählisch, Oliver Gasser, Thomas C. Schmidt, Georg Carle, “Towards an Ecosystem for Reproducible Research in Computer Networking,” in ACM SIGCOMM Reproducibility Workshop, Los Angeles, USA, Aug. 2017. [Pdf] [Slides] [Bib] |
2017-06-01 | Matthias Wachs, Quirin Scheitle, Georg Carle, “Push Away Your Privacy: Precise User Tracking Based on TLS Client Certificate Authentication,” in Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), Best Paper Award TMA’17, IEEE ComSoc ITC Best Paper Award 2017, Jun. 2017. [Pdf] [Slides] [Recording] [Bib] |
2017-06-01 | Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Minoo Rouhi, Georg Carle, “Large-Scale Classification of IPv6-IPv4 Siblings with Variable Clock Skew,” in Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), Jun. 2017. [Pdf] [Slides] [Rawdata] [Recording] [Arxiv] [Bib] |
2017-06-01 | Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Patrick Sattler, Georg Carle, “HLOC: Hints-Based Geolocation Leveraging Multiple Measurement Frameworks,” in Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), Best Dataset Award, Dublin, Ireland, Jun. 2017. [Pdf] [Slides] [Rawdata] [Arxiv] [Bib] |
2017-05-01 | Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle, Carl Denis, Nadja Schricker, Georg Carle, “Security Implications of Publicly Reachable Building Automation Systems,” in Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2017. [Pdf] [Bib] |
2017-02-01 | Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle, Carl Denis, Nadja Schricker, Georg Carle, “Öffentlich erreichbare Gebäudeautomatisierung: Amplification-Anfälligkeit von BACnet und Deployment-Analyse im Internet und DFN,” in 24. DFN-Konferenz Sicherheit in vernetzten Systemen, Hamburg, Germany, Feb. 2017. [Pdf] [Bib] |
2016-04-01 | Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle, Sebastian Gebhard, Georg Carle, “Scanning the IPv6 Internet: Towards a Comprehensive Hitlist,” in Proc. 8th Int. Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, Apr. 2016. [Url] [Pdf] [Slides] [Bib] |
2016-03-01 | Quirin Scheitle, Matthias Wachs, Johannes Zirngibl, Georg Carle, “Analyzing Locality of Mobile Messaging Traffic using the MATAdOR Framework,” in Passive and Active Measurements Conference (PAM) 2016 , Heraklion, Greece, Mar. 2016, pp. 190–202. [Pdf] [Preprint] [Slides] [Homepage] [Rawdata] [DOI] [Bib] |